Owlsong Fiddlesticks
Owlsong Fiddlesticks (October 19, 2017), known also as "Owl", is an American Hobbit singer, poet and songwriter born on Durin's Day. She is the lead vocalist and leader of The Midnight Owl Band. She has been in Middle-earth on the Brandywine server since the game was launched back in 2007. For other Hobbits with the same name, see here
Owlsong was born in Hobbiton, The Shire, as the seventh child of Bonnie and Clyde Fydylstyks of the Fallohides. Although her birth generated public interest, she was not expected to become a famous musician. She was educated privately at home and began to undertake public duties during the Battle of Pelennor Fields serving as a Minstrel in the Minas Tirith Royal Guard.
After the war Fiddlesticks visited a number of realms, where she has defended a staggering amount of innocent people against Sauron and the forces of evil. It's through these efforts Fiddlesticks was awarded countless gifts and legendary titles becoming the most decorated Minstrel of The Shire. She is known for raising spirits and aiding in recovery on the battlefield. It was during this time she took up musical instruments as a Hobby, with a particular interest in the Clarinet.
Fiddlesticks has become known as one of the most popular entertainers in Middle-earth. While she never learned how to read music, she worked very hard from a young age to improve her abilities in all aspects of music. Her songs contains themes of sorrow, moral tribulation, and redemption. From her trademark all-black stage wardrobe to her charismatic nature, Fiddlesticks is renowned for her style and presence. A perfectionist and Clarinet Virtuoso.
This article is a Player character biography page The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official Lotro history or occurrences which are accurate for all worlds. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only. |
Owlsong Fiddlesticks | |
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The Midnight Owl Band | |
World: | Brandywine |
Vocation: | Entertainer |
Class: | Minstrel |
Race: | Hobbit |
Region: | The Shire |
Age: | Unknown |
Height: | 3'3" |
Sex: | Female |
Skin: | White |
Hair: | Platinum Blonde |
Eye: | Blue |

Owlsong FiddlesticksThe Fydylstyks Family Crest and Coat of Arms. The Heraldic Owl is depicted with its wings and talons outstretched ready to strike. The yellow background combined with a black owl represents Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, where Owlsong was raised. The red, white and blue represents The United States of America. The golden leaves representing California where Owlsong was born intertwined with green leaves that represent living a simple hobbit life in The Shire.
Fiddlesticks - An exclamation made to indicate "nonsense; rubbish".
The term fiddlesticks derives from the literal 'fiddle sticks', that is, the bows that are used to play violins. Those have been named in English since the 15th century - then as 'Fydylstyks'. The word was appropriated to indicate absurdity in the 17th century. Thomas Nashe used it that way in the play Summer's Last Will and Testament, 1600:
A fiddlesticke! ne're tell me I am full of words.
There's nothing inherently comic about a violin bow. It seems that 'fiddlestick' was chosen just because it sounds like a comedy word, like 'scuttlebutt' (a cask of drinking water), 'lickspittle' (a sycophant) and 'snollygoster' (an unprincipled person). In the same way the 'I don't give a fig' was originally 'I don't give a fig's end', that is, it referred to something insignificant, 'fiddlesticks' was originally 'fiddlestick's end', that is, it was a reference to something paltry, trifling and absurd.

A Hobbit Life

hen the last Moon of Autumn appeared in the night sky and the first Sun of Winter set, a thrush knocked in lands far away. It was Durin's Day. The first day of the Dwarves' New Year in Middle-earth. But back in the village of Hobbiton, it was just another day. The weather was completely flawless and the wind gentle. All was quiet throughout The Shire until another knock was heard. It wasn't a thrush, for this knock sounded a bit different. It was more of a thumping sound and coming from a pumpkin. This startled Bonnie Fydylstyks as she got up and set the pumpkin on the ground. The pumpkin burst open and a Hobbit came rolling out.
Experiencing the birth of a Hobbit is a sight to behold, still to this day it leaves many speechless. You could hear a pin drop as an Owl began to sing from a nearby tree on this joyous occasion. "What's her name?" someone asked. Bonnie stood in shock before gathering her wits and said, "Her name is Owlsong!" The crowd erupted in cheers and the party was soon underway. They wrapped Owlsong in a blanket and placed her in a straw wagon that was led uphill by a young mule named Santiago to The Party Tree.

It's a well-known custom for Hobbits to give away gifts on their birthdays. But what many don't know is they actually receive gifts on the day they are born. Owlsong was given many fine presents from folks all across The Shire that would make any Hobbit jealous: Her first hat, a bag of marbles, a kite, a brand new walking stick, and a barrel of frozen ice cream just to name a few. Her favorite present was a new born bunny whom she named Floppy. It didn't take them long to become best friends. Any place Owlsong went Floppy followed, and any where Floppy went Owlsong wasn't far behind. Oh, the places they went!
One day they decided to have a picnic outside the forest. It was a fine summer day without a cloud in the sky. They laughed and ate carrots together until they heard a cry coming from within the dark trees. "Do you hear that?" They both heard a cry of pain and suffering which made the hairs stand up on her feet. Owlsong told Floppy to go investigate, so the rabbit went deep into the woods and found a Chipmunk crying on a tree stump. "Are you ok?" Floppy asked. The chipmunk looked up with tears pouring out of his eyes mumbling, "Parents.. Eaten.. Wolves.. I'm lost and all alone." The chipmunk continued to cry as Owlsong walked up to the stump. "What's your name little buddy? she softly asked. "My name?" "I.. don't.. have.. a.. name.." the chipmunk sobbed. "I shall call you Arpeggio!" "Come join our picnic friend, I've brought extra carrots." Owlsong turned around and shed a tear, but was quick to wipe it away. She was never the same. It had the most profound impact on her life as she realized the world is not such a nice place.

