Bestowal Dialogue
'Your timing is impeccable, <name>. I have just received new orders from Prince Durin.'
Scout-master Ausma produces a missive from her pocket and hands it to you.
'Or rather, I should say that you have, my friend!'
Concerned by the news that Prince Ingór has sent a significant Zhélruka expedition into Câr Bronach, Prince Durin hopes to enlsit you to discover their purpose and aid in their efforts against the remnants of the Iron Crown.
Objective 1
Orders from Prince Durin can be found in your inventory.
Scout-master Ausma has given you new orders from Prince Durin. You should read the orders.
My trusted friend,
Although we have made inroads against many of our foes in Mount Gundabad, I am told that Prince Ingór of the Zhélruka has chosen to divide his forces and send an expedition into Câr Bronach. It is true that the Iron Crown has proven a more determined foe than we had anticipated, but I question Ingór's itnentions in ordering so many of his warriors upon this errand. To eliminate the Angmarim and their wicked allies would be a great boon, but there are foes enough within the mountain. I fear Prince Ingór's actions may put the rest of the Gabil'akkâ at greater risk. Indeed, if his expedition were to fail, any advantage we fought to gain against Gorgar and Hrímil would surely be lost. Worse yet, if I were to confront Prince Ingór directly on this matter, it could threaten the alliance between the Longbeards and Zhélruka.
And so, I hereby order you to join the Zhélruka in their campaign. Learn what you can of Prince Ingór's purpose in sending his warriors to Câr Bronach and aid them in hindering the Iron Crown. When that is done, let us hope the tide of this war remains in our favour!
Prince Durin Stonehelmson
- Suspicious of Ingór's priorities, Durin has ordered you to join the Zhélruka expedition to Câr Bronach.
Objective 2
Scout-master Ausma can be found in the Pit of Stonejaws at Bárgstad.
You have read the orders sent to you by Prince Durin. You should talk to Scout-master Ausma.
- Ausma: 'Prince Durin has commanded you to join the effort in Câr Bronach? He has made a wise decision, I think.
- 'Before you arrived, Lord Glóin asked me to choose several of my scouts to make contact with the Zhélruka expedition. Since the Iron Crown still holds Câr Bronach, I chose Múta to lead the party. With her, I sent Kársa, Gárjan, and Uzvát- three of my kin and fine scouts of their own.
- 'As you may or may not know, there is an eastern gate which leads out of Mount Gundabad. I am told it was long ago claimed by the realm of Angmar, and that whatever its true name once was was lost. It is called the Witch-gate, and it is the swiftest path into Câr Bronach.
- 'If you wish to aid Prince Durin, find Múta and her scouts beyond the Witch-gate. The Zhélruka will have their reinforcements... whether they want them or not!'
Objective 3
Mur Shatraug, the Witch-gate, can be found in the northeastern reaches of the Pit of Stonejaws.
Scout-master Ausma has informed you of the path taken by the scouts sent into Câr Bronach. You should travel to the Witch-gate in the Pit of Stonejaws and enter Câr Bronach.
- Beyond the harsh, black stone of the Witch-gate lies Câr Bronach, the Sorrowglen
Objective 4
- Travel through the Witch-gate, in the northeastern reaches of the Pit of Stonejaws, and enter Câr Bronach
Mur Shatraug, the Witch-gate, can be found in the northeastern reaches of the Pit of Stonejaws.
Scout-master Ausma has informed you of the path taken by the scouts sent into Câr Bronach. You should travel to the Witch-gate in the Pit of Stonejaws and enter Câr Bronach.
- As you pass out of Mount Gundabad into Câr Bronach, an uneasy chill runs up your spine
Objective 5
Múta or her scouts might be found at Mur Shatraug, the Witch-gate, in Câr Bronach.
After passing through the Witch-gate, Múta and her scouts were to travel to join the Zhélruka expedition. You should search for some sign of Múta or her scouts at the Witch-gate.
- You find one of Múta's scouts, Gárjan, wounded and taking shelter beside a rampart
Objective 6
- Talk to Gárjan at Mur Shatraug, the Witch-gate
Gárjan can be found at Mur Shatraug, the Witch-gate.
After passing through the Witch-gate, you have found one of Múta's scouts, Gárjan, injured and taking shelter beside a rampart. You should talk to Gárjan.
- Gárjan: '<name>? You are a welcome sight to these weary eyes!'
- Gárjan shifts uneasily.
- 'Suffice it to say... things have gone awry.'