Ausma is a Stout-axe dwarf who has recently been named Scout-master of the Gabil'akkâ by Glóin. She has a fondness for explosives and a bit of a reckless streak. She works closely with Hórin of the Zhélruka.
Ausma (Annâk-khurfu)
Ausma is on the second level of the Keep of Annâk-khurfu, in the front and to your left as you approach Durin. She bestows about half of the rotating and repeatable daily Missions available in Elderslade, as well as a handful of unique ones unlocked by reaching higher levels of reputation with the Gabil'akkâ:
Quest Involvement
Rotating Missions (Hórin and Ausma)
Main article: Missions
- The War Effort Needs You! — vector to Annâk-khurfu (auto-bestowed to all characters level 20+)
- Mission: The Main Gates → Instance
- Repeatable Quests — unlocked after completing Mission: The Main Gates
- Wrapper Quests for War of Three Peaks Missions
- Daily War of Three Peaks Missions - 1
- Daily War of Three Peaks Missions - 2
- Daily War of Three Peaks Missions - 3
- Daily War of Three Peaks Missions - 4
- Daily War of Three Peaks Missions - 5
- Daily War of Three Peaks Missions - 6
- Daily War of Three Peaks Missions - 7
- Reputation-Gated Quests — unlocked after achieving each rank of standing with The Gabil'akkâ
Ausma (Vérnozal)
Ausma is in the Hall of Vérnozal, standing near the stable-master. She bestows about half of the rotating and repeatable daily Missions available in Gundabad.
Quest Involvement
Rotating Missions (Hórin and Ausma)
Main article: Missions
- Chapter 1: The Rightful Claim → Instance — available after joining the Zhélruka Allegiance
- Repeatable Quests
- Wrapper quests for Gundabad Missions
- Daily Gundabad Missions - 1
- Daily Gundabad Missions - 2
- Daily Gundabad Missions - 3
- Daily Gundabad Missions - 4
- Daily Gundabad Missions - 5
- Daily Gundabad Missions - 6
- Allegiance-Gated Quests — unlocked by progressing in the Zhélruka Allegiance
Ausma (Pit of Stonejaws)
Ausma can be found at the camp of Bárgstad in the Pit of Stonejaws, along with her three apprentices Klúso, Kyrstig, and Molkha.
Quest Involvement