Completed Projects
- Latest Projects at the top
- sign each with 4 squagglies so I have a date reference
Essence page update
- adding all the missing essences to the page
- add a list of creatures that drop essences
- update the essence crafting section - DONE
- update the essence barter section - DONE
- add generic grouped essence items need to finish adding all of them example: Item:Major Essence and Item:Shadowed Essence - DONE
- but thats just the start.
- Go over the entire wiki and update all the places that are not referenced correctly cause of this issue
- reviewed all quests with the word Essence in them and found no issues - DONE
Wild Essence recipes
Adding all the Wild Essence recipes, but have just started This is trouble its being auto-catgorized into the main Recipe category and its being caused by the Recipe template
Regional Instances Update
- World Instance clusters categories do have the Raids inside them and thats ok cause you can find them in the Instnace Finder tool and they are in their own category also called Raids. - DONE
- Raids don't seem to go in the World Instances section they have their own category but still need to also go into their regional instance category, so they are easier to find.
- Breaking out the Category:World Instances from the Instances by region, each Region should have a regional instance category - DONE
- need to review each region and find its public dungeons and add all to the regional instances.
- Category:Public Dungeons has world instances in it incorrectly - DONE
- Public Dungeons has a Table that describes each of them. I should do the same for the Quest Instances section - DONE (continue to update as you find new locs to add)
- finished comparing the table list with the category items and they are one for one - DONE
- know I am missing Orc Cave from the Wailiing Hills in the Great River- found it DONE
- Know I am missing the Huge Orc cave underground near the entrance to Orthanic - found it Pit of Iron - DONE
- World Instances (Instance Finder) go in that category, but they are organized by Cluster or release or grouping of related pieces NOT by region - DONE
- While working on public dungeons I noticed how messed up Category:World Instances are organized and will attempt to clear up
- All Public Dungeons need to be added into the various Regional Instance category, they don't need there own category.
- In fact all Instances in a region should go into the Regional Instance category including, Raids, Public Dungeons, World Instances, and Quest Instances
- Quest Instances all go into this one region instance category - WORKING HERE
- Also need to add each to the Category:Quest Instances table and list
- Also need to add each to a table or list in regional instances category e.g. Category:Bree-land Instances
- need to separate out instances from interiors, areas and landmarks for each Region. There is some overlap and both room for instances in any of these categories. Just need to decide and update the documentation so it shows it.
- All of the various types of instances go in the by-region instance category by region - VERIFY
- Need to review all of the Regions and their areas, Landmarks, other locations, interiors, and quests (look for instances) and find all the other public dungeons and add them correctly
- update the page Public Dungeons needs to be moved back into the region Instances category
- Category:The Shire - DONE
- Category:Bree-land - DONE
- Landmarks category its has to many items and I would have to go thru each individually to find the stuff - DONE
- Missing instance pages: no one ever built the instances location, details in the quest, some mobs recorded in quests to connect them to the location - WORKING HERE
- Quest:Instance: Unravelling the Thread - DONE
- Quest:Instance: The Assault on Archet, town exists and mobs do but no one ever connected them - DONE
- Quest:Instance: A Song for the Company - DONE
- Quest:Instance: A Song for the Company is located in Holt Adderson's Grotto which has mobs that are incorrectly marked - DONE
- Quest:Instance: A Spear at the Southern March - DONE found location in Andrath
- Quest:Private Instance: A Well-ordered Mind loremaster specific no locations - ignore not enough infomation
- Quest:Instance: Blackwolds Broken same cave as before, location might exist - DONE
- Quest:Instance: Othrongroth occurs in the Borrow Downs but all location info is related to world instance not the quest instance, I bet there are creatures for both in here
- this is the great burrow so DONE
STOPPED right here and decided to do this but for the Current high level instances FIRST lvl 115 right now in Mordor and Dale Matthew.zellmer (talk) 17:38, 12 July 2018 (UTC)
work on updating Boilerplate:Region Template
- Want to add warbands and roving threat sections to the Creatures section (like the quest section has sub sections) - DONE
- Want to include Categories at the top so they are more useable and findable. - DONE
Matthew.zellmer (talk) 16:36, 24 April 2018 (UTC)
Western Gondor Warbands
- Need a page like the one for Rohan with a map with each warband on it - DONE
- Want to fix the navigation boxes for the warbands, gifts, and roving threats (so the areas are on the left and the creatures are grouped on the right) - DONE
- make it look more like this navigation tool Central Gondor - DONE
- Review of all warbands pages and decided to update them all - DONE
Matthew.zellmer (talk) 16:36, 24 April 2018 (UTC)
Legendary Items pages are broke
- I think the Items need updated category inventory pages as well as a master linked page at the beginning of the Legendary Items page with clickable pictures of all items there - DONE
- Crafting Vendor has a good list of item - DONE
- Skirmish-Legendary Items has a good list of items BUT The lists should be collapseable and collaped like - DONE
- There are also lists of unidentified items that should be reviewed. I need to goto a camp and review one with a video. - nope
- Item:Legendary Fragment and Item:Legendary Shard has a static list of recipes but probably should just point the person to the correct index - looks like someone already did this
- Category:Item_Indexes has a lot of legendary item indexes that are broke. - DONE
Complete Matthew.zellmer (talk) 13:43, 26 April 2017 (UTC)
Dol Amroth (Faction)
- Mixed up the base faction with all the city factions
- The quests need to be split out into several groups. I want a group that tells me where I can get coins Amroth Silver Pieces including repeatable quests, a section with all the quartermasters in it showing all their trades, another section with all the quests with reputation and another with all the city reps and coins.
