Quest:Mission: Attack on the Armoury (Instance)

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Mission: Attack on the Armoury (Instance)
Level Scaling
Type Solo/Duo
Repeatable Yes
Starts with Ausma
Starts at Annâk-khurfu (War Room)
Start Region Elderslade
Map Ref [32.8N, 61.2W]
Quest Group Mission
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

Dâr Brulku, a fort near Gundabad, holds the Orcs' main stockpile of weapons and armour....

Your mission is to infiltrate Dâr Brulku with Ausma and destroy the weapons and armour within.

 Twist: Shared Corruption


Scout-master Ausma has discovered the Orcs' stockpile of weapons and armour and wishes to destroy it!

Objective 1

  • Use the summoning horn to call Ausma

Use the summoning horn at the entrance to the fort to summon Ausma to your side.

Objective 2

  • Talk to Ausma

You should talk to Ausma.

If you somehow become separated from Ausma, use the summoning horn at the fort entrance to summon her to your side.

Ausma: 'Good, we made it in unseen. Here, take more of these.'

She hands you another pouch of small explosives.

'If we want to do as much damage as we can, we need to abandon stealth for firepower! Destroy as much of their weapons and armour as you can before we're caught! Don't worry, I'll get us out of here before we're overrun.'

Objective 3

  • Destroy Orc armour (5)
  • Destroy Orc weapons (5)
  • Destroy Orc bows (5)
  • Destroy Orc swords (5)
  • Destroy Orc spears (5)

Destroy Orc weapons and armour in Ashmâr-zarakh with Ausma.

Destroyed Orc armour (5/5)
Destroyed Orc weapons (5/5)
Destroyed Orc bows (5/5)
Destroyed Orc swords (5/5)
Destroyed Orc spears (5/5)

Objective 4

  • Talk to Ausma

You have destroyed many weapons and suits of armour, but the fort is just too large to destroy it all.

You should talk to Ausma.

If you somehow become separated from Ausma, use the summoning horn at the fort entrance to summon her to your side.

Ausma: 'We're running out of time. There's just too much here to destroy by ourselves! And, we've run into a few Orcs, but where are the rest? A fort of this size must have more soldiers, even if they were preparing to move... wait, do you hear that?'
You hear some commotion coming from the floor above
Scout-master Ausma says, 'What was that? Let's find a way to get upstairs.'

Objective 5

  • Find the ramp to the second floor

You have heard some commotion coming from the floor above you.

You should find the way up to the second floor.

You hear an Orc shouting upstairs
Quartermaster Khorglam shouts, 'What's going on down here? Are you lot all drunk? When Gorgar hears about this, he's going to feed you worthless maggots to the Wargs!'

Objective 6

  • Talk to Ausma

You should talk to Ausma.

If you somehow become separated from Ausma, use the summoning horn at the fort entrance to summon her to your side.

Ausma: 'Did you hear that? That must have been the quartermaster. It sounds like all the missing Orcs are upstairs, and drunk! Change of plans, <name>.
'I say we sneak upstairs and off the one in charge before the rest of the Orcs sober up and realize we're here destroying their supplies. Without the quartermaster, these Orcs won't be organized enough to continue their plans to move everything into Gundabad, and I can send other scouts in to continue the work. Let's move!'
Quartermaster Khorglam shouts, 'No, I don't want any. Get back to work!'

Objective 7

  • Sneak past the drunk Orcs to the third floor

You have learned that all of the missing Orcs are upstairs, and drunk!

You should sneak past the drunk Orcs and find the quartermaster.

You have reached the third floor

Objective 8

  • Defeat Quartermaster Khorglam

You have reached the third floor of the fort.

You should find and defeat Quartermaster Khorglam with Ausma.

Defeated Quartermaster Khorglam
Scout-master Ausma shouts, 'Hah! Too easy! Still, we should leave here before these Orcs sober up.'

A dwarf scout has arrived to escort you back to the war-front.

Dwarf Scout: 'Well done, <name>! Let us return to Annâk-khurfu!'