Mounts allow players to travel more rapidly than on foot through the lands of Middle-earth. Types of mounts available include steeds, goats, elks, boars and war-steeds.
For steeds and war-steeds, Elves and Men ride horses, while Hobbits and Dwarves ride ponies. All races can ride goats, elks and boars.
Mounts can be ridden in most locations in Middle-earth without restrictions, however, only Goats and Boars can be ridden in Moria and many areas of Gundabad, and many interior areas do not allow mounts, automatically dismounting you upon entrance. And while mounts can't swim, you will be automatically dismounted if you enter a body of water where your mount must swim!
Mount Details
How to obtain the Riding skill
To obtain most mounts from vendors or via barter, the Character must first have the Riding Skill. Some exceptions are enumerated below.
As of November 2022, all players may obtain the Riding Skill and a starter Mount by doing the quest A Little Extra Never Hurts from Jon Brackenbrook (Hobbit & Man intro), Dwalin (Dwarf & Elf intro), or Skardi Bendblade (Mossward). Beornings, High Elves, and Stout-axe Dwarves are not offered this quest in their intros, and will need to travel to Mossward in Swanfleet and get the quest from Skardi after their intro finishes.
The Riding Skill may also be purchased from the LOTRO Store, currently for as little as 95 (LP) for the basic version. This purchase can be made at any level after completing the Introduction
'There are several ways to acquire the different mount skills. You can purchase them with coin, you can earn them through deeds, you can also barter with different factions of the Free Peoples, or you can visit the LOTRO Store to purchase the skills. In fact, sometimes the Store may feature mount skills that are normally available only during seasonal events, or mounts that have been made exclusively for the store.
'In order to use mounts, you must first have the Basic Riding passive skill.'
Several mounts can be purchased from Éogar, or bartered from Cam Applewood, Stablehand or during festivals, from Will Peartree, Festival Horse Trader
The mounts take the form of items or "tokens" that are auto-consumed if the character meets the prerequisites. If the character does not meet the prerequisites, e.g. the many ways that a mount, which requires Riding skill to use, can be obtained without having that skill (see below), then the mount stays as an item in inventory/vault to be used "to learn a skill to call this mount" once the prerequisite(s) are met.
Other mounts can be acquired during Festivals, through acquiring Reputation (typically Kindred level) with certain factions or can be acquired at the LOTRO Store for LP.
Founders and Moria Expeditionaries (Moria Pre-order purchasers) will find their Bree Steed and Dusky Nimblefoot Goat already in their "Mounts panel" when a new character is created. (These are account wide.)
Owners of other various Promotional Mounts such as the PAX Steed, Anniversary Mounts or the various Rohan mounts which are also account wide, will be found as "tokens" in their bags at character creation.
When you purchase your first mount for 500 Silver (500 ), you get a passive skill, Mount Discount which allows you to buy future common mounts from Éogar at a discounted price (60%). This discount is cumulative with the Men of Bree 5% Vendor Discount acquired on achieving Acquaintance reputation level with them, for a total discount of 65%.
This passive skill is granted to you even if your first mount happens to be a reputation mount or pre-existing festival mount (new festival mounts will not grant this trait). The discount itself applies only to the mounts sold by Éogar, son of Hadorgar.
A basic steed is 500 for the first purchase and 200 (reflecting the 60% mount discount) for every regular horse purchased after. Festival mounts cost Festival Tokens, and may require a completed festival deed in order to purchase.
Mount Skills
When acquired, mounts immediately become a toggled skill. Regardless of which mount you acquire you will receive the correct mount type for your race.
Mount skills can be quick-slotted like other skills or executed directly from the Mount panel (Character Journal -> Skills -> Mounts Panel).
A keyboard shortcut which remembers your previous mount, can be set to allow you to mount-up "instantly" and another to promptly access your mounts panel (using Key Mapping Options). Since mounts are skills, you can collect all of the available varieties without having your packs fill up.
The mount/dismount keyboard shortcut is not assigned to a key with the default layout. One good suggestion is to assign it to the V key so you can easily mount up using your left thumb if you use WASD to move.
Also, a number of Lua Plugins are available which allow one to pick and choose which mount you will ride.
Mounted Interactions
Depending on your class and level, you may have skills that can be used while riding. Players may use travel skills while mounted including Milestone and Travelling skills, Hunters Wayfaring skills, Warden Mustering skills, Captain summoning and summoning from Mustering Horns. Also various emotes can be used. (See below.)