Hobbiton has always been home to the Fydylstyks Family dating back to the year of 1601 of the Third Age until Clyde Fydylstyks got a job cutting down trees in the Frogmoors. The long walk up-hill both ways eventually started to wear on him. He decided to pack up the entire family and move everyone to Frogmorton which made perfect sense at the time. Owlsong and Floppy wasn't happy. They loved growing up in Hobbiton. Arpeggio on the other hand embraced Frogmorton. He enjoyed the trees as any chipmunk would.
One night after dinner - Owlsong, Floppy and Arpeggio decided to play a new game. They would follow Arpeggio from tree to tree and watch how far the chipmunk could jump. It was a fun game while it lasted. As they got deeper into the forest they stumbled upon a Goblin whelp. "Who are you?" Owlsong asked. "Don't hurt me!" the goblin begged. "I'm not going to hurt you. Come closer so I can see you." The goblin creeped forward into the moonlight revealing it's green lumpy skin that nearly scared Floppy to death.
"Why you have green skin?" she asked, "I bet you got it from swimming with frogs." This upset the goblin as it inched closer hissing, "You should run! You cannot defeat me!" Owlsong chuckled and said, "I'm surely not afraid of you." "Who do you think you are?" "Floppy doesn't like you either and I bet the frogs don't like you!" She continued to voice her displeasure as Floppy quickly hid behind her. "You probably can't even swim!" She kept raising her voice in defiance as the goblin slowly pulled out his dirty stained dagger as she began to yell, "I might not like frogs! But I've got several frog friends!" All of a sudden the goblin was struck in the head by several acorns from Arpeggio, whom was high in the tree which caused the goblin to fumble and drop his weapon.
Owlsong quickly picked up the dagger pointing it at the goblin and whispered, "You think I don't swim with frogs?" The goblin took one look at her and was terrified. It fled with haste back into the dark shadows from which it spawn. Owlsong looked up at the moon taking a deep breath before throwing the rusty dagger into a swampy pool. She sat down on a log as her older sisters came running to see what was wrong. "We heard you screaming, is everything alright?" asked eldest sister Owlharp whom was quite concerned.
"You sure can yell!" Owlstar said. "We could of heard you all the way from Hobbiton!" Arpeggio explained to the sisters what happen and how Owlsong got into a fight with a goblin. Floppy told everyone how she protected them and drove that nasty goblin back into the woods. Owlsong didn't know it at the time, but she was becoming a leader. She followed her six sisters back home to discover a pumpkin burst open. She was no longer the youngest child once Owlhunt came rolling out.

Word eventually reached Bonnie about the fight. She convinced Clyde that Frogmorton was dangerous and certainly not a place to raise a family. So Clyde got a different job working for the Primstone family as a "Shrew Exterminator". The Fydylstyks packed up and moved to Michel Delving. This settlement had everything for young Hobbits.
It was a culture shock for Owlsong. Coming from such a small place like Frogmorton to a big town left her speechless. She was always a shy Hobbit.
The Michel Delving Night Life is simply amazing. Parties that would last all night with an abundance of food, drink and music. Provided you have the extra coin for it. The Fydylstyks grew up a poor family. Mostly because Clyde couldn't hold a full-time job for very long, but that never stopped them from enjoying the live performers. They didn't have extra coin to join any clubs. However, It was a major influence on Owlharp, who formed her very own Club. The Fydylstyks would spend hours watching the Bards perform at night; but Owlsong had other important matters weighing on her mind. It was during these performances, she would sneak off with Floppy and Arpeggio to an old abandon cabin in the woods.
It was a small dark room that had no door. It wasn't very big. Even to a young Owlsong it was just a tiny place. It did have a distinct smell to it. One of age and the other of burnt timber. It was here she brought food for an injured Shrew she found while walking down the road one day. He had a broken leg and couldn't move. She bandaged his little leg and placed him in a dirty cracked fish tank. She came to feed him everyday checking on his progress, but never gave him a name. If something bad was ever to happen, it would of broke her heart. She just called him Mouse. One day while visiting - She noticed Mouse was happy and moving around again. She loved him so much and never wanted to let him go but understood she had no other choice. Owlsong didn't know it at the time, but she was taking her first steps as a healer.

