Quest:Letting the Light In

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Letting the Light In
Level 83
Type Solo
Starts at The Black Heart
Start Region Eaves of Fangorn
Map Ref [37.1S, 73.9W]
Ends with Oldheart
Ends at Eaves of Fangorn
End Region Eaves of Fangorn
Map Ref [38.6S, 76.1W]
Quest Group Eaves of Fangorn
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

The shadows have long kept the foliage so hatefully dense that it blocked all light into the Black Heart. It is time to push back the leaves to let the light shine in once more. There is hope for this place yet!


The shadows have long kept the foliage so hatefully dense that it blocked all light into the Black Heart. It is time to push back the leaves to let the light shine in once more. There is hope for this place yet!

Objective 1

  • Clear foliage to allow light in

Trees with dense foliage are no longer held in place by the shadows, and can be encouraged to let the light in for the first time in a long age.

Objective 2

  • Clear foliage to allow light in (0/3)

Trees that block the light can be found throughout the Black Heart of Fangorn.

Trees with dense foliage are no longer held in place by the shadows, and can be encouraged to let the light in for the first time in a long age.

Objective 3

  • Talk to Greenroot

Greenroot has appeared behind you while you let the light in.

You should speak with Greenroot.

Greenroot: 'You are a peculiar little creature, hm, you are. I felt...hoom...the shadows disappear. The light shines where my old, what is the word? Ta-rum. My old friend, he grew quite terrible here, quite sad. Quite wrong.
'You freed him from his prison. I could not come in, or I would have rotted with the others. I slept at the edge of shadows, and I could not help, but you let the light in, by yourself!'
Greenroot is awake now! At last, one Ent in Fangorn has felt some change.

Objective 4

You should press further into Fangorn, towards the sunlight you see in the distance to the south-west of this grove.

Oldheart: You come to an Ent standing at the edge of a fair meadow, soaking up the sunlight that flows off the ridge.