Quest:Chapter 4: Friends of the Longbeards
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Level | Scaling |
Type | Solo |
Repeatable | Yes |
Starts with | Ingór |
Starts at | Hall of Vérnozal |
Start Region | Gundabad |
Ends with | Ingór |
Quest Group | Allegiance: Clan of the Zhélruka |
Quest Chain |
Clan of the Zhélruka
Walkthrough & Notes |
Rewards |
Quest Text | |
Bestowal Dialogue'<name>, I must speak with you. There are rumours in the hall that a group of Longbeard explorers has gone missing while excavating a perilous cavern. Apparently one of the old tunnels gave way and the dwarves did not return. I believe they might be trapped, but still alive. We must search for them and assist the Longbeards!' BackgroundYou have pledged to lend your aid and your adventuring skills to the Zhélruka and to fight on their behalf in Gundabad. Objective 1
Objective 2Objective 3
Prince Ingór : 'Ah, you have returned! I have heard of your success and the safe return of the Longbeard explorers! You have done well to strengthen the bond between all of the dwarves in Gundabad. Prince Ingór : 'I believe we can do more, however. Let us send these explorers a gift to show that the Zhélruka are just as pleased as any Longbeard at their safe return. Some ales, bread, and draughts should do nicely! We can present this package to the Longbeard emissary before he departs.' Objective 4
8 Objective 5
8 You packed up all the items Objective 6
You should give the care package to the visiting Longbeard emissary in Vérnozal. Objective 7
Longbeard Emissary : 'Ah, thank you for the care package. I am sure that the Longbeards you rescued will be honoured to receive such a gift! My personal thanks for all that you have done, <class>.' Objective 8
Prince Ingór : 'The care package has been delivered? Good, good! You have done well today, my friend.'