Some skills become unusable while mounted in the Ettenmoors to help preserve a level playing field. Currently, only the Hunter's tracking skills have this restriction. Hunters can still enjoy tracking on horseback while riding outside of the Ettenmoors. War-steeds cannot be ridden in the "Moors."
Resource tracking skills can be toggled and used while mounted, which is very useful for crafters. Certain resources (e.g., Scholar dye plants, and food resourcs) still require one to dismount first before attempting to harvest them.
Some items can also be used while riding, such as food, potions, and other miscellaneous items.
Every door can be opened and passed through while mounted. If the door leads to a place that does not allow riding, you will appear inside dismounted from your horse. Some special types of doors may not be usable while mounted, such as ladders.
Almost every NPC can be interacted with while you are mounted.
There are two exceptions to this:
Stable-masters still require you to dismount when purchasing a ride. You can talk to stable-masters while mounted to view the list of destination, but most will now automatically dismount you when you select your ride.
Bards will automatically dismount you when managing your traits. Similarly, applying traits to your War-steed will automatically dismount you.
Mounted Combat
Mounted Combat skills can only be executed while mounted on a war-steed and is limited to regions above Level 75.
Players may use war-steeds in any area that permits horse mounts for their speed bonuses, but may not use any mounted combat skills in lower level areas.
War-steeds may be mounted during combat should you be dismounted by an enemy or otherwise.
There are areas in Rohan, typically enemy camps or near Settlements, that are not mounted-combat areas and your mounted combat skills are disabled when you enter those areas. (You will not be dismounted, but your Mounted Quickslots become greyed out.) In most cases you will get a notice that "Mounted combat is not permitted in this area."
Mounted Emotes
Several popular emotes will animate you while mounted, and many others are allowed while mounted, although they will not be animated. In these cases the player does not animate but the emoted text is broadcast to those nearby. Some of the animations are reused with the hope that unique animations can be made over time. While sitting idle you can also make your mount randomly play one of three different animations by pressing spacebar.
The following emotes have animations when you are mounted:
With the release of Isengard, Turbine introduced mount emotes to the store for a price of 195 . Each mount emote is character bound, not account bound, but works for all of that character's mounts.
Getting hit by an attack will reduce your mount's health, and critical hits will knock you off your mount.
Your mount's health will regenerate over time.
You can stay mounted as long as you don't get knocked off by an attack or fall into a deep body of water.
Depending on what steed you are riding, Morale can differ between 60 and 250.
War-steeds are heartier than the normal variety of steed and have large amounts of Endurance (Morale) and Power as they are meant to withstand attacks from enemies.
Note: Your War-steed's Endurance and Power can be modified through the application of Traits.
a 50% Healing Carrot can be purchased in the LOTRO Store for your War-steed.
Mount Speed
Depending on what steed you are riding, mounted speed can differ greatly.
+32% for starter/founder steeds and tame goats
+62% for normal, festival and reputation steeds/goats
War-steeds are, by far, the fastest steeds and vary greatly through traits. They top out at a maximum of 16 meters per second.
Mount Display Panel
A mount display panel will appear after summoning your mount. The panel displays the mount's name and health.
Every mount arrives with a personal name that can be changed by right-clicking the Mount Display Panel and selecting the "Rename" option. Unlike pets, your mount's name is not visible to those around you.
Your War-steed also has a mount display panel which additionally tracks "Fury," a representation of your mount's power and momentum as it gains speed.
Both mount display panels can be relocated on your screen by using "Reposition UI" (There are two!). Default keybinding of "Reposition UI", for US/English keyboards/language is "ctrl-\", but see User Interface for guidance on accessing this feature with other languages/keyboards.
Types of Mounts
Founder / First Horse
VIP players can purchase the Bree Starter Steed from Éogar, son of Hadorgar, for 200 , before discounts. This is a slower version of a normal mount (+32% movement speed) and has less health, but does not require the Riding Skill to use. Like other mounts sold by Éogar, the price of this mount can be reduced by as much as 65% (to 70 ), but only by first buying a 500-silver mount from Éogar (which requires Riding Skill), to get the Mount Discount, and possessing a vendor discount from Men of Bree (Acquaintance standing). Thus, the full cost-saving is likely to only be realized by mount collectors seeking to complete their set.
