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Region: Angmar
Area: Eastern Malenhad
Location: [3.6S, 26.4W]


Gabilshathûr (Khuzdul for Great-clouds) is a settlement located within the area of Eastern Malenhad, in Angmar. [3.6S, 26.4W]

This mining outpost is hidden in a vale tucked in the southern mountainsides. There are two narrow passages into the outpost, a western entrance by a revival ring and the eastern entrance found just east of a camp site fire. Not only is it the dwarves became isolated behind Angmar's Rammas Deluon, now they are truly trapped, as the nearby orcs have recently discovered their settlement and now frequently raid them. The dwarves accept all the help they can get in countering the wildlife as well as diminishing Angmar's presence in the area.

Gabilshathûr provides basic services for weary travelers who manage to conquer the dread of Rammas Deluon. One can expect to find a Stable-master, Milestone, Mailbox, as well as a Provisioner, armaments vendors for levels 40 to 49, and a quest items vendor. Many vendors are found at the upper level.


Gabilshathûr Stable-master
The upper levels of the outpost
Rangers and dwarves at the centre


Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
Aughaire (Swift) Angmar 25 Silver  Completed: Book 6, Chapter 6
Gath Forthnír (Swift) Angmar 25 Silver  Acq. with Council of the North and completed: Book 6, Chapter 6
Iorelen's Camp (Swift) Angmar 25 Silver  Acq. with Council of the North and completed: Book 6, Chapter 6
Destination Region Cost Prereqs
Iridír (Swift) Ambarûl 1 Silver  Min. Level: 140
South Bree (Swift) Bree-land 1 Silver  Min. Level: None
Gerwyn's Convoy (Swift) Andrath 1 Silver  Min. Level: None
Herne (Swift) Ruddymore 1 Silver  Min. Level: None
Akrâz-zahar (Swift) Erebor 1 Silver  Min. Level: 20
Ered Luin
Celondim (Swift) Ered Luin 1 Silver  Min. Level: None
Thorin's Gate (Swift) Ered Luin 1 Silver  Min. Level: None
Steepset (Gundabad) [1] (Swift) Gundabad 1 Silver  Min. Level: 20
North Downs
Trestlebridge (West Alley) (Swift) North Downs 1 Silver  Min. Level: 20
The Shire
Michel Delving (Swift) The Shire 1 Silver  Min. Level: None
Bloody Eagle (Swift) Umbar 1 Silver 
Urash Dâr
Ub Nishir (Swift) Urash Dâr 1 Silver  Min. Level: None


The following deeds can be advanced by visiting this place:






NPC Function Coords
Services & Supplies
Hórth Stable-master [3.6S, 26.6W]
Olmóth Provisioner [3.6S, 26.3W]
Gabilshathûr Stalwart Quest Item Vendor [3.9S, 26.6W]
Mission Recruiter Stable-master [3.8S, 26.6W]
Orso Armoursmith [3.9S, 26.6W]
Gladir Bowyer [3.7S, 26.3W]
Bólwerk Weaponsmith [3.7S, 26.3W]
Avar Task-master - Quest [3.8S, 26.6W]
Banfuir Quest [3.9S, 26.5W]
Bothwar Quest [3.6S, 26.6W]
Braigiar Quest [3.9S, 26.5W]
Guard Ansurr Quest [3.6S, 26.5W]
Guard-captain Gisur Quest [3.6S, 26.5W]
Hwati Quest [3.5S, 26.3W]
Kol Quest [3.8S, 26.3W]
Dwarf Miner
Gabilshathûr Guard
War Effort Recruiter




The dwarf mining-outpost of Gabilshathûr was unwisely founded shortly before the recent revival of the powers of Angmar.
Now these poor souls are trapped, holding out against hope that they can survive and be rescued before the fist of Angmar falls upon them. — Deed'


  1. While the stable-master route denotes The Steepset, aka Zidir-nesad, which is in a level 131-140 area of Mattugard in Gundabad, in actual fact the endpoint is the Hall of Vérnozal, which is a mission hub and closed off from the Steepset area, unless the character is sufficiently-high level to pass through the connecting portal.