Complete Matthew.zellmer (talk) 18:49, 12 April 2017 (UTC)
Skirmish page re-vamp
- Category:Skirmish System need to have all the Skirmishes put into it - DONE
- Need to create pages that hold all the Skirmish info for any single skirmish: quest, deeds, bosses, etc. - DONE
- Need to create a Skirmish Loot page and transduce it everywhere Skirmish Rewards transduce into The_Siege_of_Gondamon Reward section, Skirmish Reward section, Quest:The_Siege_of_Gondamon rewards section. - DONE
- Make a non-transduced detailed section for the Skirmish Rewards page - Skirmishes are organized by Size (1,2,3,6,12) Tier(1,2,3) and level - DONE
- Need to check and see if Skirmishes really do only allow loot from the Fancy Wood Chest (lootable once per skirmish per week) - DONE they don't this loot doesn't drop anymore
- Need to steal all the loot lists from the campaign and other places and cram it all into the Skirmish Rewards page - DONE
- Need to delink all of the Category:Obsolete Skirmish pages and all the Skirmish Campaigns pages I made obsolete - DONE
- Need to create a Category also - DONE Category:Obsolete Skirmishes
- Need to figure how to make quests level variable - DONE use the '...' or 'Scaling' - DONE
- create an Template:Instance Cluster:Skirmish - DONE
- found lots of stray quests that should probably mark for deletion and make obsolute - DONE
- /{/{Obsolete | patchlink=Update 5, Armies of Isengard - December 12, 2011 | type=Quest | see_also=| nocat= }}
- /{/{Delete Page | Wrong level, removed in Update 5, in 2009. Quest replaced by Quest:?? | nocat= }}
- remove the level, change the fellowshiptype and questgroup to Obsolete Skirmish, remove repeatable, remove any quest rep links
- Need to make all the good quests correct by: change level to Scaling its a category. - DONE
- Need to review all the normal location and regions related to skirmishes and add a link to the skirmish page The Prancing Pony - DONE
Completed Matthew.zellmer (talk) 20:16, 13 October 2016 (UTC)
Essence Item pages combine into one
There is a lot of different Nadhin armor that has the same name, want to correctly add it to the wiki in a better way. decided to break it up by rarity like the Category:Legendary Items and Essence were broken up.
- Create 3 versions of each Nadhin armor, one for each rarity and then add tables in each for the different levels and stats
- convert over all the old links to the new ones for each item as I go
- remove the old items from the wiki making sure all their information is stored in the new page
- Test Item: Item:Light Nadhin Gauntlets (uncommon)
- test Item:
Light Nadhin Gauntlets
- helpful link: Category:Items with Essence Slots
- Conversion (and removal) tracker
- Light Nadin Armor - complete
- Item:Light Nadhin Gauntlets (incomparable) - couple of links refuse to update Essence and Dol Amroth. come back later and verify I don't have a couple of bad links in these
- Item:Light Nadhin Hood (incomparable) - complete
- Item:Light Nadhin Leggings (incomparable) - complete
- Item:Light Nadhin Robe (incomparable) - complete
- Item:Light Nadhin Shoes (incomparable) - complete finished new items, and relinking
- Questions from other users have arisen. so continue the conversion but don't delete the old items if they include the LOTRO official name. Convert all the links right now.