After Mouse rejoined his family it made Owlsong very happy. She started to embrace her new life in Michel Delving and began singing every place she went. Often trying to imitate the local Bards which made Floppy and Arpeggio extremely happy. Even to this day, the chickens flock to hear her sing. As she began to sing one early morning a Thrush landed on a rock next to her and began to knock. "Hello tiny bird" she said. "I heard you singing so I flew over to join in" said the thrush. "I'm Birdsong. What's your name?" he chirped politely. "How funny! Mine is Owlsong!" They laughed and started to sing together as the sun melted the dew from the green grass.
"I wish I could fly like a bird" she said. "All I got is a kite." The thrush nodded at her as she began to ponder the idea. She never flew that Kite she was gifted on her birthday.
It's not even possible to fly a kite in Frogmorton. Her eyes grew big as she looked up noticing the flat field infront of her as the wind gently blew.
The wait was finally over. Today is the day. She jumped up with enthusiasm in her voice saying, "I'll be right back!"
She ran home as fast as her little hobbit legs would carry her and came running back even faster. She never been so happy in her entire life. Birdsong said he would fly next to the kite once it was up in the air. So she placed it on the ground making sure the string was aligned in the perfect direction before taking off with it. She ran very fast for a Hobbit. Birdsong chirped and flapped his wings before taking flight from the nearby rock. She was flying a kite and having the time of her life.
Owlsong looked up at the kite in the blue sky before releasing a scream that was heard across all Middle-earth. "AAAHHHH!" She felt the fangs of a venomous snake sink deep into the back of her leg while dropping the kite string. And as if it couldn't get any worse: "AAAAAAAHHHHHHH!" she screamed in horror feeling the deadly venom being injected into her body. Time stood still as she looked down at the back of her right calf. A giant snake with it's huge fangs sunk into her. She took off running with the snake still attached. Birdsong flew straight at her attacking the snake but it would not let go. She ran in circles screaming in agony! The thrush was finally able to pull the snake from her before she stopped collapsing to the ground. In a flash her life changed as she thought it was her end before slipping into a deep slumber.
Owlsong slowly woke that evening, barely opening her eyes and was in tremendous pain. She was happy to be alive but never flew another kite after that day.

The benefit of being stuck at home was the food. Hobbits love to eat and for Owlsong it became a new hobby. Floppy would bring her fresh carrots from the garden and Arpeggio would deliver walnuts on the hour. She began with Breakfast at 7am, Second Breakfast 9am, followed up with Third Breakfast 10am before Elevenses at 11am. After a quick nap she would partake in Brunch 12pm, Lunch 1pm before Afternoon Tea at 3pm. It was Dinner at 6pm before ending the day with Supper around 9pm.

It took Owlsong several months to recover her strength after watching another pumpkin burst open. Clyde and Bonnie surprised everyone when they decided to move the family back to Hobbiton. It made everyone very happy especially Owlsong who was still recovering. Birdsong came to visit her everyday and sang songs for hours and sometimes all night.
This inspired her sisters to form a Band. They wasn't very good at the time but Owlsong enjoyed the noise they produced together.
Once she was back on her feet, her views on life become more clear. She alway's helped those in need and spent hours working for the "Party Planners" at The Party Tree. She learned valuable lessons from working on the farm from morning until late night. She was never paid for any of her hard work but was surprised one year at Yule when she received a large sum of money from the farm.
She purchased her first pony riding all over The Shire delivering pies but was never compensated because they spoiled. She met an upcoming Banker from Waymeet and entrusted him with the rest of her gold who later claimed to have lost it. She filed a complaint with a local Bounder but never got any of her money back. Owlsong knew from an early age that money doesn't buy happiness.
One day while listening to her sisters practice she started to sing along with Birdsong. This peaked the interest of everyone in the room. Not only did she sing along with the thrush but over-powered him at times. The bird taught her how to sing. Everyone was amazed at her vocal range. "Can you scream?" Owlbass asked drowning her out with the tractor bass.
Owlsong tried to scream but it wasn't very loud rather quite faint. "Scream like when that snake bit you!" shouted Owldrum. She let out a yell so loud it almost broke the windows. "You need to join the band." they insisted. She looked at Birdsong and he gave his approval. Floppy and Arpeggio also thought it was a good idea so she joined the band.
It was an "Unexpected Journey" growing up in The Shire and being a Hobbit isn't always easy. Owlsong maybe small but she got a heart of gold. The memories and experiences she has endured will always define her and nobody can ever take that away. The story does not end here but continues down the path. This is her story, A Hobbit Life.
The Owl Gang

The Owl Gang is an outlaw band of Wild Hobbits led by Owlsong Fiddlesticks, who robbed Goblins, Orcs, Trolls and Dragons throughout the Third Age. The Owl Gang was established by Owlsong Fiddlesticks two years after the formation of The Midnight Owl Band. On September 07, 2019, three members of the gang tried to rob The Auction House in South Bree, Bree-land. One died on the scene, while the other two escaped. However, on September 21, a search party caught up with the Younger sister and Owlsong Fiddlesticks. They were shackled and taken to Bree-town Jail, where they were met by crowds of curious onlookers when they arrived, but shortly after escaped.
On October 08, 2019, the gang robbed the Waymeet Post Office near Michel Delving, The Shire, making off with about $1,000 gold. Afterward, Owlward Fydylstyks was captured by a posse and named her accomplices before being killed. The gang robbed Holly Hornblower in Hobbiton that same year, making off with hundreds of spoiled pies in the second robbery. These robberies were the first in a spree of crimes as the gang continued to rob in Stock, Trestlebridge, and Oatbarton. In November 2021, Owlsong and her family moved to Eithel-E-Chun, Falathlorn, and gave up their life of crime.
Of the other members of the Notorious Owl Gang:
Owlhunt Fydylstyks

