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Ausma is a Stout-axe dwarf who has recently been named Scout-master of the Gabil'akkâ by Glóin. She has a fondness for explosives and a bit of a reckless streak. She works closely with Hórin of the Zhélruka.

Ausma (Annâk-khurfu)

Image of Ausma
Title Scout-master
Gender Female
Race Dwarf
Region Elderslade
Settlement Annâk-khurfu
Interior Keep of Annâk-khurfu
Map Ref [32.8N, 61.2W]

Ausma is on the second level of the Keep of Annâk-khurfu, in the front and to your left as you approach Durin. She bestows about half of the rotating and repeatable daily Missions available in Elderslade, as well as a handful of unique ones unlocked by reaching higher levels of reputation with the Gabil'akkâ:

Quest Involvement


Ausma (Vérnozal)

Image of Ausma
Title Scout-master
Gender Female
Race Dwarf
Region Gundabad
Area Máttugard
Settlement Vérnozal
Interior Hall of Vérnozal

Ausma is in the Hall of Vérnozal, standing near the stable-master. She bestows about half of the rotating and repeatable daily Missions available in Gundabad.

Quest Involvement

Ausma (Pit of Stonejaws)

Image of Ausma
Title Scout-master
Gender Female
Race Dwarf
Region Gundabad
Area Pit of Stonejaws
Settlement Bárgstad
Map Ref [44.2S, 113.8W]

Ausma can be found at the camp of Bárgstad in the Pit of Stonejaws, along with her three apprentices Klúso, Kyrstig, and Molkha.

Quest Involvement