- list of items to convert Item:Light Nadhin Shoes (incomparable-100) - complete
- Item:Light Nadhin Shoulders (incomparable) finished new items, and relinking - complete
- delete list Item:Light Nadhin Shoulders (incomparable-100), Item:Light Nadhin Shoulders (rare-95)
- Medium Nadin Armor - complete
- Item:Medium Nadhin Boots (incomparable) rolling these several items into it: Item:Medium Nadhin Boots (agility), Item:Medium Nadhin Boots (incomparable-100), Item:Medium Nadhin Boots (might), removed the old items, updated the links - complete
- Item:Medium Nadhin Gauntlets (incomparable) has these items rolled into it Item:Medium Nadhin Gauntlets (incomparable-100), removed the old items, updated the links - complete
- Item:Medium Nadhin Gauntlets (rare) has these items rolled into it Item:Medium Nadhin Gauntlets (rare-100), Item:Medium Nadhin Gauntlets-2 (rare-100), removed the old items, updated the links.- complete
- Item:Medium Nadhin Jacket (incomparable) has one item rolled into it Item:Medium Nadhin Jacket (incomparable-100), updated the links, removed old item.- complete
- Item:Medium Nadhin Leggings (incomparable) has one item rolled into it Item:Medium Nadhin Leggings (incomparable-100), updated the links, removed old item.- complete
- Item:Medium Nadhin Mask (incomparable) has one item rolled into it Item:Medium Nadhin Mask (incomparable-100), updated the links, removed old item.- complete
- Item:Medium Nadhin Mask (rare) has one item rolled into it Item:Medium Nadhin Mask (rare-100), updated the links, removed old item.- complete
- After a long discussion on User_talk:Castorix#Nadhin_items we decided to leave the official name as a parent page or disambiguity page for Google and LID to find. I will continue to roll the rest of the odd pages into the new rarity pages.
- Item:Medium Nadhin Shoulders (rare) has one item rolled into it Item:Medium Nadhin Shoulders (rare-95), updated the links, removed old item.- complete
- Heavy Nadin Armor - WORKING HERE
- Item:Heavy Nadhin Armour - complete, combined, updated links, removed old duplicates.
- Item:Heavy Nadhin Boots - complete, combined, updated links, removed old duplicates.
- Item:Heavy Nadhin Gauntlets - complete, combined, updated links, removed old duplicates.
- Item:Heavy Nadhin Leggings - complete, combined, updated links, removed old duplicates.
- Item:Heavy Nadhin Mask - complete, combined, updated links, removed old duplicates.
- Item:Heavy Nadhin Shoulders - complete, combined, updated links, removed old duplicates.
- Item:Heavy Nadhin Shoulders - - complete, combined, updated links, removed old duplicates.
- complete with all conversions.
- Aug 2016
Add new Categories for regional Public Dungeons
- need to clean up the Category:Public Dungeons Category first - DONE
- remove each regions public dungeons category and move them to the regional instances and public dungeon category - DONE
- NOTE: Boilerplate:Region Template says that a public dungeon is an interior so I changed it to Instances - DONE
- Interiors are duplicated as Landmarks most of the time. This is true and sometimes also dungeons and instances so there is overlap there - DONE
- need to review all the pages related to geography
- Boilerplate:Region Template figure out how this was designed
- Category:Humanoid Geography - DONE reorgnaized
- Category:Physical Geography - DONE reorgnaized
- Category:Geography is organized poorly and doesn't connect to anything in-game or on the pages related pages - DONE reorgnaized
- Category:Animal Lairs - DONE left alone for now (allows for easy search by this strange category)
- Category:Caves- DONE left alone for now (allows for easy search by this strange category)
- Category:Fortresses- DONE left alone for now (allows for easy search by this strange category)
- Category:Tombs- DONE left alone for now (allows for easy search by this strange category)
Category Reputation Deeds
- Record what I am doing in the Boilerplate:Deed, Template:Deed, - DONE
- Regional Reputation Faction Deed category should only hold the faction title deeds (4 of um), not deeds that provide reputation for a faction.
- There are 2 flavors of reputation deeds that are categorized on this wiki:
- 1. Deeds that award a title and requires reputation points to earn, for example: Category:Bree-land Reputation Deeds
- 2. Deeds that reward there completion with reputation points, for example: Category:Men of Bree Deeds
- Put all reputation deeds together, 4 deeds is really not enough for its own category - DONE
- Category:Reputation Deed Titles is a disaster - DONE cleaned it up
Static duplicate region Deed Category index pages
- Going to replace these annoying, never updated static index pages with a redirect to the Category itself so all the deeds are visible. - DONE
- These are just copy/paste from all the deed pages into a single indexed deed but they are not updated like the individual pages themselves AND they don't hold new information just the same information.
