- Each Angmarim ward spawns Dwarf-wights independently, so it is advisable to destroy a significant number of them as soon as possible, otherwise the sheer number of mobs in the instance may be hard to manage.
- Dwarf-wights spawn Fell Spirits when they are defeated. While the Dwarf-wights count towards the mission slayer deeds, the spawned Fell Spirits do not.
- Once spawned, Dwarf-wights aggro on the geode in the center of the instance, and move towards it. It is, however, quite easy to pull aggro away from the geode.
- The geode becomes an escort, despite it being stationary throughout the mission. As an escort, there is in the default UI, a display of the geode's vitals, regardless of where in the instance the player is located. This can be used to keep track of the geode's health, so that the player can react if it is getting low.
- The normal "escort" rules apply to the geode: it can be healed, with targeted abilities, but is not considered part of a "fellowship", so cannot benefit from abilities that have a "fellowship" prerequisite (e.g. Minstrel Gift of the Hammerhand). With a moderately-geared character, a player who is familiar with the locations of the wards, and stays focused while destroying each one in turn, and defeating any mobs along the way, may be able to destroy them all before the geode is destroyed, especially with speedups such as Hunter's Find the Path, Beorning's Wanderlust, with consumables, etc., but one or more trips to the geode may be necessary, to defeat attackers and optionally to heal the geode.
- The wards glow bright red until they are destroyed, and can be seen at the end of long hallways, even through the fog effects. Therefore, if one loses track of which wards have been destroyed, it is possible to scan the locations of most of the wards, to see if they have been destroyed already, without getting too far from the central geode.
- Unlike most missions, the scout does not appear near the entrance of the mission; he/she appears near the geode. When the mission completes, the mobs stop attacking the geode, but may still aggro on the player, thus interfering with the looting of the chest.
- After completing your objectives, there is a limited time (2 minutes) before you will be automatically ejected from the instance. You need to find and open the "Mission Reward" chest before this happens. Defeating more enemies does not reset the timer!