Quest:Chapter 6: Fallow Ground
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Level | 85 |
Type | Solo |
Starts with | Horn |
Starts at | Lornsettle |
Start Region | Wildermore |
Map Ref | [37.9S, 61.0W] |
Ends with | Gléowine |
Ends at | Lornsettle |
End Region | Wildermore |
Map Ref | [37.9S, 61.1W] |
Quest Group | Vol. III. Book 10 |
Quest Chain |
Previous: Volume III, Book 9
Vol. III. Book 10: Snows of Wildermore
Vol. III. Interlude: The Grey Company
Walkthrough & Notes |
Completing this quest will unlock an optional interlude from Gléowine's map |
Rewards |
Quest Text | |
Bestowal dialogue'Gárwig may not see a means of defeating Núrzum, but we should not judge him too harshly. He buckles under the weight of his worry, but there is strength there. It is buried deeply, like the fields of Wildermore beneath this unnatural cold. 'Gléowine tells me that the Fallows were home to the most bountiful farms in Wildermore. If they survive at all it is a testament to the strong will of their owners, but they are not warriors, and their strength will not last when faced with uruk-hai and warg-riders. 'There is a pass from the Norcrofts into Wildermore at its southernmost reaches, but no riders or information have gone that way for some weeks. Ride among the farms of the Fallows and defeat warg-riders on your way to that pass. I suspect some foe holds the road against us. Defeat whatever you find there, and meet me at Gárferth's Farm afterward. We will do what good we can against the foes we can manage. Núrzum must wait.' BackgroundHorn thinks the people of the Fallows could use your help against their enemies. Objective 1
Warg-riders can be found throughout the Fallows, in Wildermore, and some foe has shut the southern road into the Norcrofts. Horn has asked you to defeat warg-riders in the Fallows and to investigate the southern road out of Wildermore.
Objective 2
Horn is waiting for you at Gárferth's Farm, in the south-east reaches of the Fallows. You have defeated both warg-riders and the uruk-hai at Kúthaus, and should now meet Horn at Gárferth's Farm, where he said he would be waiting for you.
Objective 3
Wargs and their riders stalk the Fallows, and many can be located Edsig's Farm, located in the southern reaches. Horn has asked you to defeat the wargs and their riders in the Fallows, and to bring any salvageable crops you find from Edsig's Farm to the provisioner at Forlaw. Objective 4
The provisioner of Forlaw is in the southern courtyard of the city. You have salvaged some crops from an overrun farm in the Fallows, and should bring them to the provisioner at Forlaw.
Objective 5Gléowine is in Forlaw, and wishes to speak with you. You have brought some crops to the provisioner in Forlaw, and should now see what Gléowine has been doing.
Completing this quest will unlock an optional interlude from Gléowine's map |