- Note some deed index pages DO offer new information like the Burglar Deeds page and I will keep them as is. - DONE
- User:Savitara/Sandbox2 is a list of Savi's new deed summary tables and how well his additions are going (replacement of the static deed summarys)
- keep track of progress in here Template talk:Deeds-infobox and Boilerplate:Deed and Template:Deed - DONE
- each static deed page needs to be reviewed. Verify all the deeds are properly categorized and fix them, glean all useful info out of the static page - DONE
- change the static page to a redirect page to the category - DONE
- use the what links here page and change all links to the category instead of the static page - DONE
- add the {{Deeds-infobox}} box to the category - DONE
- go thru the categories and make sure each one is linked correctly to the region but also to the Category:Explorer Deeds, Category:Lore Deeds, Category:Slayer Deeds and other categories - DONE
- Performing a revamp of the regional deed category structure, making sure Instance deeds show up in the region they belong too. Also adding a regional Meta-deed sub-category and Quests deed sub-category. - DONE
- make sure there is a redirect page setup for each category page so it can be found using the search box - DONE
- Meta-deeds are top-teir or cap-stone deeds that require lots of other deeds, quests or have other requirements, they usually are hidden and require the player to really work-over an area, instance or region for completion. (e.g. Category:Moria Meta Deeds) - DONE
- Meta-deeds are hard to categorize, they belong in the regional deed category if they are for a region but also in the regional meta deed section and in all the areas or Instances that are required for there completion. - DONE
- Quests deeds are deeds that require a number of quests to be completed in an area or region. They are very similar slayer deeds and exploration deeds. (e.g. Category:Moria Quest Deeds) - DONE
- Region Instance Deeds, add a new Region Deed sub-category for all regions, then use that to like to the Instance category - DONE
- Category:Bree-land Deeds and Category:Bree-land - DONE
- Trollshaws Deeds and Category:Trollshaws Deeds - DONE
- The Shire Deeds - converted to Category:The Shire Deeds - DONE
- North Downs Deeds - converted to Category:North Downs Deeds - DONE
- Lone-lands Deeds - converted to Category:Lone-lands Deeds - DONE
- Evendim Deeds - converted to Category:Evendim Deeds - DONE
- Forochel Deeds changed to Category:Forochel Deeds - DONE
- Angmar Deeds changed to Category:Angmar Deeds - DONE
- Ered Luin converted to Category:Ered Luin - DONE
- Eregion Deeds converted to Category:Eregion - DONE
- Misty Mountains Deeds converted to Category:Misty Mountains Deeds - DONE
- Category:Enedwaith - DONE for now
- Category:Dunland, Category:Gap of Rohan and Category:Nan Curunír - DONE
- Category:Moria Deeds - Almost done, need to move Moria Deeds on over then create a redirect but after a bit - DONE
- Category:Lothlórien Deeds - DONE
- Category:The Great River Deeds - DONE
- faction deeds missing and little data to go on added Category:The Riders of Stangard Deeds need to add the other faction as well - added DONE
- What is this? Template:The_Great_River_Deeds - found out and removed it was an early attempt at a boilerplate by User:Magill have permission to delete - DONE
- Category:Mirkwood Deeds - DONE
- Southern Mirkwood Deeds and Mirkwood Deeds - was removed from the infobox but have to wait to make sure have moved over all links - DONE
- Tower of Dol Guldur Deeds was changed to a redirect but need to check and make sure all the links goto the new link and not the old - DONE
- Category:Tower of Dol Guldur Deeds might need to change to Category:Seige of Mirkwood Deeds
- Category:Mirkwood Instance Titles might need to change to Category:Seige of Mirkwood Titles
- Category:Ettenmoors Deeds - added numerous deeds, still needs lots o work
- Category:Wildermore Deeds - DONE
- Category:East Rohan Deeds - DONE
- Category:East Rohan Deeds deed table has Hybolt deeds labeled as REBUILD should be changed to Rebuild Hybolt or something like that -DONE
- Category:West Rohan Deeds - DONE
- Remove these redirect pages after a couple of days, Great Barrow -- Maze Wing, Great Barrow -- Sambrog Wing, Great Barrow -- The Gate to Sambrog, Great Barrow -- Water Wing - DONE
- Go back and add the static deed page but then put a redirect to the category page ! So people can find both thru the search function - DONE
Crafting Rare Components
- need help and need to be organized - DONE
- added all rare components into the new category Category:Crafting Rare Components - DONE