This is the original founders mount, and shares the same appearance as the Bree-land Starter Steed. For all founders it appears in every newly made characters inventory and has slightly more morale than the Bree-land Starter Steed.
While not as fast as a regular, faction or deed steed, the Bree horse is a nice way to get around at a lower level. A beginner version of the Breetown Liver Chestnut it is a rich reddish Brown with black points, has a standard saddle and dark green cloth blanket.
Common Mounts
These mounts may be purchased from Éogar, son of Hadorgar at the Bree-land Horse fields. They are available to characters with the Riding skill. Once you have the riding skill, the cost of one of these horses is 500 for the first purchase or 200 after the first one.
Introduced in Update 23.3.3 January 2018, this mount is available as a random drop from Gorgoroth Lootboxes as well as a barter item from Keeper of Mysteries.
Undoubtedly one of the more difficult steeds to achieve in the game, the rank 12 PvP steed is a rich brown with white points and purple blanket, tack and banner. A suitable steed for the most dangerous warriors in the Ettenmoors.
Reputation Mounts
These mounts are available to a character who has gained reputation with a certain faction.
The Ashen is a sturdy grey and white specked horse with standard saddle and small red and gold blanket specially crafted by the skilled craftsmen of Angmar.
The Dark Chestnut is a sturdy brown and white painted horse with a standard saddle and orange and gold woven blanket handcrafted by skilled craftsmen of Evendim.
The Tundra horse is a very sturdy horse specially suited for cold climates. It is a classic longhaired rich golden palomino mount with white points, a standard saddle and no blanket.
The very prized Galadhrim horse is indeed one of the most majestic of all the horses in Middle Earth. It is a pure white horse with a standard saddle and a blanket handcrafted by the Silvan Elves of the Golden Wood.
The Prized Rangers of Esteldín steed is a pure blonde steed with white points. A full saddle and saddlebags sit atop an olive and gold blanket and brown leather tack.
The only real faction steed available to early riders, the Liver Chestnut is a rich Reddish-Brown with black points, has a standard saddle and forest green cloth blanket.
This is a beautiful steed for those who have earned the respect of the Malledhrim Elves. Like its name, it is a prized grey steed with black points and ornately carved brown and gold leather tack and saddle.
This design was the winner in the EU LOTRO horse design contest as is now available as a faction steed. Like its name, it is a smoky black with white star. It comes with a brown leather saddle, saddlebags and leg braces.
The Grey Company is a dark grey steed with black mane and tail. It is equipped with solid and sturdy leather tack crafted special for members of the Grey Company.
The Algraig steed is a light grey steed with white mane and tail and tribal markings. It is equipped with solid and sturdy leather tack crafted by the skilled craftsmen of the Men of Enedwaith.
Sure to make certain that you never run out of ale, the brown and white painted Inn League steed is equipped with 4 mini-kegs and a light blue saddle blanket.
Contrary to the Inn League, the Ale Association provides a special Goat for their kindred members. The goat is equipped with 4 mini-kegs and a red blanket. Sure to keep you and your fellowship quite merry! This goat is also a selection option from the Steeds of the Tireless Box.
The Thorin's Hall Goat is dark grey goat with ornate dwarven tack and blue blanket. Equipped with saddlebags, storage chest and bedroll. A better way to get around Middle Earth would be hard to find!
The prized Helmingas steed is blonde sorrel horse. Equipped with full plate armour. A better way to show of your reputation with the guards of Helm's Deep would be hard to find!
These are special mounts that are available during certain Festivals. They are only available to characters who have the Riding trait. To acquire these mounts starting with Yule Festival 2012, you must collect a number of Festival Tokens and possibly a Golden Festival Token and then barter for the mount at either Hengstacer Farm or the appropriate festival vendor. Prior to the Yule Festival, you had to complete the Festival Horse Races and acquire a Festival Run Token, collect a number of Festival Tokens then barter for the mount at Hengstacer Farm. Some mounts are found as random drops during certain festivals, such as the Painted Skeleton Steed during Harvest Festivals.
This steed was introduced to celebrate the 5th LOTRO Anniversary Celebration It is outfitted with crates of fireworks on its sides which occasionally shoot off. Features fireworks effect.
This steed was introduced to celebrate the 6th LOTRO Anniversary Celebration. It is outfitted with crates of fireworks on its sides which occasionally shoot off. Features fireworks effect.
In celebration of the summer season, the Lithe festival horse has a standard saddle with a festive green and yellow sunflower blanket. Introduced during Summer Festival 2009.
