Quest:The Severed Hand

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The Severed Hand
Level 95
Type Solo
Starts with White Hand Banner
Starts at Isengard (after)
Start Region Isengard (after)
Map Ref [46.7S, 89.7W]
Ends with Auto-complete
Quest Group Fangorn
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

You have discovered a tattered White Hand banner amidst the ruins of Isengard. These grim standards are all that remain of the White Hand outside of Saruman himself.

You should destroy these banners and allow Middle-earth to begin to move forward from such dark times.


A grim symbol of recent events, tattered banners of the White Hand are all that remain of Saruman's once powerful army.

Objective 1

  • Tear down what remains of the White Hand's banners (1/12)

White Hand banners can be found inside the ring of Isengard as well as throughout Nan Curunír.

You have found the tattered remains of banners of the once-imposing White Hand. You should destroy them and end Saruman's violent legacy.

Tore down what remained of the White Hand's banners

Objective 2

  • Completed

You have destroyed what remained of the White Hand's banners.

You have destroyed all of the White Hand banners in Nan Curunír, erasing the final remnants of Saruman's once mighty army. With the Orcs slain and the Dunlendings scattered back into Dunland, all that remains are Orthanc and the destruction that surrounds it.