Quest:Rhosgobel: Cleaning the Tributaries

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Rhosgobel: Cleaning the Tributaries
Level 120
Type Solo
Repeatable Yes
Starts with Radagast
Starts at Radagast's Cottage
Start Region Vales of Anduin
Map Ref [0.8N, 52.6W]
Quest Group Vales of Anduin
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'The Anduin's tributaries were once pristine. Sometimes the paths of Men and the march of Orcs can disturb the peaceful waters. I ask now that you assist me in purifying these streams of the Great River. Bring me those objects of Men and Orcs that choke the waters.'

Refuse can be fished up in the Gladden Fields and under the Hadhodiant.


War has taken a toll on the Anduin, leaving rusted debris along the tributaries of the great river.

Objective 1

Radagast can be found in Rhosgobel.

You should talk to Radagast.

Refuse can be fished up in the Gladden Fields and under the Hadhodiant.

Acquired a ball of gunk
Acquired an old boot
Acquired an old glove
Acquired a rusty hammer
Radagast: 'I thank you for your efforts. Still there is much more to be done. Foul refuse still floats down from the tributaries in the north.'