Quest:Mission: The Zhélruka Clan, Chapter 1

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Mission: The Zhélruka Clan, Chapter 1
Level Scaling
Type Solo
Repeatable Yes
Starts with Prince Ingór
Starts at Hall of Vérnozal
Start Region Gundabad
Ends with Prince Ingór
Quest Group Allegiance: Clan of the Zhélruka
Walkthrough & Notes
  • Bats and gredbyg are on the lower level, more or less in the middle
  • Rats are on the eastern stairways to the next level up, or on that level itself
  • Stone-claws inhabit the waterway and its vicinity, on the lower level
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'You see the potential offered to us by the hall of Vérnozal? Yes, I have seen it too.

'Potential is not enough for the Zhélruka, however! This hall must be a place of beauty, restored to the shining beacon it once was. Right now the hall is covered in dust and crawling with small night-time beasts! Perhaps tonight you could take care of these unwelcome visitors for me.'

Twist: None
Zóva says, "I will be here if you need anything. Good luck!"


Prince Ingór has declared that the Hall of Vérnozal needs to be cleaned up to suit the needs of the Zhélruka Clan.

Objective 1

  • Defeat mountain bats (0/10)

Defeat bats.

Objective 2

  • Defeat cave rats (0/10)

Defeat rats.

Objective 3

  • Defeat scavenging gredbyg (0/10)

Defeat gredbyg.

Objective 4

  • Defeat mountain stone-claws (0/10)

Defeat cave-claws.

Objective 5

  • Return to Zóva at the entrance of Vérnozal

Return to Zóva at the entrance of Vérnozal.

Zóva says, "Ah, well done!"


Zóva: 'Well done! That looks the last of the beasts, lurking within these halls. Prince Ingór will be pleased! Let us retire for the night and get some well deserved rest.'