Quest:Mission: The Zhélruka Clan, Chapter 8

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Mission: The Zhélruka Clan, Chapter 8
Level Scaling
Type Solo
Repeatable Yes
Starts with Prince Ingór
Starts at Hall of Vérnozal
Start Region Gundabad
Ends with Prince Ingór
Quest Group Allegiance: Clan of the Zhélruka
Walkthrough & Notes
  • Ale and Food are to be found in the crafting areas on either side of Prince Ingór.
  • Each Dourhand must be danced with separately. Use the emote icon in the quest guide, the /dance console command, or your favorite alias.
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'Remember to be friendly with these Dourhands. I do not want any unpleasant incidents in this hall, <name>. Be careful.'

 Twist: Raging


A group of visiting Dourhands has become very disruptive.

Objective 1

  • Talk to the Dourhand guests

Talk to the Dourhand guests.

Dourhand : 'Ah, what a nice hall you and the Zhélruka have! We heard about the rules here. You have to greet us as kin and make us feel most welcome! I say then, give us a proper welcoming!'
Dourhand : 'We've been travelling for so long. Look at our axes! They are as dull as an unfavourable <race>. Give our axes a polish, will you?'

Objective 2

  • Polish the Dourhand axes (0/3)

Polish the Dourhand axes.

Objective 3

  • Talk to the Dourhands

Talk to the Dourhands.

Dourhand : 'Hmm, these are much sharper, yes! We feel a little more welcome'
Dourhand : 'Now, what of some drink? We have been travelling for so long, we are all parched! Our throats are dry as the Brown Lands! Bring us some ales , will you?'

Objective 4

  • Fetch ales for the Dourhands (0/3)

Fetch ales for the Dourhands.


Objective 5

  • Bring ales to the Dourhand guests (0/3)


Bring ales to the Dourhand guests.

Dourhand : 'Ah, these ales quench our thirst indeed! Now then, it is so quiet in here. Where is the liveliness? Come, dance with us as we drink some more!'

Objective 6

  • Dance with the Dourhands (0/3)

Dance with the Dourhands.

Dourhand : 'Good!'
Dourhand : 'What fun!'
Dourhand : 'Ha, ha!'

Objective 7

  • Talk to the Dourhands

Talk to the Dourhands.

Dourhand : 'All this drinking and dancing has made us hungry! Bring us some food or I will start complaining loudly about how unwelcoming you are to great dwarf explorers!'

Objective 8

  • Fetch the Dourhands some food (0/3)


Fetch the Dourhands some food.

Objective 9

  • Bring the food to the Dourhands

3Morsels of Food

Bring the food to the Dourhands.

Dourhand : 'Bah, you call this food?!'

The Dourhand looks about and speaks very loudly.

Dourhand : 'The Zhélruka seem to know nothing about cooking a proper meal! I've eaten better food at a goblin's camp!'

Objective 10

  • Witness the events transpire

Witness the events transpire.

Irritated Zhélruka : 'A moment, Dourhands!'
Dourhand : 'Oh now what is this?!'
Dourhand : 'He looks angry! Better not be at us. Ha, ha, ha!'
Irritated Zhélruka : 'What gives you the right to be offered hospitality, to come into our home, and treat us all with disrespect?!'
Irritated Zhélruka : 'At the very least, why do you have to be so loud?!'
Dourhand : 'Last I checked, no one owns Gundabad!'
Irritated Zhélruka : 'Bite your tongue, Dourhand!'
Dourhand : 'Or what? Will I be scolded by your sorry Prince?! I'm very worried. Ha, ha, ha!'
Irritated Zhélruka : 'Enough! How dare you speak ill of Prince Ingór! Prepare for a fight!'
Dourhand : 'I'm already prepared, fool.'

(Dourhand strikes down Zhélruka)

Irritated Zhélruka : 'Ugh!'
Dourhand : 'You forgot to specify whether the fight would be fair. Ha, ha, ha! Now off with you!'
Dourhand : 'Now what?! Does our helpful servant <race> not approve?!'
Dourhand : 'So be it. Axes at the ready!'

The Dourhands look ready for a brawl!

Objective 11

  • Fight the angry Dourhands!

Fight the angry Dourhands!

Dourhand : 'Ugh!'
Dourhand : 'I surrender.'
Prince Ingór : 'Enough of this!'
Prince Ingór : 'I should slay you all right here!'
Irritated Zhélruka : 'Do not step down to their level, my Prince! I beg of you. I am fine and will recover.'

Prince Ingór is tempted to kill the Dourhands!

Objective 11

  • Talk to Prince Ingór

Talk to Prince Ingór.

Prince Ingór : 'It would be too easy to cut down each one of these sad excuses for a dwarf. If you were not a trusted ally, <name>, there would be blood on this floor today. Remember that, Dourhands.'
Prince Ingór : 'Now go! Leave Vérnozal and never come back! If I see you again, I will not hesitate to raise my sword. Heed my word as Prince Ingór, of the Zhélruka.'
Prince Ingór : 'Leave my sight and never return!'

(Dourhands hurriedly exit the hall)

Completed: Mission: The Zhélruka Clan, Chapter 8

Prince Ingór : 'Did these Dourhands come to test my resolve?! I have not time for such fools when the fate of my peoples still hangs upon my decisions each day.'