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Have you always wanted to take up fishing and get out into the great outdoors where you can enjoy nature while casting your line in the sparkling water? Well, now is a great time to start! Fishing is a hobby that can be pursued at your leisure and requires nothing more than a little patience and a fishing pole.


"One of the only ways a hobbit can spend an afternoon snoozing in the sun and still get dinner."

Fishing was introduced with Book 13: Doom of the Last-king as the only hobby available in LOTRO, until Birding launched with Update 41 as the second.

The Basics

Players can train in the art of fishing from Hobby Masters:

Note: Fishing Suppliers cannot teach fishing.

How to Fish

Open the Character Journal and click on the Hobby button along the bottom. Here you will find information about fishing, and the Fishing icon which you can drag/assign to a quickslot.

Locate any body of water: a lake, river, stream, or pond will suffice. Once you have picked out your fishing spot, equip your fishing pole and face the water.

Press the Fishing quickslot button once (or activate the associated hotkey) to cast your line. Once the line has been cast, wait until you see signs of a bite - such as splashing in the water, the bobber dipping under the water, or your fishing pole flexing. Other signs include an animation of a fish approaching, then biting the floating lure in the water.

When these signs occur, quickly reel in your line by pressing the Fishing button again. If you reacted in time, you will have caught something. If not, try again.

Equipment (or Tackle)

Your first fishing rod is a quest reward from the hobby-master who trains you in the art of fishing. They will also give you The Basics of Fishing to guide you along. If you destroy, misplace in storage, lose, or sell your fishing rod by mistake, you can purchase another from Fishing Suppliers or other NPCs with the titles Fisherman and/or Guide. In some cases there are vendors who are not clearly labeled as well. Vendors such as Héalac who can be found in Snowbourn.

Better fishing-rods can be crafted by an Expert Woodworker or purchased from select reward based barterers through-out the game. The basic rod will work fine for a beginner.

Where to Fish

Generalized recommendations based on fishing proficiency level

Leveling Fishing

Proficiency level can be checked under Character > Hobby, then hovering over the bar below the hobby description. A tooltip will appear showing "(your level)/200," indicating your level relative to the maximum possible of 200. While there is no limit to casting and retrieving the fishing line (nor limit to the amount of fish you can catch per day), only 10 proficiency levels can be earned per day.

When you can earn proficiency, the bar under Character > Hobby will be blue. When you can no longer earn fishing proficiency, this bar will turn yellow. This bar resets at 2:00 a.m. server time (6:00 a.m. in your timezone). Note: there is no chat message or pop-up notification when the daily cap has been reached, only chat messages when your level has increased.

Fishing proficiency affects what type of fish you can catch - e.g. Dace at level 21, or Carp at level 135. As such, it can be beneficial to raise proficiency if seeking a specific type of fish, to complete Fishing Deeds, to obtain fishing crafting trophies, and/or to catch specific types of fish for use in Cooking recipes that do not use Pair of Fish Fillets. See also Types of Fish and Rare Fish Locations.

If you cast and catch fish 6 or more times in a row and do not earn a proficiency level, either your hobby bar is yellow (i.e., fishing proficiency cap has been reached), or the water is too "high" or too "low level" for you. After your Fishing Proficiency is 150, though, it can take a long time to reach 200. Although it's still possible to get 10 proficiency levels per day, it takes more than 6 casts to get a proficiency level after 150 is reached.

Types of Fish

Certain fish are caught depending on your level of experience in your Hobby. Once you reach the next proficiency, fish from the level before will no longer yield proficiency for you.

There are several types of fish you are able to catch.

See detailed list of fish.

Item Information

There are currently 7 different fishing rods.

These rods provide an invisible boost to Fishing Proficiency (i.e., "Fishing Skill".) The River Hobbit earned racial trait "River-folk" also provides an invisible +25 boost to Fishing Proficiency.

Fishing Quests

Hytbold - Aiding the Sutcrofts (repeatable)


Dol Amroth City Watch: Docks (repeatable)

Farmers Faire

Special fishing quest conditions: In some fishing quests, you must cast your line toward a glowing or bubbling point in the water. Often there will be an icon on your vital display showing "This is a good place to fish" or similar, and possibly a countdown timer. When the timer expires, the "good fishing spot" has moved, and you must move to the next spot. In other quests, notably Glinting in Forgotten Pools, you must fish until something is caught, but the creature that holds the item now attacks you. Place your weapon in a handy place on your quickslot bars so you can switch quickly.

The Dol Amroth Docks daily quests have complex mechanics where you must bait before fishing, find the right place to fish, and also fight some turtles that you fish up. There is a guide to these quests here [Dol Amroth City Watch – Docks guide]


Fishing Titles

Your proficiency level can only be increased by 10 points per day. A yellow progress bar on the Hobby tab of the Character log indicates you've reached your limit for that day. You can continue to fish, but you will not receive any more experience for the rest of that day.

Level Points
Apprentice Angler 10
Journeyman Angler 50
Expert Angler 100
Master Angler 150
Lord/Lady of Streams 200
Catch of the Day
Title Requirement
Darter-master Catch all 9 Darter varieties.
Sturgeon-master Catch all 9 Sturgeon varieties.
The Complete Angler Catch a 50lb Salmon!
Trout-master Catch all 9 Trout varieties.

Fishing Deeds

Fishing-related Deeds

Rare Fish Locations

  • Trout: All nine trout species can be caught in North Downs, Trollshaws, Evendim, Lone-lands and the Dale-lands with fishing proficiency 50+. All water in those areas have exactly the same drop rate. Reward: Trout Group Trophy
  • Darter: All nine darter species can be caught in Angmar, Misty Mountains and Forochel with fishing proficiency 100+. All water in those areas have exactly the same drop rate. Reward: Darter Group Trophy
  • Sturgeon: All nine sturgeon species can be caught in Enedwaith, Eregion, Lamedon, Mirkwood, Moria, and East Rohan with fishing proficiency 150+. All water in those areas have exactly the same drop rate. Reward: Sturgeon Group Trophy
  • Salmon: All salmon, including the 50-lb salmon have been reported being caught from the island Tinnudir, in Evendim. 50-lb salmon has been reported being caught from the Lone-lands, Mirkwood, Misty Mountains, Rivendell, Enedwaith, East Rohan, West Rohan and Dunland.


External References

Old Lotro Forums: The-Angler-s-Guide-to-Fishing-in-LOTRO

Another research page: The_Angler's_Guide_to_Fishing_in_LOTRO