- WTF! this is silly there are several different categories for Resources and items and they are duplicate or related
- Category:Resource Items and Category:Resource Materials and Category:Resource Spawns and Category:Crafting Mastery Components AND Category:Crafting Rare Components
- ACK! and I think there are more! in the Category:Items
- Organized into a new category! I know its terrible Category:Crafting Rare Components - DONE
- then I created a new page Crafting Rare Components -DONE
- broke out the rare compnenets by region and type giving each there own page to update then transclusion them back into the region pages - DONE
- Then gave all these pages a category Category:Crafting Rare Component Regions - DONE
- linked all pages together - DONE
- there is an odd category issue with the transduce pages somehow give their parent pages their categories as well, so I need to fix this before I can be done
- Savi helped me out if I add the <noinclude> myCategories </noinclude> tags around the categories it fixes this problem. Well it removed the categories from each page
- but I think there is a lag for the removal of regions and items from the Category:Crafting Rare Component Regions category. - DONE
adding Regions Named Creatures map and list
cleaning up the region pages, for people who want easy shard hunting
- The Shire - DONE - no shards dropped by baddies, created a quest creature list instead
- Bree-land - DONE - broke out by shard type, odd thing where Bree-land is somehow in the Category:Bree-land Creatures category
- Ered Luin - DONE - broke out by shard type and quest type: thing where region is somehow in the Category: region Creatures category
- Lone-lands - DONE - broke out by shard type
- North Downs - DONE - broke out by shard type
- Evendim - DONE - broke out by shard type
- Trollshaws DONE - broke out by shard type - odd thing where Trollshaws is somehow in the Category:Trollshaws Creatures category
- Forochel DONE - broke out - odd thing where Forochel is somehow in the Category:Forochel Creatures category
- Misty Mountains DONE - broke out - odd thing again
- Angmar - DONE - broke out by shard type - odd thing again
- Eregion - DONE - broke out by shard type
- Enedwaith - No Named creatures that drop shards or Mithral Flakes, instead added Mithrel Flakes - DONE - odd thing
The next group of sites needs to have a list of mobs you can kill that drop CHESTS that can provide the shard or rare object
- Ettenmoors - No Named creatures that drop shards or Mithral Flakes - DONE
- Dunland - what rare item is dropped by creatures here? - NONE! rare items are Item:Cracked Rhi Helvarch Sigil but they only drop from resource nodes
- Gap of Rohan, Isengard, Nan Curunír are all the same no rare drops from creatures just resource spawns - NONE
- Moria has areas and regions that have creatures that drop stuff I need to add the maps and tables - DONE
- Moria Named Creature Maps - DONE
- Review Item:Mithril_Flake it has a list of Regions and baddies that drop Flakes! Make sure they match up to yours if not add um - DONE
- Lothlórien - DONE - broke out by Mithral Flakes but there is only one for the zone
- Mirkwood- DONE - broke out by Mithral Flakes but there is only one for the zone
- Add List of Shard droppers to each Region - DONE
- Add List of Shard droppers to each Shard/Flake page - , break out by region and shard - DONE
- divide each Regions Shard droppers into there own shard so the lists look better on the shard pages - DONE
- connect my new rare crafting compnenets page EVERY WHERE
- make a category for all the region tables - DONE
- Add the rest of the Named Creatures maps - DONE
- DONE Matthew.zellmer (talk) 20:47, 7 April 2014 (UTC)
Adding User talk:Laineth's awesome Scholar Artifacts Maps
- Working with User talk:Laineth#Scholar Artifact Maps
- Scholars Resource Maps
- I have asked permission from Laineth to add them. Answer is a yes but wait a couple of weeks (can start adding maps 6Mar2014)
- finally have permission from User_talk:Laineth#Scholar_Artifact_Maps will start to add once other priorities are complete
- Start integration into these pages:
- Scholar - included summary information but leaves out the details, either summary should be much smaller or details incldued
- Artifacts - has both a summary table and then an expanded table of the same information. Should be combined! WAIT this is a static index page of the Category:Resource Spawns or similar to it and it should be removed or moved to the Category itself
- Regions
