Quest:Mission: Culling the Rot (Instance)

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Mission: Culling the Rot (Instance)
Level Scaling
Type Solo
Repeatable Yes
Starts with Ausma
Starts at Hall of Vérnozal
Start Region Máttugard
Map Ref [45.3S, 115.0W]
Quest Group Mission
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

A powerful, corrupted warg pack-leader and its pack were driven into a cavern by Angmarim. Foul crystals were found within the the cavern, and may corrupt these creatures further.

Your mission is to destroy the foul crystals, and defeat the leader of the pack.

 Twist: Shared Corruption


You have been tasked to seek out and destroy the corrupted crystals and defeat the corrupted pack leader Ramshar.

Objective 1

  • Defeat Ramshar, the corrupted warg
  • Destroy corrupted crystals (0/8)

You should seek out and destroy the corrupted crystals and defeat the corrupted pack leader Ramshar.

Objective 2

  • Regroup near the entrance to the cave

You should regroup near the entrance to the cave.

Objective 3

  • Talk to Ausma

The mission is complete!

Speak to Ausma for your reward!


A dwarf scout has arrived to escort you back to the halls of Máttugard.

Dwarf Scout: 'Great work, <name>! Let us return and report your success to Scout-master Ausma!'