The Gloaming Falls

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The Gloaming Falls
Type: Waterfalls
Region: Evendim
Area: Northern Emyn Uial
Location: [4.5S, 73.6W]

The Gloaming Falls is a landmark within Northern Emyn Uial, in Evendim. [4.5S, 73.6W]

These waterfalls are found west of Dol Haedír and northwest of the Eave-mere. They are located on the very top of a cliff, and the only access is through the winding chasms inhabited by Gauredain below, or from the south via a narrow spur and jumping boulders. The wolf-men have set up a camp on the banks of the falls, possibly holding them in reverence.


The Gauredain camp next to the falls




These creatures are encountered at this location:

Fierce Wolf