Quest:Kindly Advice

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Kindly Advice
Level 82
Type Solo
Starts with Old Man
Starts at Eaves of Fangorn
Start Region Eaves of Fangorn
Map Ref [38.5S, 70.4W]
Ends with Wisewood
Ends at Eaves of Fangorn
End Region Eaves of Fangorn
Map Ref [38.8S, 70.6W]
Quest Group Eaves of Fangorn
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'It is good to see you again, <name>. How goes your quest in Fangorn? You are a long way from home, my old friend.

'Tell me: why do you waste your time on mindless Orcs in some ragged old forest when there are more pressing issues at hand?'


An old, bent man has appeared in the forest near the White Hand encampment.

Objective 1

  • Talk to the old man again....

The old man in rags is near the White Hand Encampment in north-east Fangorn.

The old man in rags wishes to speak with you again.

Old Man: 'Your heroic efforts are needed elsewhere in Rohan. Do you not agree, my old friend? Think of the elderly Théoden King, surrounded by disloyal men.
'Surely you must wish to help the King of Rohan....'
All that this man says seems reasonable and just

Objective 2

  • Agree with the old man

The old man in rags is near the White Hand encampment in north-east Fangorn.

You should agree with the old man, since what he says is so reasonable.

You agree with Old Man.
Such wisdom cannot be naysaid

Objective 3

  • Talk to the old man again

The old man in rags is near the White Hand encampment in north-east Fangorn.

The old man in rags wishes to speak with you again.

Old Man: 'Yes, <name>. These Orcs are not the real threat to Rohan. The King's nephew, Éomer, wishes to harm the King.
'You and I are old friends, are we not? You should trust me, <name>, and go help the King free himself from his nephew's influence.
'Leave this forest at once. There is nothing for you here.'
Something does not seem right. This sounds like wisdom, but your logic struggles against your heart, for the man's words seem wrong....

Objective 4

  • Break the old man's spell! Say no to him, if you can

The old man in rags is near the White Hand encampment in north-east Fangorn.

You should say no to the old man and break the strange spell he has over you.

You indicate 'no' to Old Man.
You have naysaid the old man, who is likely Saruman posing as Gandalf. The spell is broken!

Objective 5

  • Talk to the old man again, now that the veil is lifted
  • Defeat the warrior summoned by Saruman

The old man in rags is near the White Hand encampment in north-east Fangorn.

You should speak with the old man in rags once more.

Old Man: The old man's voice has grown cold and hard.
'You defy me! You are a fool. You could have left this forest alive, <name>, but now you will die. Of this, you may be assured.'
The old man vows that you will die for defying him
Defeated Saruman's minion

Objective 6

  • Talk to Wisewood

Wisewood is at his place near the White Hand encampment in northeastern Fangorn.

You should speak with Wisewood.

Wisewood: 'Hrumm....'
The Ent spoke! At least, you think it spoke. Regardless, a sound was made, possibly one to indicate approval of your actions on his behalf.
This is a good sign, but also a frustrating one; the Ents are slow to wake. It seems that it will take a lifetime of mortal Man to rouse them as Gandalf whished....'