- Bree-land, Ered Luin, Lone-lands, North Downs, The Shire, The Trollshaws, Evendim, Angmar, Eregion, Misty Mountains , Moria, Durin's Way The Great Delving, The Flaming Deeps, Nud-melek, The Redhorn Lodes, The Silvertine Lodes, The Water-works, Zelem-melek, Lothlorien, Mirkwood Enedwaith, East Rohan, The East Wall, Entwash Vale, The Wold, Wildermore, Norcrofts, West Rohan, Broadacres, Westfold, Eastfold, Kingstead and Stonedeans - DONE
- add to individual Artifacts Nodes:
- create a standard for the resource nodes - reviewing need to build a simple boilerplate, notes below this is broke, use a temporary standard for now, just for Scholar
- formatted differently then all other resource nodes, but added maps at bottom anyway - DONE
- added maps to Shattered Pitcher, Antique Vase, Broken Urn ,Forgotten Text, Ancient Vase, Sage's Locker, Sage's Casket and Sage's Lockbox, Banded Coffer,Ornate Cache, Adorned Chest - DONE
- formatted odd but added maps - DONE
- add all the artifact maps each Category:Artifact Maps, [[Category:Region]], [[Category:Regions Maps]], category - DONE
- DONE Matthew.zellmer (talk) 13:21, 12 March 2014 (UTC)
Deed Farming Locations page removal
- This entire page is captured in the Category:Slayer Deeds page already
- each deed has a good location to kill the baddies in it already, so a deed farming page would be good but it should consist of some notes and then the Category:Slayer Deeds
- Deed farming doenst need a single quick reference page as you wont be doing more then 1 or 2 in any single play
- talked with User_talk:Magill#Deed_farming_locations and decided to move useful data out then remove page
- Moving useful data out to the deeds by region:
- Category:Angmar Slayer Deeds - DONE
- Category:Bree-land Slayer Deeds - DONE
- Enedwaith - DONE
- Ered Luin - DONE
- Eregion - DONE
- Evendim - DONE
- Forochel - DONE
- Lone-lands - DONE
- Misty Mountains - DONE
- Moria - DONE
- North Downs - DONE
- The Shire - DONE
- The Trollshaws - DONE
- moved summary text to Category:Slayer Deeds and Category:Racial Deeds
- Deed_farming_locations is ready for removal - Done Wm Magill - Valamar - OTG/OTC - talk 21:18, 27 February 2014 (UTC)
Fixing Wiki-code Lootbox, Lootitems Templates
- changing lootitems to lootbox
- The lootitems template was built by User:Savitara but it didn't work out so well User_talk:Savitara
- Lootitems required every Mob to have a "Has Location::" statement to get the queries correct
- Going with the Template_talk:Lootbox
- Goal: removing Has Location::
- done
- Goal: convert Lootitems to Lootbox
- done before I got here
Template:Lootitems- Working with several folks
- Savi or Savitara, User_talk:Savitara#I presume you saw the new bot activity...
- User Talk:Savitara#Updating Lootbox
- User:Savitara#Mob drops and lootitems Template
- Magill, Wm Magill - Valamar - OTG/OTC
- User talk:Magill#Changes to item drop display
- User talk:Magill#Re: Moblore template
- User talk:Magill#Bots, the future of Awesome
- User Talk:Matthew.zellmer#Lootitems and Lootbox Templates and Item Drops section fix
- User Talk:Matthew.zellmer#Fixing Wiki-code Lootbox, Lootitems Templates
- Originally started by User:RingTailCat, User:RingTailBot, User:RingTailCat/Sandbox-6 bot examples
- Built a PHP cURL bot to access the wiki API and perform a mass find/replace
- Updated the official project page with some links
- Looks like Savi or Savitara was able to remove all the Lootitems and replace then with Lootbox.
Fixing Wiki-code updating creatures Item drops "Has Drop"
- Goal: removing or fixing "Has Drop", User:RingTailCat was the one working this
User:RingTailCat/Sandbox-16 - removing items Loot-from broken box and replace with correct Boilerplate:Item format
- check out User:RingTailCat/Editing and review his sandboxes to find bots
- Can use this page for lootitems to lootbox template changes, quick reference Special:WhatLinksHere (and enter Template:Lootitems) to get a list of what links to the Lootitems template
- Built a PHP cURL bot to access the wiki API and perform a mass find/replace
- Updated the official project page with some links
DONE (before I finished my script)
Find and Replace Request item obsolete line |imgtype
- removing use item template parameter "|imgtype"
- Built a PHP cURL bot to access the wiki API and perform a mass find and delete to end of line
- removed all of the "|imgtype = " lines. This change was made to each page I found imgtype, but one page at a time using my fancy bot, it was slow but still a thousands times faster then manual labor and I can guarantee no mass mistakes.
Build LOTRO log file parser to quicken the Mob loot inputs
I want to build a parser that will quickly spit out all the bad guys fought and their loot drops in a format that is easily added to the wiki manually.