Owlhunt Fydylstyks (November 1, 2017) was born in Frogmorton of The Shire.
Owlhunt began her career hunting frogs at a very young age, and quickly honed her skills by protecting the border of Brockenborings from wild goblins. She was trained by Halros who taught her how to trap and track small game. With her keen vision, smell, strength and deadly-aim, she has become a dangerous ranger of The Shire, and is well-known throughout Middle-earth. Owlhunt now travels the world on hunting trips to pursue some of the biggest and most dangerous game animals. Rumor has it, she can move about without ever being seen. Extremely Dangerous.
Crafting Vocation: Woodworker Forester
Owlrock Fydylstyks

Owlrock Fydylstyks (December 25, 2021) was born in Frostbluff.
Owlrock became a warrior from a young age and unlike her contemporaries on the battle field, being a warrior is the only career she has ever known. In fact she is geared towards warfare; every facet of her life is aimed at increasing in power. It should come as no surprise that she is one of the deadliest Hobbit warriors in Middle-earth. Her weapon of choice is the long spear, while using her shield as a secondary weapon. A relentless war chant makes her the most feared opponent upon the battle field. Ice in her veins. She has studied the Art of War.
Crafting Vocation: Scholar
Owlhoot Fydylstyks

Owlhoot Fydylstyks (August 13, 2022) was born in Nobottle, The Yondershire.
Known for being a troublemaker and having no respect for authority. Owlhoot and her twin sister Owlkick Fydylstyks was split up during their teen years after causing lots of mayhem/damage to the Nobottle and Tighfield farmlands. Owlhoot was sent to live with her Aunt in Woodhall, the Green Hill Country of The Shire in hopes of being transformed, but it did not work. After she was caught with sixteen crates of stolen mushrooms from Bamfurlong by the local Bounder, she was sentenced to one year of hard labor at Northcotton Farm.
Vocation: Explorer
Owlkick Fydylstyks

Owlkick Fydylstyks (Auguest 13, 2022) was born in Nobottle, The Yondershire.
Owlkick was raised in Nobottle and has been there ever since. Always known for fighting with her older sisters, she's been battle-tested on more then one occasion. She works for Arno Diggle at The Fox and Fiddle Tavern as a part-time security guard. She patrols and inspects the property against fire, theft, vandalism, and illegal activity. It's her job to monitor people and buildings in an effort to prevent crime with such tall folk invading The Yondershire. Her hands are registered as deadly weapons. She is the twin sister of Owlhoot Fydylstyks.
Vocation: Drinking
Owlwise Fydylstyks

Owlwise Fydylstyks (September 21, 2022) was born in Gamwich, The Yondershire.
Owlwise spent most of her time growing up in Tuckborough in the West-farthing of The Shire. She is a writer, poet, linguist, philologist, and academic. Her love for books began when she read her first novel by Ronald Dwale. Besides her enjoyment for books, she loves the look and feel of plants, trees and everything that grows naturally. Owlwise also has a great fondness for animals and is usually seen with her beloved bears Fluffy and Fuzzy. She is the twin sister of Owlkill Fydylstyks who was born on the same day.
Crafting Vocation: Historian
Owlkill Fydylstyks

Owlkill Fydylstyks (September 21, 2022) was born in Gamwich, The Yondershire.
Unlike her twin sister Owlwise Fydylstyks, whom moved to Tuckborough to further advance her academics. Owlkill stayed behind and was raised in the settlement of Gamwich. She loved playing in the mountains as a young Hobbit, and soon began prospecting for the local Supplier at the village. She would later move to the town of Bree, Bree-land with her older sister Owltank Fydylstyks whom helped sharpen her skills as a Weaponsmith. It was during this time Owlkill started to learn the art of warfare while becoming an Honourary Bounder of the Yonder Watch.
Crafting Vocation: Weaponsmith Prospector
The Midnight Owl Club
The Midnight Owl Club was established on May 26, 2017 right after the clock struck midnight. It played a vital role for the Fydylstyks Family and provided a home for wild untamed owls. A few months later, Owlharp Fiddlesticks left the club and started The Midnight Owl Band on October 09, 2017. Shortly afterwards Owlharp was arrested on assault charges; and sent to the Bree-town Jail, Bree-land. Her sister Owlsong Fiddlesticks took over full control of the band while becoming the leader of the infamous Owl Gang. After serving her sentence, Owlharp rejoined the band in the spring of 2022. The Midnight Owl Club still survives and serves as a foundation for the entire family.
The Midnight Owl Club is home for Owls devoted to crafting:
Owltank Fydylstyks

Owltank Fydylstyks (July 04, 2019) was born in Michel Delving, The Shire.
Owltank grew up in Michel Delving where she spent most of her childhood. She learned how to sew, creating her first outfit at age ten. That skill carried over to Metalsmithing where she is celebrated for her strong detailed armour. Owltank has spent countless hours practicing Metallurgy. Along with her younger sister Owlkill Fydylstyks, they have forged some of the finest Hobbit-craft items in Middle-earth. Many claim when she swings her Hammer in Michel Delving, It can be heard all the way to Stock. She's an avid lover of Shrews.
Crafting Vocation: Metalsmith Prospector Tailor
Owlcook Fydylstyks

