Khuzdul, or Dwarvish is the secret language of the Dwarves.
The Dwarves are very protective of their own language. They share little of it with outsiders, even their friends among the other races. Khuzdul is carefully preserved and taught to young Dwarves. Few of the other races have learned it. Dwarves do not go by their Khuzdul names in public, instead taking "outer" names from Northern Mannish. Even on their tombs, Dwarves are recorded by these foreign names rather than their secret names.[1]
A highly inflected language, Khuzdul is based on word stems of three consonants, known as triconsonantal roots. The vowels between and surrounding these consonants determine the case and tense of the word. For example, the root FLK means "chisel, hew rock". Felak means "chisel (object)", afluk means "to chisel, to hew rock", "uflak" means "hewer/chiseller (person)", and iflêk means "the act of hewing rock". The addition of prefixes and suffixes is used to form even more complex cases of a single word, such as mafallakûn, meaning "he who continues to hew rock again/excessively".
Common Terms
See External Links for many more definitions and details. Where applicable, plural forms are given. Note that different cases of these words may be required for proper grammar, depending on their place in a sentence or phrase. Also keep in mind that few of these would be known to non-Dwarves. Even to those familiar with Dwarves, mostly only common phrases and the names of major locations would be known.
- akhrâm pl. akharâm - name
- anzar pl. anazâr - steward
- bark pl. baruk - axe
- basn pl. basân - foot
- bin- - without
- binakhrâm - nameless
- bizar - dale
- bund pl. banâd - head
- dum pl. dûm - hall, mansion
- felak pl. felâk - chisel
- gabil - great
- gamil - old
- gathol pl gathôl - fortress
- gundu pl. gunûd - delving, underground hall
- hund pl. hanâd - hill
- inbar pl. nibâr - horn
- Iglishmêk - Dwarvish sign language
- jazr pl. jazâr - chain
- kann pl. kanân - leg
- kibil - silver
- kheled - glass
- Khuzdul - Dwarvish language
- mals - mist
- malasul - misty
- mazarbul - "that which is written": records
- mebel - stiff
- melek pl. melêk - half, weathered rock
- mekhem pl. mekhêm - gate
- nâla pl. nulâ - path, course
- narag - black
- rugn pl. ragân - chin
- sharb - bald
- shathr pl. shathûr - cloud
- shimrîn - guarded place
- sigin- long
- targ pl. tarâg - beard
- thikil - steel
- -ul - of, 's (genitive suffix)
- ushmar pl. ushmâr - guardian
- uzbad pl. uzbâd - king
- zabad pl. zabbad - lord
- zant pl. zanât - hair
- zâram pl. zarâm - lake
- zars pl. zarâs - tree
- zirak pl. zirâk - spike
- zirin - iron
- zudnu pl. zudûn - realm, land
- 'abad pl. 'abbad, 'urd pl. 'urâd - mountain
- baraz pl. barzâ - red
- bibil pl. biblâ - bronze
- danakh pl. dankhâ - green
- khagal pl. khaglâ - blue
- labam pl. labmâ - white
- tahaf pl. tahfâ - yellow, blond
- zigil pl. ziglâ - silvery
- ziriz pl. zirzâ - golden
- faham - north
- farak - south
- nud - east
- zelem - west
- Durthu-rathkh pl. Durthu-rathâkh - Dourhand
- Fund pl. Fanâd - Elf (polite)
- Hundushmar pl. Hundushmâr - "Hill-guardian": Dunlending
- Khûthuz pl. Khuthâz - "Enduring/Endurer": Elf
- Khuzd pl. Khazâd - Dwarf
- Mebelkhags pl. Mebelkhagâs - "Stiff-neck": Elf (impolite)
- Rukhs pl. Rakhâs - Orc
- Sharbrugn pl. Sharbragân - "Bald-chin": Hobbit (impolite)
- Siginkann pl. Siginkanân - "Long-leg": Man (impolite)
- Sigin-targ pl. Sigin-tarâg - Longbeard
- Zantulbasn pl. Zantulbasân - "Hairy-foot": Hobbit
- Zelem'utn pl. Zelem'atân - Dúnadan, West-man
- 'Utn pl. 'Atân - Man
- baruk Khazâd - axes of the Dwarves
- Khazâd ai-mênu - the Dwarves are upon you
- <Name 1> <Name 2>ul - <Name 1> (son) of <Name 2>
- Uzbad Khazaddûmu - Lord of Moria, King of Moria
- Uzbad undu 'Urd - King Under the Mountain
- Anazârmekhem - Stewards Gate
- Azanulbizar - Dimrill Dale, Nanduhirion
- Azsâlul'abad - Lonely Mountain, Erebor
- Barazinbar - Caradhras, Redhorn
- Basnbizar, Bizar - Dale
- Bundushathûr - Cloudyhead, Fanuidhol
- Gabilshathûr - Great-clouds
- Hundshimrîn - "Hill-guard": Dunland
- Jazârgund - Underground Halls of Chains
- Khazad-dûm - "Dwarves' Mansions": Dwarrowdelf, Moria
- Khagal'abbad - Blue Mountains, Ered Luin
- Kibil-nâla - Silverlode, Celebrant
- Labamzarszudnu - "White Tree Land": Gondor
- Malasul'abbad - Misty Mountains, Hithaeglir
- Nalâ-dûm - Path Halls
- Nud-melek - East-half
- Naragzudnu, Nargûn - Black Land, Mordor
- Thikil-gundu - Steel Keep
- Thorinuldum - Thorin's Hall
- Kheled-zâram - "Glass-lake": Mirrormere
- Zabadgathol - Lord-fortress
- Zelem-melek - West-half
- Zigilgund - Silver-coloured Hall
- Zirakzigil - Silvertine, Celebdil
- 'urd'êk - halls under Erebor
The sound of Khuzdul and its triconsonantal root system are inspired by real-life Semitic languages.
J.R.R. Tolkien published very little Khuzdul vocabulary and syntax. Others have since expanded this, by building upon what "official" Khuzdul is available and drawing from real-life languages. Much of the Dwarvish used in The Lord of the Rings Online is from this "neo-Khuzdul". The linguist known as the Dwarrow Scholar has developed an extensive Khuzdul dictionary, from which most of the above terms are derived.
External Links
- Khuzdul - Tolkien Gateway
- The Dwarrow Scholar - huge corpus of neo-Khuzdul
- Parf Edhellen - searchable dictionary of Tolkien's languages, including what little Khuzdul he published
- ↑ J.R.R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings, Appendix F, "The Languages and Peoples of the Third Age", "Of Other Races"