Bestowal Dialogue
To end this war, Gorgar the Ruthless must be defeated. But first, he must be found....
Your mission is to infiltrate Bekâr-zarakh with Ausma and find Gorgar's location.
Twist: Lieutenant of Gorgar
To end this war, Gorgar the Ruthless must be defeated. But first, he must be found....
Objective 1
- Talk to Ausma
- Do not allow the orcs to sound the alarm!
You have arrived at Bekâr-zarakh, the location that Ausma believes has information on Gorgar's location.
You should talk to Ausma.
- Ausma: 'We made it in unseen. We should keep it that way. We are here to learn where Gorgar is heading next, and if he gets wind of us learning that information, he might change his plans. Stay close to me, and if we are seen, you must prevent the Orcs from sounding the alarm!'
Objective 2
- Follow Ausma through the tower
- Do not allow the orcs to sound the alarm!
- Cowardly Gundabad Orc says, 'Intruders!'
- Cowardly Gundabad Orc says, 'Help! We're under attack!'
Objective 3
- Overhear the Orc conversation
- Do not allow the orcs to sound the alarm!
- Scout-master Ausma says, 'Wait, let's listen in on those Orcs!'
- Commander Gurkug shouts, 'You're moving out tomorrow. I need loyal guards to go south with Gorgar.'
- Gundabad Captain shouts, 'Gorgar's leaving Urbhármokh? Why?'
- Commander Gurkug shouts, 'Heading to Goblin-town. Emissaries keep failing or getting killed off.'
- Commander Gurkug shouts, 'He's going to go take control himself.'
- Gundabad Captain shouts, 'Sounds good to me. I bet I'll get to knock some goblin heads together! Ha!'
- Gundabad Warrior shouts, 'Commander Gurkug, I have the report from- wait, who's that hiding back there?'
- Commander Gurkug shouts, 'Dwarf spies! Kill them!'
- Scout-master Ausma shouts, 'Time for a fight!'
The Orcs have noticed you!
Defeated Commander Gurkug.
Objective 4
- Talk to Ausma
- Do not allow the orcs to sound the alarm!
You have defeated the Orcs, but Ausma is concerned they will be missed.
You should talk to Ausma.
- Ausma: 'Well, we learned what he needed to know, but this won't do. That one was important, and his death will be suspicious. Hmmm... I have an idea.
- 'If we stage this as a conflict between those two Orcs, no one will ever know we were here. But, we'll need some props. See if you can find any of that foul grog they drink. We can make this look like a tragic "drinking accident" hah!'
Objective 5
- Collect black brew (6)
- Do not allow the orcs to sound the alarm!
Ausma needs props to stage the Orc Commander's death as the result of a drunken fight.
You should find and collect black brew.
- Scout-master Ausma shouts, 'I'll arrange these bodies if you find me some props.'
Objective 6
- Talk to Ausma
- Do not allow the orcs to sound the alarm!
Now that you have the black brew, you should return to Ausma.
- Ausma: 'Did you find some of that swill? Ugh, I can smell it from here. Hand it over.'
You hand her the bottles of black brew. She pours some into each of the dead Orcs' mouths, and scatters the bottles around the floor. It is a reasonably convincing setup.
- 'Good enough! Whatever fool finds these two will report that they got into a brawl after drinking too much. It happens all the time among Orcs. We have the information we need, so let's return to command.'
A dwarf scout has arrived to escort you back to the war-front.
- Dwarf Scout shouts, 'Great work, <name>! Now, let's get out of here!'
- Dwarf Scout: 'Well done, <name>! Let us return to Annâk-khurfu!'