North-western Foul Idol

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North-western Foul Idol
Type: Idol
Region: Angmar
Area: Urugarth
Location: [10.7N, 31.5W]

North-western Foul Idol is a landmark within Urugarth, in Angmar. [10.7N, 31.5W]

This idol is found inside the world instance of Urugarth. It is found in the northern section, at the end of the winding way that runs past Fell-water Falls.


These deeds can be advanced by visiting North-western Foul Idol:


Found along the streets and alleys of Urugarth, these foul idols can act as beacons to alert Lagmâs' soldiers to the presence of intruders. Destroying them may raise the ire of the Orcs in Urugarth. — Deed