Item:Bulk Medium-grade Riddermark Ingot Recipe

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  Bulk Medium-grade Riddermark Ingot Recipe
  • Bind on Acquire
  • Requires: Eastemnet Prospector crafting ability
  • "Using this scroll grants a Eastemnet Prospector bulk recipe.

    Bulk recipes allow you to process large quantities of materials in a short amount of time."
  • Worth: 12 Silver 36 Copper 
25 Medium-grade Riddermark Ingot
Eastemnet Craft XP Earned: 50

Tool Required: Prospector's Tools
Facility Required: Forge

0/50 Low-grade Riddermark Ingot
0/25 Lump of Riddermark Coal

Optional: Critical Chance: 5%
0/25 Bit of Pure Riddermark Ore
☐ Use +35%
0/1 Universal Optional Crafting Ingredient
☐ Use +100%
Critical Success Produces:
75 Medium-grade Riddermark Ingot

Barter Information

Barterer: Crafting Vendor (Skirmish Camp)

Item to Receive Items to Trade
 Bulk Medium-grade Riddermark Ingot Recipe 187 Marks