Bestowal Dialogue
'I don't know what to do! Am I wrong to think Ausma is in trouble? She probably told us to stay here for a good reason... No, I think we should go in after her! The four of us can make it through that fort! But I don't want to make this call on my own. Will you ask Klúso and Molkha what they think?'
Scout-master Ausma has entered Shakhajât on her own, and though her apprentices were ordered to stay put, they are determined to come to her aid.
Objective 1
You should consult Klúso and Molkha.
- Molkha: 'Kyrstig wants to go after Ausma? Well, I applaud her bravery, but it seems risky to storm the hobgoblin fort with so few of us. And Ausma clearly ordered us to stay here. Hmm...
- 'All right, I'll do it, but if we get in trouble for disobeying her orders, you'll be the one to shoulder the blame!'
- Klúso: 'Kyrstig wants to go in after Ausma? I am with her, of course! Stout-axes do not abandon their own!'
Objective 2
Kyrstig is waiting to hear what the other scouts have decided.
- Kyrstig: 'It is decided then! The three ofus will move towards Shakhajât. Come meet us when you're ready, and we will launch out attack!'
Objective 3
It is time to venture inside the fort with your scout allies.
- You have found the Scout Trio
Objective 4
Kyrstig has a plan.
- Kyrstig: 'Good, you're here! Are you ready to tear this place apart? We can't go the same way as last time. Trust me, I already checked: the hobgoblins removed the stairs! So, we're going to have to go through the front door, and through a lot of foes beside! If we mae enough noise out here, maybe the distraction will help Ausma!'
Objective 5
You should search for the way to the throne room.
- You have found the throne room of Shakhajât
Objective 6
The throne room awaits you and your allies!
- Kyrstig: 'This must be the throne room! We might have to fight Warlord Dushtalbúk as soon as we enter. Are you ready?'
- Completed: Instance: To Ausma's Aid
Objective 7
- Talk to Scout-master Ausma
Ausma has been rescued from the clutches of Warlord Dushtalbúk!
You should talk to Ausma in Bárgstad.
- Ausma: 'And here we are, back at camp, all safe and sound.'
- Ausma sighs deeply, clearly unhappy about the outcome of her mission.
- 'Honestly, my pride is more wounded than my body, but I will have to sit out on some of our upcoming missions. I will ensure Shakhajât has an adequate watch, and station myself in Vérnozal to oversee the Gabil'akkâ's operations. You and my apprentices have more to do, however! When it is time to make our move on the hobgoblins, I will send word to you to find Hórin. Until then, go, explore Gundabad, and win many battles for us!'