Bestowal Dialogue
'Now, let us begin the feast!
- Twist: None
There is no twist in this mission.
Prince Ingór has put on a lively feast!
Join the feast!
- Prince Ingór : 'Welcome all!'
Prince Ingór has declared a Zhélruka Clan feast to commemorate their new Mountain-home.
Objective 1
4 Food
Eat some food!
- Prince Ingór : 'Eat, eat!'
Objective 2
4 Morsels of Food
4 Drink
Drink some drinks!
- Prince Ingór : 'There is plenty to drink!'
Objective 3
4 Morsels of Food
4 Drink
Listen to Prince Ingór.
- Prince Ingór : 'Ahem! Now, as your Prince, may I have your attention for a few moments?'
- Prince Ingór : 'Zhélruka, and friends of the Zhélruka, I have gathered you here to celebrate.'
- Prince Ingór : 'It has been a long road, roaming without a home. Our efforts were not in vain.'
- Prince Ingór : 'Gundabad will soon be ours. Our children will call this place home.'
- Prince Ingór : 'On this day of revelry, we know that there is still much to be done. The hardest task, however, is now behind us.'
- Zóva : 'Prince Ingór, I thought we had guests on this evening.'
- Hórin : 'I thought our guest might be Durin.'
- Rúzat : 'Or Gorgar bound in chains!'
- Prince Ingór : 'Enough guesses! I am getting to that!'
- Prince Ingór : 'Gundabad is not just a home to the Zhélruka, but for all dwarves'
- Prince Ingór : 'Gundabad is a sacred place, and all dwarves should be allowed passage through these halls.'
- Prince Ingór : 'When King Thorin sent missives to dwarves afar, I admit I was hesitant.'
- Prince Ingór : 'Now that our first guests have arrived, I know it was the correct course of action.'
- Prince Ingór : 'I would like to welcome Felági of the Temámir and Várenok of the Kámbrada to our humble feast.'
- Prince Ingór : 'Join us my friends!'
- Felági : 'I am honoured to be here amongst many welcoming strangers, and I hope we do not remain strangers for much longer!'
- Felági : 'I am glad to have received the missive from the Longbeard's king. Wise King Jegín of the Temámir sends her regards to your successes in Gundabad.'
- Várenok : 'Ah I was just speaking to Ausma of the Stout-axes, a long lost cousin, if the missive I received is true!'
- Várenok : 'It must be, for I am here now and see this gathering with my own eyes. Ha!'
- Várenok : 'I speak for all the Kámbrada when I congratulate your well-fought win at the Gates of Gundabad.'
- Prince Ingór : 'Thank you Felági. Thank you Várenok. You are both welcomed to stay at Gundabad for as long as you wish.'
- Prince Ingór : 'Durin agreed to let us live here and he had better live up to his word! Now, let us all feast together!'
Mission: The Zhélruka Clan, Chapter 10
Objective 4
8 Meats
8 Plates
8 Vegetables
8 Utensils
Prince Ingór wishes to talk to you.
- Prince Ingór : 'Welcome, one and all, to Gundabad, the home of the Zhélruka.'