Deeds of Imlad Morgul and Mordor Besieged

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Deed Lore

Complete deeds in Imlad Morgul and Mordor Besieged.

To complete this deed perform the following objective(s)

Can Minas Morgul ever truly be cleansed of its evil? I do not know, but my king has commanded it, and therefore we will try to see it done.' - Faramir, Prince of Ithilien
'These lands have changed over time, as is the nature of all things. But for the Black Land and the Morgul Vale, that nature is evil, for Sauron and his servants had a hand in it. I do not know how these lands might have fared had Sauron not come to this place and taken it for his own, but things might have been otherwise.' - Gandalf
'The roots of the tale begin more than three thousand years ago, and span even unto the present. But to the Great Powers that is only a small portion indeed.' - Gandalf
'Sauron ruled his armies through fear, even before his defeat at the hands of the Last Alliance, and that fear remains though he does not. It is a lash both cruel and effective, and still it drives his servants against us.' - Gandalf


   5 LOTRO Points
   200 Marks
  10 Sigil of Imlad Ithil
   Steed of the Minas Ithil Hero
   <name>, Hero of the White Company
   4000 Virtue Experience
   Increased Reputation with The White Company ( 1,200 )

Additional Information

  • This deed is available at level 120.
  • For female characters, their title will be "Heroine of the White Company".