Item:Lothlórien Gold Leaf

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Lothlórien Gold Leaf
  • Bind On Acquire
  • Item Level: 1
  • Barter Item
  • "A small gold leaf. This can be traded with the Elves of Lothlórien."
  • Worth: 10 Copper 
  • Stacks to 100

Item Information

These items are granted as quest rewards for many quests in Lothlórien. They can be traded to various barter vendors for special items.

Quest Information

This item is a reward for the following quests:

Barter Information

Barterer: Cweneron (Caras Galadhon in Lothlórien)

Item(s) to Receive Item(s) to Trade

 Lothlórien Gold Leaf 10 Medallion of Lothlórien

Barterers: Galadhrim Reputation Traders at:

Item to Receive Items to Trade
 Lothlórien Gold Leaf 3 Iron Garrison Resource Tokens


Item to Receive Items to Trade
 Lothlórien Gold Leaf 15 Lothlórien Silver Branches

Barterer: Tharnelleth (Cerin Amroth in Lothlórien)

Item to Receive Items to Trade
5 Lothlórien Silver Branches  Lothlórien Gold Leaf

Barterer: Nelliel (Caras Galadhon in Lothlórien)

Ally - Jewelry, Permanent Bonuses and Consumables
Item to Receive Items to Trade
2 Wildlife of Middle-earth Tomes
Lothlórien Gold Leaf
20 Lothlórien Silver Branches
2 Tinderboxes
Lothlórien Gold Leaf
20 Lothlórien Silver Branches
 Ring of the Golden Wood
12 Lothlórien Gold Leaves
40 Lothlórien Silver Branches
 Earring of Caras Galadhon
12 Lothlórien Gold Leaves
40 Lothlórien Silver Branches
 Ring of the Dreamflower
12 Lothlórien Gold Leaves
40 Lothlórien Silver Branches
 Lothlórien Protector's Manacle
12 Lothlórien Gold Leaves
40 Lothlórien Silver Branches
 Choker of Laurelindórenan
12 Lothlórien Gold Leaves
40 Lothlórien Silver Branches
 Inscription of Benefits
25 Lothlórien Gold Leaves
50 Lothlórien Silver Branches

Barterer: Ganneldúr (Caras Galadhon in Lothlórien)