In celebration of the summer season, the Pale Golden festival horse is a pale tan colour with black points and has a very decorative saddle and tack in a gilded golden style. Introduced during Summer Festival 2010.
In celebration of the summer season, the Summerfest festival horse is a white horse with a bright green saddle, lavishly decorated with golden symbols. Introduced during Summer Festival 2011.
In celebration of the summer season, the Summerfest festival horse is a white horse with a bright green saddle, a picnic basket on it's back ready to carry any rider off to the perfect picnic place. Introduced during Summer Festival 2018.
In celebration of the summer season, the Summerfest festival horse is a brown horse with a bright green saddle, a picnic basket on it's back ready to carry any rider off to the perfect picnic place. Introduced during Summer Festival 2018.
The Springtime steed is an aged dark blonde steed with grey mane and tail. A brown decorative leather saddle with green accents sits atop this steed along with a very decorative gold and yellow festive blanket and leg braces, all with green trim.
This steed was introduced to celebrate the Wedding of Arwen and Aragorn during the Midsummer Festival. It was received from a Hobbit Gift during this time.
In celebration of Yule, the Glittering Yule Festival steed is a grey and white steed with dusty brown points. It has a white fur saddle and is adorned with a festive blue and white glitter patterned blanket and leg wraps.
The Treasure Laden Steed is a rare find from the Treasure Hunt field. It is a Blonde Sorrel mount and has a treasure chest and treasure sacks on its back and sheds coins as it moves.
The Treasure Laden Goat is a rare find from the Treasure Hunt field. It is tan in color and has a treasure chest and treasure sacks on its back and sheds coins as it moves.
The Cave-claw Masked Steed is a rare find from the Treasure Hunt field, briefly available during the Treasure Hunt event in December 2011. It is a grey mount with cave-claw tack.
The Harvest-brew Goat can be bartered for Buried Treasure Tokens during the Treasure Hunt Event. Introduced in September 2012, this mount is a brown goat with beer paraphernalia attached to the tack.
This mount was available from the Bounder's Bounty Vendor after the Bounders reached their fundraising goal. As of Update 12, Helm's Deep - November 20, 2013, this mount can no longer be obtained. Characters who had obtained it before the update may still use it.
Truly a steed fit for the expert herbalist, the North Ithilien Wilds steed has a warm chocolate brown coat and pale golden tail. Tack includes a detailed, ornate wooden saddle, accompanied by matching decorative halter, caparison, and leggings in a green and gold floral pattern, with an embellished tail.
One of the fastest steeds in Middle Earth, the Steed of Eriador is a majestic white steed with brown and gold elven braided styled tack and an awesome scarlet banner. A fitting reward to any soldier who has earned a place in the heart of literally all the peoples of Eriador.
One of the fastest steeds in Middle Earth, the Elf Ambassador Steed is a rich blonde steed with white elven styled tack and an awesome white banner. The Elf Ambassador steed is quite fitting an Elf Lord.
The Dúnedain Great-steed is a very nice award for completing the Saviour of Eriador meta deed chain. It is a white and grey steed with an ornate red blanket and silver inlaid decorative saddle. Also, like the Smoky Black and Galadhrim War Steed, it has leg braces and war-associated tack.
The Galadhrim War Horse is an awesome award for completing the Tempest of Dol Goldur meta deed in Mirkwood. It is a pure white steed with an ornate green blanket and standard saddle. Also, like the Smoky Black, it has leg braces and war associated tack.
Equipped with all the tools for the adventurer, the goat is the only way to get around Moria. The Nimble Black Goat is a very suitable award for completing the Saviour of Khazâd-Dûm meta deed chain.
Equipped with all the tools for the adventurer, the goat is the only way to get around Moria. The Wild Mountain Goat is a very nice award for completing the Saviour of Lothlorien meta deed chain.
One of the single most difficult to acquire mounts in the game. A grey and white specked horse, with a prismatic blanket, awarded from the completion of all deeds in the Orthanc cluster.
This simple, yet elegant, steed has rich chestnut coloring and dons a royal blue satin caparison embellished with gold trim and stars at its breast and flanks. It is a token of the Camp of the Host's gratitude for favour earned in The Wastes on the eve of the Battle of the Black Gate.
Hard-won and well-deserved, this exceptionally lavish snow-white steed comes fully geared in heavy silver armor plating and elegant denim-blue skirting. From its horned head to its plated hooves and tail, this steed is sure to make an impression on those you meet in your travels throughout Middle-earth.
