Bingo Boffin

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Bingo Boffin
Image of Bingo Boffin
Title Hobbit Adventurer
Gender Male
Race Hobbit
Region The Shire
Area The Delving Fields
Settlement Michel Delving
Map Ref [33.0S, 75.1W]


Bingo Boffin is mostly-ordinary hobbit of the Shire who lives in his hobbit-hole in the northern district of Michel Delving.

Bingo is also visiting the Yondershire and can be met at Tighfield.

The following text is about the "The Ballad of Bingo Boffin"

He is the protagonist of the Ballad of Bingo Boffin, a series of quests related to Episodic Content. Every Wednesday during the original questline release, a new quest involving Bingo was unlocked and sees him start an adventure of his own. Today, all of the quests can be played without a weekly delay, although there are still mentions of "every Wednesday" in the quest text.

  •  Request for Assistance! starts the adventure, but can also be started by visiting Bingo
  • Bingo's Hobbit Hole - Boffin Manor - is found in Michel Delving, just north of the Town Hall
  • During the adventure Bingo will appear at the location of each quest, but only until it has been completed
  • Bert Bartleby will provide information about Bingo's current location. Bert also barters a variety of items for Bingo Badges
  • Inside Boffin Manor are "Bingo's Notes" which allow replay of all the quest instances of the adventure

Quest Involvement

Bingo Boffin in the Yondershire
Bingo Boffin in Wildermore
[20] Instance: A Very Boffin Housewarming

The Ballad of Bingo Boffin quests:

 Request for Assistance!
  1. [8] The Call to Adventure
  2. [9] Training for the Journey
  3. [10] Sink or Swim
  4. [11] Disapproving Boggs
  5. [12] Leaving Is Not Easy
  6. [16] A Brood of Boffins
  7. [18] Marigold
  8. [19] Defying Description
  9. [22] Synonyms for Spooky
  10. [24] The Two Taverns
  11. [26] The Last Treasure
  12. [28] Goose and Gander
  13. [32] The End Now?
  14. [34] A Restful Night
  15. [35] A New Friend
  16. [39] A Hospitable Home
  17. [40] Notes by the Author
  18. [42] A Snowy Climb
  19. [43] A Dangerous Detour
  20. [45] A Daring Plan
  21. [46] An Author Absent
  22. [48] A New Hunt
  23. [49] Dour Faces
  24. [50] A Change of Name
  25. [51] Into the Long Dark
  26. [53] Willem Takes the Lead
  27. [56] Bingo's Scattered Thoughts
  28. [58] A Farewell
  29. [60] A Chapter About Elves
  30. [63] A Taste of War
  31. [66] First, Breakfast!
  32. [68] Second Breakfast
  33. [70] The Banks of the Great River
  34. [72] Unusual Friends
  35. [75] Enter the Easterlings
  36. [78] Bingo's Burden
  37. [80] Yea or Neigh?
  38. [82] The Tracker
  39. [85] A Cold Trail
  40. [88] Bert has a Word
  41. [90] Mistaken Identity
  42. [92] A Horse in a Haystack
  43. [93] Thoughts of Home
  44. [93] Willem Whisker and the Wide World
  45. [93] A String of Ill Fortune
  46. [93] Treasure Lost, Treasure Found
  47. [93] Full Course, Of Course!
  48. [93] Homesick and Just Sick
  49. [93] Through the Blockade
  50. [93] Bingo Returns Home
  51. [93] Hand-written, Hand-delivered
  52. [93] The Perfect Recipe

Thank you for playing through The Ballad of Bingo Boffin!

See The Ballad of Bingo Boffin Quests for dates of appearance, as well as Episodic Content for background.


Earning  Bingo Badges from his quests allows bartering with Bert Bartleby for the following cosmetic pets:


Bingo Boffin's look is based on Made of Lions one of the Developers on the LOTRO Team.

"I have been turned into an NPC! Bingo Boffin was based on old photos of me, before I had the beard I grew for Rohan (and subsequently kept). I think there’s more than a little of me in Bingo, which probably isn’t that surprising." — Made of Lions (Source A Retrospective Look at the Last 15 Years)