Quest:What Could Do This?

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What Could Do This?
Level 83
Type Solo
Starts with Landscape
Starts at The Black Heart
Start Region Eaves of Fangorn
Map Ref [37.1S, 73.9W]
Quest Group Eaves of Fangorn
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

Many blackened swaths of land are barren even of the twisted plants that grow in the darkest part of the forest. What happened here to turn the Black Heart so rotten?


Many blackened swaths of land are barren even of the twisted plants that grow in the darkest part of the forest. What happened here to turn the Black Heart so rotten?

Objective 1

  • Find barren patches of land in the Black Heart

Barren patches of land can be found throughout the Black Heart in Fangorn, especially in the deeper reaches of the wood.

You should examine the barren patches to see why nothing will grow there.

Objective 2

  • Find barren patches of land in the Black Heart (0/3)

Barren patches of land can be found throughout the Black Heart in Fangorn, especially in the deeper reaches of the wood.

You should examine the barren patches to see why nothing will grow there.

White Hand Warrior says, Burn it all down!

Objective 3

  • Completed

The barren patches of land in the Black Heart still bear the shades of terrible events in the past, long remembering the suffering of the trees.

The barren patches of land in the Black Heart still bear the shades of terrible events in the past, long remembering the suffering of the trees.
Where is the Ent you saw that once watched over these lands? If his realm has grown so dark, what has become of him?