Hard-won and well-deserved, this exceptionally lavish steed comes fully geared in heavy silver armor plating and skirting. From its armour-plated head to its plated hooves and tail, this steed is sure to make an impression on those you meet in your travels throughout Middle-earth.
A heavily armoured mount of Minas Tirith that has seen the toughest action in Pelennor Fields! A chain enforced caparison props up a leather saddle. Layered, ornate, plate metal adorns the mount’s neck and chest, protecting it from spears..
This magnificent steed has a dark charcoal coat with glistening chocolate undertones and amber eyes. It is bedecked with a glimmering saddle pad, a fiery neck guard and reinforced leather saddle, bridle and leg boots. This steed is also 6% faster than an average steed. Due to its morale and speed, this is undoubtedly the best steed a character can ride at lower levels.
First available April 22 - May 6, 2011 This silver-grey horse, draped in a flowing bright blue and white covering with matching banner, is meant to display and carry the fearsome Guard of Isildur into battle. The soldiers of Minas Ithil, long since seized by the Enemy and renamed Minas Morgul, would have ridden these steeds. There are some Free Peoples who still remember the Tower of the Moon, and they dress their loyal steeds in the livery of Minas Ithil as a sign to the forces of Mordor that some things cannot be stamped out forever. This steed is inspired by the Volume 3: Book 3 Epic Story, which features a flashback to the time of Isildur and his companion soldiers of Minas Ithil.
First available July 1 - 14, 2011 This steed is descended from stock gifted to Cirion, Steward of Gondor, by Eorl the Young following the Battle of the Field of Celebrant and the granting of the lands of Calenardhon to Eorl and his people. The barding represents the flowering fields beneath a blue sky and symbolizes the creation of the sovereign nation of Rohan.
First available October 19 - November 7, 2011 A glow-in-the-dark painted steed, coloured jet black and patterned with luminous green skeleton bones! This steed has 250 health and allows the character purchasing it to travel 68% faster than running on foot.
This is no miner's goat. This silky long-haired grey goat is outfitted to swiftly traverse mountain pathways and dark, subterranean tunnels, rather than carry heavy gear and provisions. It is sturdy enough to ride through the Orc-ridden halls of Moria, yet lightly armoured so as not to hinder its ability to move quickly and with great agility, making it highly prized among the messengers of the Iron Garrison.
First available in 2018 A noble woodland Elk! This steed has 250 health and allows you to travel 68% faster than running on foot, making it faster and stronger than many other mounts! Once purchased this skill can be found in the Mounts area of the Skill panel.
Mount Bundles
Store-exclusive mounts with matching War-steed cosmetics.
First available December 17, 2012 This steed has barding made of heavy, plated black leather with metal studs and a bright, cloth underlay. It comes with a matching War-steed appearance set.
First available December 17, 2012 This steed has barding made of plated black leather with metal studs and a cloth underlay. It comes with a matching War-steed appearance set.
First available February 1 - 28, 2013 Black as the Night, this unique looking horse has 250 Morale and is as fast as a reputation mount. The horse has the added benefit of not knocking you off immediately when critically hit by an attacker. This steed has barding made of embossed metal plating, decorative leather and cloth, and comes with a matching War-Steed Appearance.
First available May 1 - 31, 2013 This steed has barding made of coloured formed leather in the shape of stylized wings at the shoulders and head, with a cloth caparison.
First available October 7 - October 20, 2011 A Hunter's mount must be light and swift to chase down his quarry, yet sturdy enough to bear the weight of the Hunter's tools: traps, quivers, and provisions for a long, cold night. Descended from the wild horses of the Rhovanion plains, this steed will bravely bear its master against the forces of darkness.
First available November 23 - December 8, 2011 A Guardian's steed must be strong and stout to bear the weight of its master's heavy armour and arms. This sturdy mount has an attractive steel gray coat with a black tail and its rugged tack is well designed to carry weapons, shields, and provisions for a long journey to war and danger. This steed has 250 health and allows you to travel 68% faster than running on foot, making it faster and stronger than many other mounts!