Owlcook Fydylstyks (April 01, 2021) was born in Bywater, The Shire.
Growing up a Hungry Hobbit isn't easy. There is no better place to do it than Bywater. Home of the Farmer's Faire. Owlcook has been eating before she can remember. Watching the cooks prepare food peaked her interest at a very early age making her less hungry. Not only does she cook for herself; Owlcook provides food for the entire family, known throughout The Shire as the Fydylstyks Feast. Having one of the most humble jobs as a Farmer, nothing beats her special blend Pipe-weed. She's an accomplished Farmer, Cook, Baker, and Brew-master.
Crafting Vocation: Farmer Cook
Owlmart Fydylstyks

Owlmart Fydylstyks (November 03, 2021) was born in Crickhollow, Bree-land.
Owlmart was gifted a chicken for her birthday. Instead of eating it, she sold it for ten gold. After purchasing a pony and selling it a day later; she turned that one chicken into three ponies, seven chickens, and a small pouch of Gold. She spent all her free time at the Auction Hall in West Bree, Bree-land, watching Cissy Orangeblossom buy and sell items. Her empire has grown from a single chicken coop to an entire estate in Eithel-E-Chun, Falathlorn. She manages the finances for The Midnight Owl Band. She also enjoys collecting wooden Hobbit nickels.
Vocation: Banker
The Midnight Owl Band

The Midnight Owl Band are an American Hobbit rock band formed in Hobbiton, The Shire in 2017. They are one the most controversial and influential rock acts of the Third Age, partly due to Owlsong's lyrics and voice, along with her erratic stage persona. They was the first band to be ban from Middle-earth. They are the Bad Hobbits of Rock n Roll.
The Owl Estate
Money and Success does not solve the essence of the Hobbit spirit. Combining their business sense with knowledge of psychology and hard work, they've obtained some of the most desired locations in all of Middle-earth. The Fydylstyks Family have stated they've lost all their money a time or two and had a fantastic adventure getting it all back again. They've eventually attained wealth and stayed wealthy by doing very little. This journey (and struggle) is far more rewarding, than a static lifestyle of luxury.

The Fydylstyks moved from a small Hobbit hole in The Shire to a giant mansion in Eithel-E-Chun, Falathlorn located on the outskirts of The Yondershire. In recent years they've obtained many small businesses in the area including the hiring of several elven servants. They love the outdoors, nature and animals. Home Sweet Home.
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Fydylstyks Library is the crux of both social and physical Middle-earth infrastructures; a crossroads where intellect and information meet space and access, a place where social services are actualized, and Hobbits are put above profit. The library keeps all operations free to patrons, but will charge fees or fines for late books.
Libraries are commonly considered educational institutions, providing students and researchers the tools and resources they need to learn and study. Educational opportunities also manifest through the encouragement of civil discourse and dialogue. Beloved Hobbit Librarian Owlwise Fydylstyks says: “Having fun isn’t hard when you’ve got a library card.”
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One of the first barriers most band’s face is the dilemma of finding a dependable rehearsal space. With the amount of noise that live musicians create, it can be difficult to find somewhere affordable, effective, and discrete to practice your craft. The Midnight Owl Band holds rehearsal exclusively at Owlpond.
Owl Bank Inc. is a financial institution (FI), and company engaged in the business of dealing with financial and monetary transactions such as deposits, loans, investments, and currency exchange. The vault holds some of the most desired items in all of Middle-earth. A Full-Time Hobbit Security Guard is always on duty. The Crafting Halls are open to the public and provide a warm and very well equipped place for Artisans of all levels. You will find a Forge, Workbench and Oven. Scholars are welcome to visit the Library and use the Study inside. It's not simply a place to survive, but to thrive. Owl Records is located at 1 Haven Way, Eithel-E-Chun, Falthlorn. It's the Headquarters for The Midnight Owl Band that provides services for all musicians and bands who seek instruments and mentoring. The Owls were signed to Owl Records on June 22, 2022.
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Music is a fun way to pass the time in Middle-earth. To play music you will first need an Instrument. There are several different types of musical instruments that are sold by Bards and obtained by bartering for them at Seasonal Events. Instruments are not only used by the Minstrel class, but used by all in order to play music. The Minstrel is the default class for playing music, with the ability to use all instruments based on the level of that character. Each class starts off with the ability to play the Lute, a class-based instrument, and seasonal instruments. To view which instrument(s) your specific class can play, open your Skills Panel and look under Passive Skills at Instrument Proficiency. To learn other instruments you have two options: Ask a Minstrel to Mentor you a specific instrument. Find an Instruction Manual for sell at the Auction House.
Minstrel Mentoring Skills | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
How To Play Music
Once you have purchased an instrument from a Bard, right click that instrument in your inventory. It will be equipped automatically by default to your Ranged Weapon Slot.
- Enter Music Mode by using the /music command. (A progress bar will appear to let you know you are now in Music Mode.)
The Music System supports 37 musical notes and only 24 of those notes are Keymapped that can be played by pressing the number keys 1-8, and then by pressing those same number keys while holding either Shift or Ctrl to change the octave. To get out of music mode, simply move your character or type /music to exit.
Musical Instruments
Bards allow players to purchase instruments to play music. Each type of instrument has its own unique sound.

