Quest:Mission: The Flow of Water (Instance)

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Mission: The Flow of Water (Instance)
Level Scaling
Type Solo
Repeatable Yes
Starts with Hórin
Starts at Hall of Vérnozal
Start Region Máttugard
Map Ref [45.3S, 115.0W]
Quest Group Mission
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

Within Shalakâm, the ancient waterways of Gundabad, many old gates direct the flow of water...

Your mission is to collect gears and redirect the flow water within the dwarf-made waterways of Shalakâm.

 Twist: Gated


You have been tasked with collecting gears and redirecting the flow of water within the dwarf-made waterways of Shalakâm.

Objective 1

  • Redirect the water (0/8)
  • Collect gears (0/12)

12 You should redirect the flow of the water and collect any gears that you find.

Objective 2

  • You should return to the entrance of the dungeon

You should return to the entrance of the dungeon.



A dwarf scout has arrived to escort you back to the halls of Máttugard.

Dwarf Scout: Well done, <name>! ...'