First available January 26 - February 9, 2012 Rune-keepers require a large number of tools and implements to ply their trade – rifflers and chisels, stones and writing tools – and their mounts must be capable of bearing them all. The Rune-keeper's steed is well-supplied and ready for a long journey. This liver chestnut steed wears a teal blue saddle pad with silver embroidery and matching neck covering, and its tack is marked with runes of endurance and speed to ensure its rider swift travels. This steed has 250 health and allows you to travel 68% faster than running on foot, making it faster and stronger than many other mounts!
First available April 20 - May 3, 2012 Champions are the masters of many weapons, which means their mounts must be able to bear the weight of their arms. This sturdy grey steed is equipped and especially trained for battle, strong enough to bear both arms and armour—both his rider's and his own. Bedecked with leather and bronze plates with belts of gold, the Champion's Steed exemplifies the mount of a warrior. This steed has 250 health and allows you to travel 68% faster than running on foot.
First available June 21 - July 5, 2012 Burglars are at their strongest when moving silently through the shadows and need a mount that can do the same. The Steed of the Burglar is of a dusky colour and wears leather armour of dulled grey, green, and brown, specifically chosen to blend into the varying environments its rider may move through. The Burglar's Steed has plenty of bag space to carry the implements of its master: picks, marbles, stun dust, and what not. This steed has 250 health and allows you to travel 68% faster than running on foot.
First available August 3 - August 16, 2012 Lore-masters are seekers and practitioners of ancient lore and knowledge. Their steeds must be arrayed such that they can bear numerous scrolls, parchments, and writing implements. This mount is blanketed in a deep blue embroidered with silver stars to reflect the night sky, the realm of Elbereth Gilthoniel, revered of the Elves who are the greatest of lore-masters.
First available October 4-18, 2012 Minstrels bear the burden of carrying Middle-earth's history through song and tale. Their gifts bring merriment through a Tavern sing-along as well as boost the strength and morale of hardened warriors in the thick of battle. This Blonde Sorrel steed is delightfully decorated with ribbon, caparison, and instruments are tied to the croup. It's a cheerful and welcoming sight for both town-folk and the front line.
First available November 15 - 29, 2012 Long have the Free Peoples of Middle-earth stood tall against forces of darkness. Among them are Captains who muster strength and perseverance while smiting the threats that bear down on them. This Captains' steed is lightly armoured with steel plating on the head, neck, and hindquarters. Bright coloured details on the caparison allow for easy recognition in the fields of battle.
First available December 20-31, 2012 Far along the borders of the Wild, protecting civilized lands from harm are the prepared Warden. For generations they have been held with high admiration for their swift call to action and their steadfast resolve in protecting the inhabitance of Middle-earth. The Steed of the Warden is outfitted with the bare needs of a patroller. It’s lightly armoured in key areas, with enough space for javelins, shields, and provisions.
Promotional Mounts
These mounts are available from attending certain events (such as PAX East) or taking advantage of certain offers (such as pre-orders or content bundles).
Those that attended the PAX East 2011 received a code which may be redeemed for this promotional mount bearing the winning design of the "Design a Horse Contest: PAX East Edition" contest. It was also distributed via Extra Life 2014.
Promotional codes for this mount were handed out at PAX East 2012 with giveaways also happening through the LOTRO Twitter. It was also distributed via Extra Life 2014.
Equipped with all the tools for the adventurer, the goat is the only way to get around Moria as "Moria is no place for horses". The Dusky Nimblefoot Goat is a dusky tan in colour and blue blanket and tack. Equally as fast as a regular steed but not at sturdy.
The Rohirrim steeds are fantastic blonde sorrel mounts with Rohirrim drapery with individual symbols. Equipped with ornate sturdy saddle and tack as well as facial and neck armour! Players received a choice of one of the three steeds with the Heroic Edition of Rise of Isengard and received all three steeds after pre-ordering the Legendary Edition.
The Rohirrim steeds are fantastic blonde sorrel mounts with Rohirrim drapery with individual symbols. Equipped with ornate sturdy saddle and tack as well as facial and neck armour! Players received a choice of one of the three steeds with the Heroic Edition of Rise of Isengard and received all three steeds after pre-ordering the Legendary Edition.
The Rohirrim steeds are fantastic blonde sorrel mounts with Rohirrim drapery with individual symbols. Equipped with ornate sturdy saddle and tack as well as facial and neck armour! Players received a choice of one of the three steeds with the Heroic Edition of Rise of Isengard and received all three steeds after pre-ordering the Legendary Edition.
The Winged Herald Steed is awarded to accounts that successfully refer five new players. This mount is also a selection option from the Steeds of the Tireless Box