Quest:Nothing But a Nuisance

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Nothing But a Nuisance
Level 82
Type Solo
Starts with Defeat Fangorn Bat
Starts at Eaves of Fangorn
Start Region Eaves of Fangorn
Map Ref [40.1S, 70.7W]
Quest Group Eaves of Fangorn
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

Bats are quite the nuisance in this grove. Their numbers could stand to be thinned a bit.


Bats are quite the nuisance in this grove.

Objective 1

  • Defeat bats near the abandoned campsite (0/10)

Bats can be found around the abandoned encampment.

You should defeat bats, for they do little but harass and annoy, and pose a threat to passers-by.

Objective 2

  • Completed

You have defeated several harassing, annoying bats in the centre of Fangorn's eaves.

You have helped to thin the dense population of bats in this part of the forest.