Instruments are also crafted by Woodworkers, but can only be used by the Minstrel class.
- Gammer Took is the Bard of Michel Delving, in the Shire.
- Faellindiel is a Bard for Celondim, in Ered Luin.
- Steinn Silvertongue is a Bard found within the Hall of Kings in Thorin's Hall.
- Janie Sprigleaf is the Bard of Combe, found at the porch of the Comb and Wattle Inn.
- Owen Oaks is the Bard of Bree and he is found in the Prancing Pony.
Here is a list of all the instruments that can be used by any class:
Musical Instruments | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The Basics of ABC Notation
ABC Notation is the chosen Music System for The Lord of the Rings Online. An ABC File (Notepad) is a user generated document ( created from a MIDI File (song.mid) which is basically "Sheet Music" used to play music in game. All ABC files that you create for playback must have an .abc extension, and they must be stored in a sub-folder named Music located in: "C:\Documents and Settings\Username\My Documents\The Lord of the Rings Online\Music". For Mac users please visit Here.
You can search the Internet for ABC songs or you can create your own by using specific software.
What is an ABC File?
ABC Files are created in a format known as the "abcFile structure." This structure is comprised of primitive data, structured data, and arrays. Primitive data include integers and floating point numbers, while structured data includes an executable code block with its constant data, type descriptors, code, and metadata. Arrays are comprised of both primitive and structured data which stores the composition in a plain text ASCII format; that can be translated and laid out in an actual score.
Playing ABC Files

- Enter Music Mode by using the /music command.
- Enter the song by using the /play <filename> command. (Minus the .abc extension)
Playing ABC Files With Others
- Make sure you are in a Fellowship.
- Enter Music Mode by using the /music command. (Each Member)
- Enter the song by using the /play <filename> sync command. (Each Member)
- Start the song by using the /playstart command. (One Member)
Creating Your Own ABC Files
To create your own .abc files you will need the software program called Maestro.

Maestro allows the user to create ABC Files from MIDI Files.
(Designed specifically for the Music System by Digero on the Landroval Server)
- • Convert MIDI files into solo or multi-part .abc files for playing with your friends in game.
- • Listen to a live ABC preview of the song, which automatically updates as you choose tracks.
- • See all of the notes that are out of range of the LOTRO instruments highlighted in red.
- • Open existing .abc files to change the arrangement, transpose tracks, change drums, etc.
- • Choose how to map drum notes between MIDI drums and ABC drums.
- • Change the Tempo of a song.
- • ABC Part Numbering.
- • Change Increments.
It comes with a separate program called ABC Player.
ABC Player

The ABC Player allows the user to listen to songs they have created.
After you create your song files with Maestro, open and select them. (Control + Left Click)
- • Listen to songs you have created offline.
- • Switch instruments with the drop down feature.
- • Shows Lotro specific errors.
- • Save as an MP3 or WAV file.
- • Show ABC Text feature.
- • Change Tempo Speed.
Click Show ABC Text under ABC View and it will open:
Show ABC Text

