Zhélruka (Allegiance)
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Allegiance system
- The Allegiance System was first released with the Mordor Expansion in August of 2017, and later extended with the Fate of Gundabad expansion in November of 2021. This page refers specifically to the allegiance -- Clan of the Zhélruka -- introduced in the Fate of Gundabad Expansion.
- Access is available at level 20
Note on Terminology
- The initial launch of the Allegiance system (Mordor expansion) used the terminology and some of the UI elements of "reputation". As the game has evolved, however, Allegiance standing has diverged from the "reputation" model, although traces of the old terminology remain. The Allegiance panel is now separate from the Reputation panel. Also, reputation acceleration does not benefit Allegiance "standing" progression
Note on Item usage
- Text which appears on a Zhélruka consumable point-bestowing item, before the Zhélruka allegiance is joined:
You must join an Allegiance before you can redeem an item that grants Allegiance Points.
Allegiances are available at level 110 and can be accessed via the Reputation panel. Ed. note: the second sentence is inaccurate with respect to both level requirement and UI navigation.
Relic of Gundabad - 500 Allegiance Points
Preserved Relic of Gundabad - 1,000 Allegiance Points
Pristine Relic of Gundabad - 5,000 Allegiance Points
Relics may be acquired from
- Loot chests at the end of a Zhélruka mission (500-point relic only; not a guaranteed drop)
- As rewards from the Zhélruka weekly mission wrappers (Missions of Gundabad (Daily) (1000-point relic) and/or (Missions of Gundabad (Weekly) (5000-point relic)
- Bartered for Gundabad Mountain-marks from Quartermaster (Gundabad Missions) (500-point relics only)
- Bartered for Tokens of the Zhélruka from Quartermaster (The Zhélruka Clan)
- Bartered for geodes from the Geode Hunter in Máttugard
- Note that Reputation Accelerators do not accelerate Allegiance reputation.
- Also note that these relics are bound to account. So they can be shared amongst your characters.
Progression Table
To achieve this Standing |
You need this many Points |
a Total of Points |
Claimable Rewards |
1 | 1405 | 1405 | None |
2 | 1395 | 2800 | None |
3 | 1500 | 4300 | None |
4 | 1500 | 5800 | None |
5 | 1600 | 7400 | Ceremonial Mantle of Kept Promises, Torc of Kept Promises, Chapter 2 of storyline |
6 | 1600 | 9000 | None |
7 | 1700 | 10700 | None |
8 | 1700 | 12400 | None |
9 | 1800 | 14200 | Chapter 3 of storyline |
10 | 1900 | 16100 | Ceremonial Cloak of Kept Promises |
11 | 1600 | 17700 | None |
12 | 1700 | 19400 | Chapter 4 of storyline |
13 | 1700 | 21100 | None |
14 | 1800 | 22900 | None |
15 | 1900 | 24800 | Treads of Kept Promises, Chapter 5 of storyline |
16 | 1900 | 26700 | None |
17 | 2000 | 28700 | None |
18 | 2100 | 30800 | Chapter 6 of storyline |
19 | 2100 | 32900 | None |
20 | 2200 | 35100 | Ceremonial Hooded Cloak of Kept Promises |
21 | 1900 | 37000 | Chapter 7 of storyline |
22 | 2000 | 39000 | None |
23 | 2100 | 41100 | None |
24 | 2100 | 43200 | Chapter 8 of storyline |
25 | 2200 | 45400 | Chest |
26 | 2300 | 47700 | None |
27 | 2400 | 50100 | Chapter 9 of storyline |
28 | 2500 | 52600 | None |
29 | 2500 | 55100 | None |
30 | 2600 | 57700 | Goat of Kept Promises, Chapter 10 of storyline |
- Beware using a high-point value relic (like well-preserved or pristine) when you are almost at level 30 with Zhélruka! Any allegiance points you earn beyond what you need to get to level 30 will be lost!
Declaring your Allegiance
- Once your character reaches level 20, he/she will have an Allegiance Panel, which can be used to join the Zhélruka allegiance. For details on how to access the Allegiance Panel, see the instructions on the main Allegiance System page. From the Allegiance Panel, there will be a Join button, if you have not already declared your allegiance.
- After joining the Zhélruka allegiance, Prince Ingór in the Hall of Vérnozal, part of Gundabad, will offer the first storyline quest, Chapter 1: The Rightful Claim. Prince Ingór is located atop a flight of stairs, to the left (north) of the main passageway, as you enter. Further chapters in the Zhélruka allegiance storyline will become available from him as you progress through their levels of standing. The Hall of Vérnozal, being a Missions hub, has, like other Missions hubs in Erebor, Trestlebridge and Elderslade, swift travel via the Mission Recruiter stable-master, present in many locations around Middle Earth.
Clan of the Zhélruka Clan of the Zhélruka
- [20+ scalable] Chapter 1: The Rightful Claim → Mission: The Zhélruka Clan, Chapter 1
- [20+ scalable] Chapter 2: The Mountain-Home → (any repeatable Zhélruka mission)
- [20+ scalable] Chapter 3: The Forge and the Gift → Mission: The Zhélruka Clan, Chapter 3
- [20+ scalable] Chapter 4: Friends of the Longbeards → Mission: The Zhélruka Clan, Chapter 4
- [20+ scalable] Chapter 5: An Ordinary Squabble → (any repeatable Zhélruka mission)
- [20+ scalable] Chapter 6: Return of the Noble Hall → Mission: The Zhélruka Clan, Chapter 6
- [20+ scalable] Chapter 7: Pitting the Factions → Mission: The Zhélruka Clan, Chapter 7
- [20+ scalable] Chapter 8: The Dreadful Dourhands → Mission: The Zhélruka Clan, Chapter 8
- [20+ scalable] Chapter 9: The Trophy of Frost → Mission: The Zhélruka Clan, Chapter 9
- [20+ scalable] Chapter 10: Feast of the Zhélruka → Mission: The Zhélruka Clan, Chapter 10
- Completion of Chapter 1 of the Zhélruka storyline unlocks access to the Zhélruka daily missions, offered by Ausma and Hórin, located near the Mission Recruiter stable-master, and the Quartermaster (Gundabad Missions), on the lowest level of the hall and at a short distance from its entrance. See Gundabad Missions for a listing of the repeatables.
Quartermasters and Barter Items
The Hall of Vérnozal contains 2 Quartermasters related to the faction:
- Quartermaster (The Zhélruka Clan) barters primarily for Tokens of the Zhélruka, which are obtained from attaining Zhélruka levels of standing with them, and can also be bartered using Relics of Gundabad, obtainable from running Zhélruka missions, and elsewhere. This quartermaster is located next to Prince Ingór in the Hall of Vérnozal.
- The list of items that can be bartered from the Zhélruka Clan Quartermaster is here Quartermaster (The Zhélruka Clan) Barter List
- Additionally, there is a Quartermaster (Gundabad Missions), who primarily barters for Gundabad Mountain-marks, another currency dropped by Zhélruka Missions. Click through to his page to see the full list of items that can be bartered from this Quartermaster.
Token of the Zhélruka - two or more tokens of service are awarded for each Allegiance level, they appear in your Wallet under "Landscape."
Gundabad Mountain-mark , another currency dropped by Zhélruka Missions, both from the end-lootbox, as well as a quest reward.