Quest:Mission: Aiding the Bridge Builders (Instance)

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Mission: Aiding the Bridge Builders (Instance)
Level Scaling
Type Solo/Duo
Repeatable Yes
Starts with Ausma
Starts at Annâk-khurfu (War Room)
Start Region Elderslade
Map Ref [32.8N, 61.2W]
Quest Group Mission
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

An ambush could threaten the bridge builders, who work to repair the Hadhodiant...

Your mission is to defend the bridge builders of the Hadhodiant.

 Twist: Raging


You have been tasked with defending the bridge builders of the Hadhodiant from a potential ambush.

Objective 1

  • Take your post upon the bridge

Take your post upon the bridge.

Defend the bridge builders!

Objective 2

  • Keep your post and defend the bridge builders (5 minutes)
  • Do not leave the bridge unguarded

Keep your post and defend the bridge builders of the Hadhodiant.

A dwarf scout has arrived to escort you back to the war-front.

Dwarf Scout: 'Great work, <name>! Let us return and report your success to Ausma!'