Show ABC Text gives the user the ability to see which notes are being played in real time.
- • Follow instrument tracks.
- • Drop down menu for instruments.
- • Clicking the notes will rewind or forward the song process.
- • Locate specific parts.
- • Find unwanted notes.
- • Locate Errors.
TIP: You can pause the song using ABC Player and click on any note in the window.
Then switch instruments to find the exact timing or note of the other instruments.
(This is a useful technique when things are not in-sync or out of tune).:
Editing ABC Files
This is where it becomes more complex. I will teach you how to manually edit ABC files. To edit a file with the (.abc) extension, we usually need dedicated software. Each file format has data stored in a specific structure, so there is no single software that can edit ABC files. Right click a file and open it with Notepad. You don't have to edit ABC files, but I will show you how to fine tune your music. If you feel uncomfortable doing this - make a backup copy of your file. Here is a chart to help you understand:
Element | Usage |
X:1 | ABC files can contain a number of tunes, this is used to identify the first, second, third, etc. tunes in the file. |
T: Whiskey In The Jar | The song title. As you would expect, this is used to store the title of the song. |
%%part-name Basic Theorbo | The Instrument used to create this track. |
C: Owlsong | The composer. I use my own name. This can be done in Maestro. |
Z: Brandywine Server | The transcription field, containing information about the transcriber. I state which server I come from. |
M: 4/4 | The Meter. |
Q: 128 | The Tempo, in terms of beats per minute. |
K: C maj | The key. The first occurrence of this field always marks the end of the header. |
z | Rest. All of these denote rests can be lengthened / shortened in the same form as notes. |
a-g | Upper-case letters represent notes on the top octave. |
A-G | Lower-case letters represent notes on the bottom octave. |
[ ] | Denotes that the notes contained within are part of a chord. |
^ | Appearing before notes, represents a sharp. |
= | Appearing before notes, represents a natural. |
_ | Appearing before notes, represents a flat. |
' | Appearing after notes, raises the note by one octave. |
, | Appearing after notes, lowers the note by one octave. |
- | Used to tie two or more notes of the same pitch together. |
+pppp+ +ppp+ +pp+ +p+ +mp+ +mf+ +f+ +ff+ +fff+ +ffff+ | Dynamic marks. Placed infront of notes to control the volume. |
Volume Control
When creating your (.abc) files in Maestro, always set the volume for each track on max volume before you save. You can adjust the volume for each track by opening the (.abc) file and adjusting the first line dynamic mark from +ffff+ to your desired preference. If you don't do this - All your (.abc) files will be littered with volume changes making it very confusing and chaotic. Controlling the volume of your music is vital, so take control. Whether it be sounds that softly fade in or heavy beats that fade away.
The volume can be lowered or raised by placing these marks Infront of notes. |
How to Fade-In an Instrument | ||||
How to Fade-Out an Instrument | ||||
Rests are intervals of silence in pieces of music, marked by the lower case z indicating the length of the pause. Each rest indicates how long the silence should last, generally as a multiplier of a measure or whole note. If you look at your file, you will notice the rests represented by the lower case z. They play an important role in ABC files.
Rest | (Another Form Of Equal Measure) | Description |
z | z/ z/ | A Single Rest |
z2 | z// z// z// z// z// z// z// z// | A Double Rest |
Removing Notes
Sometimes a MIDI file will contain strange things that make no sense. Having a drummer count off the beginning of the song before a solo beat is one that is hard to fathom. The count off signals the ‘feel’ of the song tempo to the band. This is ABC Notation. All this is mute when it comes to MIDI. This is how you remove unwanted notes.
How To Remove The Drum Count | ||||||
Tying Notes Together
The way a song ends is one of the most important parts of any song. It's the signature of a painting. Not all midi files you find will have nice endings. You want the ending to ring out in glorious fashion, an explanation point to the music, the signature. What you don't want is an endless amount of unwanted notes that leave your lasting impression on the crowd dumbfounded. To fix this issue you got a few choices. Remove some notes, rebuild the entire section by adding notes, or tie some of these notes together.
Notes | Description |
E,2- E,2- E,2- E,2 | An E, note traveling for an eight count. |
[D2A2-] [E2A2-] [D,4A4] | An A note traveling for an eight count in a chord. |
How To Tie Notes Together At The End Of A Song | ||||
Creating Your Own Band In Middle-Earth
The Lord of the Rings Online has moved beyond other MMOs that just add a background score of music to the world. In fact, it has introduced an entire system allowing players to not only play a variety of instruments in the game but compose original pieces and play together in bands as well. The musically inclined can convert popular music into ABC files, and the not-so-inclined can use said files to play right along with their friends. When it comes to harnessing creativity, the Music System tops the charts.
The Music Community has grown substantially over the years with various bands of all genres performing live shows. The dedication it takes starting a band is only the beginning. Much time and effort goes into scheduling shows, concerts, musicals, and festivals. They are promoted and advertised. Camera crews "Live Stream" these special events onto various media outlets. Backstage is the element that goes unnoticed. If you don't have the desire to start a band, please remember these other areas of great significance.
If you would like to play music and perform Infront of others in Middle-earth, then you have some options: You can join an existing band who are seeking new members. You can start a band with friends who want to achieve the same goals. You can create multiple accounts and start your own band. Before the era of the band, Solo Artists had it's rightful place in the world, as they still do, but times have changed as concert promoters and event holders seek only bands to fill these desired time slots.
Starting Your Own Band
After you've acquired multiple accounts, create separate characters on each one with a unique name. Names that can be easily remembered. There is a saying in business known as "Kiss" (Keep It Simple Stupid). This is the first step of becoming successful and not creating a bottleneck for your band. While the majority of your new band mates can play most instruments at any level, the Theorbo (Bass) player must achieve level 15, and the Drummer will require level 10.
Once you have reached these requirements, turn your graphics all the way down to the lowest possible settings, and enter windowed mode. (Alt + Enter) Invite each new member into a fellowship. You can now play Music together. Congratulations! You have started a band. Now you need to come up with a band name.
If you're already in a Kinship, I highly recommend making all new members for the band, because of the Kinship/Band name tagging issue.
Choosing A Band Name
Picking a band name, seemingly simple, yet when scribbling out random words, it becomes clear how daunting this task can be. This name will be forever associated with what you create, glued to your art that you and your friends have struggled for hours to perfect. It can elevate your music and image to a higher level or sink your project before it truly gets off the ground. No Stress. In the end, if your music is good enough it will define your name and not the other way around.
While some will give too little thought to their potential band name, there are certainly some things to keep in mind. When picking a band name remember that this is also going to become your brand. Do not, however, let marketing dictate your decision. You want an easy name that will be remembered. Shorter or longer names both have benefits. In today’s musical market with more and more artists vying for attention the key factor is what ‘sets’ you apart – be that a name, sound, image, and/or all of the above.
The truth is your music will help to define your image. And picking a name should be easier said than done. Try something that will stick in people’s minds and that you have a more positive association with than anything else. If you have trouble deciding ask friends. Visit a local Notary and make it official by forming a Kinship.
Stage Wardrobe
You can find outfits at Festivals and Skirmish Camps. You can find a Tailor. You can use Dyes to create a specific appearance.
I will not tell you how to dress as a band for the sake of debate. It's up to you to figure out, but I will offer some advice. It is known throughout the higher circles of the Music Industry, that if you want to be remembered as a band for it's live performances; then it's very important to wear the same boring outfits at each and every show. This is an important choice to be made. If you think back in time to the rock band known as The Doors, you probably visualize Jim Morrison in his black leather pants/white shirt that earned him the nickname: black-clad leather demon. Jimmy page wore a dragon outfit. The Beatles in black suits. Angus Young in his school boy uniform. From Jimmy Hendrix to Johnny Cash, it burns an image into the minds of those who witness such performers as they are instantly recognized by their wardrobe alone. Create a "Memorable" Experience.
Hitting The Road
Now you have a band, some music, and a band name. It's time to hit the open road and begin sharing this experience with others. Start off slow by joining some round robin events, where each band takes a turn playing a song. It will give you ample time as you sync the band for it's next number. It will be a new challenge for you, but it won't take long till you grasp how things work. Don't be scared to mess up, nor afraid to ask questions. Be Confident! Be Fearless! Take No Prisoners! And be One-Of-A-Kind!

