Quest:Mission: Storm Swept

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Mission: Storm Swept
Level Scaling
Type Solo
Repeatable Yes
Starts with Hórin
Starts at Hall of Vérnozal
Start Region Máttugard
Map Ref [45.3S, 115.0W]
Quest Group Mission: Gundabad
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

Hórin: 'I have a new mission for you, <name>.
'My scouts have come back from one of the caverns that weaves through Gundabad. A vicious storm has driven snow-beasts into a large cavern. These caverns serve as a vital passthrough to other needed resources.
'Enter the cavern, drive off the snow-beasts and destroy slop barrels in the cavern!'

Objective 1

Objective 2

  • Talk to Hórin
Hórin: 'Well done! With the cavern cleared of snow-beasts, our forces can secure much needed resources in the fight for Gundabad!'