- I will leverage my previous work with PHP to develop a parser
- manual wiki design:
- use an HTML form to input the log file locations
- the form must have numerous checkboxes to turn ON/OFF different parsers or turn ON/OFF what to parse
- the parser will review each line of the log file and output
- creatures defeated
- loot from the defeated creature
- quests completed and New
- the output will include correctly formatted links for quests, creatures and items
- for example: I should be able to click the defeated creatures name and see its wiki page
- once parsed I will have to manually copy/paste the loot drops and items and edit the creatures wiki page manually
Expertise Tolkens and how they work
- Every crafting job and Tier has a Crafting Expertise recipe that uses crafting expertise tokens
- Skirmish-Crafting
- does this still work? - yes
- why were only the apprentice recipes added? Verify in-game if I can buy these recipes and then use one of them - this works ingame
- problem is I don't remember the exact naming convention need to write down and then add missing content here
- Took a hack and believed what was already in the wiki as a naming template
- using the NPC_Skirmish-Crafting as a guide I added all the missing recipes and adjusted the ones already there if needed:
- Scholar - DONE
- Metalsmith - mostly done already - DONE
- Cook - DONE
- Jeweller - DONE
- Tailor - DONE
- Weaponsmith - DONE
- Woodworker - DONE
- NOT DONE - follow up work -will still to verify each recipes:
- Mark cost - Updated for all professions
- sold to vendor cost - update for all professions
- exp gained
- cool down
- Mark cost of Tokens and their sold cost
- Product naming convention, does it have the profession name in it or is it agnostic? Destroyed Journeyman Expertise Token or Destroyed Metalsmith Journeyman Expertise Token - its profession agnostic
- if its profession agnostic then I need to search for the other times and delete them and reconnect them properly - DONE
- each of the already done recipes will need review as their produce titles are odd - DONE
- Appretince, Westfold and Eastemnet were all already done but not sure if they were done right - they were not done right but I fixed um
- they produce Westfold Scholar Expertise instead of Destroyed Westfold Expertise Token. There is no Item:Westfold Scholar Expertise so I changed them after reviewing the correct spelling in-game
- Product naming convention, does it have the profession name in it or is it agnostic? Destroyed Journeyman Expertise Token or Destroyed Metalsmith Journeyman Expertise Token - its profession agnostic
Finished the Expertise Tokens
Missing Westemnet Expertise Recipe and Tokens are not in the Skirmish Camp - DONE
- found the data in-game made a video of it and added the recipes - DONE
- also updated the Mark costs of all of these plus the costs for all other Expertise recipes -DONE
- But the Token icon is for the Eastemnet so need to check on that - its correct DONE
- need to review the Mark costs as well for each Token - DONE
Crafting -quality to -grade FIX
Number of Prospector and Jeweller recipes, ingots and Bulk recipes name changes were done that broke a bunch of links (by me and others):
- Checked in-game names and all of them have a -grade and none have a -quality so several the names are wrong in the wiki: need to fix
- Work that needs to be done for each:
- convert page titles over, and create redirects
- change text on page
- check all links-to page and convert over
- check all OTHER references to page and convert over using bot
- converted all links on the Prospector Recipe Index and the NPC Skirmish-Crafting - DONE
- Item:Low-quality Calenard Ingot was changed in the wiki by someone else to Item:Low-grade Calenard Ingot and created all sorts of broken links
- Lots of recipes have Item:Low-quality Calenard Ingot
- used a bot to convert all links Item:Low-quality Calenard Ingot to Item:Low-grade Calenard Ingot and references as well
- Item:Medium-grade Calenard Ingot moved to Item:Medium-grade Calenard Ingot, auto created redirect, used bot to convert recipe text - DONE
- Item:Medium-quality Calenard Ingot swapped to Item:Medium-grade Calenard Ingot
- Item:Bulk Medium-quality Calenard Ingot Recipe moved to Item:Bulk Medium-grade Calenard Ingot Recipe, auto created redirect - DONE
- Item:Bulk High-quality Calenard Ingot Recipe moved to Item:Bulk High-grade Calenard Ingot Recipe, auto created redirect - DONE
- Item:High-grade Calenard Ingot already exists and so does a redirect Item:High-quality Calenard Ingot so this was done by SOMEONE else User:Goingbald
- all other High-grade Calenard Ingot recipes are already correct
- BUT lots of recipes that require the Ingots are still linked to the old -quality
