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- SSG uses the term "Shortcut Bars" and "Quickslots" interchangeably.
- Descriptions here are the defaults, and many can be changed in the "Options Panel / Key Mapping".
- Quickslots are used heavily by other game components:
- See: Trait Tree Panel for a detailed description of the Trait Tree Panel.

- 0 - Default always displayed, saved, positions 1-12; Shortcut access: numeric keys 1-0, - or =
- 1 - Default always displayed, saved, positions 13-24; Shortcut access Ctl plus numeric keys 1-0, - or =
- 2 - Default always displayed, saved, positions 25-36; Shortcut access Shift plus numeric keys 1-0, - or =
- 3 - Default always displayed, saved, positions 37-48; Shortcut access Alt plus numeric keys 1-0, - or =
- 4 - Must be enabled, positions 49-60; Fixed, not saved; Shortcut undefined
- 5 - Must be enabled, positions 61-72; Fixed, not saved; Shortcut undefined
"Options/Quickslots" interactions
- Bar 0 is always displayed and cannot be hidden.
- Bars 1-5 are only displayed when enabled in Options/Quickslots.
- By default, Bars 1-3 are enabled horizontal and docked. They will show whenever your bags are displayed - "I", as in the illustration above.
- They are accessed by "Ctl" (Control), Shift," or "Alt" plus the appropriate numeric keys 1-0, - or = as indicated in the illustration.
- Bars 4 and 5 must be enabled manually in Options/Quickslots. They also have no shortcut key defined (see Options/Key-map).
- If not "docked," bars 1-5 can be moved around the screen using "ctl-\"
Quickslot Page
- At the right end of the main Quickslot bar there are two vertical arrows with an icon in the middle. (See the above illustration.)
- These allow you to switch Quickslot pages.
- There are currently 3 pages - one with a Sword, one with a Shield, one with a Horse.
- mounted combat skills automatically get shortcut (entered) into the mounted combat page (the Horse icon).
- When you mount up, the mount page is automatically shown, when you dismount, you automatically switch to the "first page". (Class Page)
Given configuration
proposed change - other skills automatically get shortcut to the first page - the "class" page, which will then be associated with the specs.
Note that quickslot bars 4 and 5 always show "main page" shortcuts even when you have selected a different page to show for the rest of the bars.
12.2 Preliminary notes
- With the release of update 12.2, LOTRO will now save/restore the state of your quickslots automatically when you change class trait configuration slots.
- The main trigger for something to happen is for you to switch Specializations - when you switch to another spec, your layout for the old spec is saved and the layout from the new spec is loaded.
A few things to be aware of:
- When you switch to a given configuration slot for the very first time, the quickslots for that slot will be initialized from the way they look before you switched
- When you earn a new skill through levelling, this skill will be automatically shortcut to the first available empty slot in each of the "non-current" trait configuration slots (if there's room)
- Newly earned non-mounted-combat skills will be automatically quickslotted to the main (sword icon) quickslot page, no matter which page you are currently looking at (unlike previously)
- Only the main quickslot page layout is saved/restored, and only for the main bar and bars 1-3. Bars 4 and 5 don't change when you change pages and their state will not be saved/restored
- Only skills earned by levelling will be automatically shortcut for you for the non-current trait configurations. Other skills (for example milestone or travel skills bought through the webstore) will not