"Special Thanks" - To be honest, I don't know what to say - I will try to find the words of how I feel and what The Lord of the Rings Online community means to me. Whether it be someone who has mentored me along the way or came to me for guidance; perhaps just a friend who made me laugh. Each and every one of you have played an important role in my life and what "The Owls" have accomplished. If not for you, none of this would be possible. Including this wiki-page. It's all your fault! It has open many doors for me. My success belongs to you so be proud of what we've accomplished! I Love You All! ~Owl.
(No Specific Order): Madfo, Beatpest, Bijon, Ravalien, Sonykgoogll, Dawlen, Jinkys, Lisseth, Krispian, Teedeegrowl, Garango, Drydock, Flamelin, Voxveritatus, Samboree, Arweed, Khaalirien, Belnoro, Sunberry, Tahnys, Evilinn, Steeloak, Miloa, Druidsfire, Maevolir, Fuzzywuzzme, Gypsysoul, Aedon, Halordar, Primellarda, Fleabaggins, Titanita, Borald, Khror, Haremin, Szorcha, Asbestor, Thandolthos, Plezkill, Arturic, Irmona, Eviluer, Acorne, Couver, Willak, Rhunt, Ithilbeorn, Edhelstan, Ffarhild, Brokenshieldd, Fazisko, Markcapp, Bruzo, Hullunhumppa, Quini, Belnavar, Katerica, Endath, Quillo, Samriell, Ciarya, Dusklilly, Marquardt, Aerelwen, Wiesnhiemer, Holdson, Belbarel, Wusongs, Hahirphin, Phatburg, Artaeu, Bregomund, Chandrali, Pazzoo, Turbalion, Morriganwen, Athenavenus, Brawlbo, Theleron, Warrod, Morddi, Gibbletss, Marika, Carykemthel, Orsuil, Pherenn-1, Annarose, Pontin, Mehevien, Cathael, Vodkah, Balgrimm, Cynawae, Brayce, Zeke, Floyyd, Zacandil, Nasthal, Elcie, Jozrian, Azanoob, Kelliewyn, Merivael, Linthinviel, Lonewolf, Diamondlil, Ludwic, Immie, Suton, Fflewddur, Jaydenwen, Wook, Hirophont, Papabull, Elcie, Zulbrax, Royzenberry, Aerelwen, Carebaer, Mathspell, Galadborn, Diamiond, Jamessp, Kilemkwiker, Randallthor, Grannick, Newine, Alexanda, Ringhael, Romantic, Duraun, Beatlebo, Gannariel, Chrisonath, Greyhawk, Casahume, Talinn, kikilaa, Mottsognirr, Abuela, Gamekeeper, Tetherin, Arakelian, Stevoemor, Waxfang, Tharanglas, Snockered, Sneakydickins, Oldguyonthemountain, Ophelien, Iarvedlost, Feldoret, Tharlinn, Shuruthrac, Fredegol, Malgelirien The Story Teller, The Tones, Goblinfyre, The Teedees, The Minstrel Guild of Bree, The Country Blue Grass Band, Deja Vu, The Fognoggins, The Eagles Wings Band, Runic Knights Orchestra, The Hobbiton Heartbreakers, The Gallic Frogs Band, Traviatum, Dragon Forge, The Country Bears, The Greyhawk Band, Disenchanted, Breeland Bywater Revival, The Bards of Valinor, Troll Finger, Harlequins, The Breakfast Club, Little To No Drama, Astral Alley, Les Gardiens, The Mardi Gras Band, A Rock and a Hard Place, The Enclave, The Rolling Kegs, Polnolunie, The Social Introverts, The Stoors, Galdwens Bunch of Misfits, Entendre, Blue Mountains Band, 6 Orc Heads, Plucky Strings, Leezard Kings, Lady Blue, Cherry Littlebottom's Companions, Radagast’s Pipe, Les Beaux Chapeaux, No Whole Bard. The Fuzz, River Daughter, The Displaced, Fluffy Unicorns, Mushroom Stew, The White Flames, The Great Willow Blues Band, Jailhouse Rock, Lindamar, Second Breakfast, The Hope, Arda, Tickle and Giggles, Legendary Tunes, Calibogue Sound, Wee Free Banshees, Indigo Hobbettes, Telimektar, The Crazy Ladies of the Forest, Dulcet Tones, Baylei's Band, Purple Pipeweed Parlor Band, The Lonely Mountain Band, The Brandywine Theatre Company, Areyekuwe, Oakheart, +Ares, +Dracula, +Cordovan, Tangerines, God, & J.R.R. Tolkien.