- ACK! I cant find one of the templates that still has Item:High-quality Calenard Ingot!! Its got to be one of the Level 75 ones cause all items still being linked are from that ilk (e.g. Item:Crafted Champion's Rune of the Third Age Recipe (Level 75) you can see them for yourself by going to Special:WhatLinksHere and looking Item:High-quality Calenard Ingot
- This was probably a cached list issue due to routinely updated transclusion links (not updated immediately) - DONE
- ACK! Still have a problem like before all Level 85 (e.g.Item:Crafted Obsidian Rune-stone of the Third Age Recipe (Level 85)) still act like they are linked to High-quality and I don't know how to disconnect them. This is probably a template issue and I am not to good with um. This can be seen by going to Special:WhatLinksHere and search for Item:High-quality Riddermark Ingot
- This was probably a cached list issue due to routinely updated transclusion links (not updated immediately) - DONE
- Template:Legendary_Recipe and Template:Legendary Index are used to build hundreds of items and its hard coded with the Item:High-quality Calenard Ingot so I changed it to Item:High-grade Calenard Ingot
- While I was here I also converted Item:High-quality Riddermark Ingot to Item:High-grade Riddermark Ingot which will break a lot of stuff for a bit
- Item:Improved High-quality Calenard Ingot Recipe moved to Item:Improved High-grade Calenard Ingot Recipe, auto created redirect - DONE
- Item:Bulk Improved High-quality Calenard Ingot Recipe moved to Item:Bulk Improved High-grade Calenard Ingot Recipe, auto created redirect - DONE
- Item:Low-quality Riddermark Ingot was changed by someone else in the wiki to Item:Low-grade Riddermark Ingot causing broken links so I attempted to fix the links
- both Item:Low-quality Riddermark Ingot Recipe (Weaponsmith) andItem:Low-grade Riddermark Ingot Recipe (Weaponsmith) exist I added a redirect to the old -quality version initially, then removed it later
- both Item:Low-quality Riddermark Ingot Recipe (Jeweller) and Item:Low-grade Riddermark Ingot Recipe (Jeweller) exist so I added a redirect to the old -quality version initially, then removed it later
- both Item:Bulk Low-quality Riddermark Ingot Recipe and Item:Bulk Low-grade Riddermark Ingot Recipe exist so I added a redirect to the old -quality version initially, then removed it later
- Item:Medium-quality Riddermark Ingot - DONE
- Item:Bulk Medium-quality Riddermark Ingot Recipe moved to Item:Bulk Medium-grade Riddermark Ingot Recipe, auto created redirect - DONE
- Bot performed a massive find/replace for -quality and replaced with -grade
- Item:Bulk High-quality Riddermark Ingot Recipe moved to Item:Bulk High-grade Riddermark Ingot Recipe, auto created redirect - DONE
- Item:High-quality Riddermark Ingot exists as a redirect to Item:High-grade Riddermark Ingot already but High-grade needs some work, there are hundreds of recipes that call for High-quality
- Item:Improved High-quality Riddermark Ingot Recipe moved to Item:Improved High-grade Riddermark Ingot Recipe, auto created redirect - DONE
- Item:Bulk Improved High-quality Riddermark Ingot Recipe moved to Item:Bulk Improved High-grade Riddermark Ingot Recipe, auto created redirect - DONE
- Bot performed a massive find/replace for -quality and replaced with -grade
- Item:Low-quality Eorlingas Ingot never existed YEA so its always been correctly Item:Low-grade Eorlingas Ingot
- Item:Medium-quality Eorlingas Ingot never existed YEA so its always been correctly Item:Medium-grade Eorlingas Ingot
- Item:High-quality Eorlingas Ingot never existed YEA so its always been correctly Item:High-grade Eorlingas Ingot
- Prospector and Metalsmith and Jeweller recipes might have -quality instead of -grade, need to double check each. WONT show up as a link!
- Prospector Recipe Index have -grade BUT the recipe pages LINKED might not, check them here - DONE
- Jeweller Recipe Index have -grade BUT the recipe pages LINKED might not, checked - DONE
- Metalsmith Recipe Index have -grade BUT the recipe pages LINKED might not, checked - DONE
- Search for Text in pages related to -quality to find all the missed ones - DONE
- Most of the pages I found that have just Metal Shavings are already being ignored or replaced and need to be delete - DONE
- Metal Shaving links in several places they should be deleted already replaced by Item:Calenard Metal Shavings
Item:Metal Shavings Recipe (Weaponsmith) already replaced by Item:Riddermark Metal Shavings Recipe (Weaponsmith) - need to delete old page- Item:Metal Shavings Recipe (Jeweller) already replace by Item:Riddermark Metal Shavings Recipe (Jeweller) - need to delete old page
Item:Metal Shavings Recipe (Metalsmith) already replace by Item:Riddermark Metal Shavings Recipe (Metalsmith) - old page already deleted- DONE with help from User:Savitara
- odd behavior for this recipe Item:Improved High-grade Riddermark Ingot Recipe look at the [[Item:Chunk of Low-grade Riddermark Ore]] which turns into Item:Chunk of Riddermark Skarn - User:Magill converted to Item:Chunk of Riddermark Skarn and deleted incorrect component.