Quest:Mission: Archers at the Gate

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Mission: Archers at the Gate
Level Scaling
Type Solo
Repeatable Yes
Starts with Hórin
Starts at Annâk-khurfu (War Room)
Start Region Elderslade
Map Ref [32.8N, 61.2W]
Quest Group Mission: War of Three Peaks
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

Hórin: 'I have a new mission for you, <name>.
'Shathur-munzu, the abandoned fort in Duskenvale, had been quiet since the departure of the warg chieftain, but the scouts have reported a new Orkish presence. We cannot allow them to set up a base to the south and surround us in the battle to come! Sneak around their defences and defeat their archers. Then reinforcements can secure the fort!'


You have been tasked with dispatching the Orc archers defending Shathur-munzu.

Objective 1

Your mission is to defeat the Orc archers outside Shathur-munzu.

Speak to Hórin to travel to Shathur-munzu.

Objective 2

  • Talk to Hórin

The mission is complete.

Speak to Hórin for your reward.

Hórin: 'Well done! Though the great prize of Gundabad stands in front of us, we must remember to also protect our rear!'