Bestowal dialogue
'I just had the strangest conversation, <name>. I was speaking with a man in the village, and he asked what brought me out of the Gloomglens. Well, I have never heard of a placed called the Gloomglens, and I have certainly never been there before! I told him so, and do you know what he said to me? He said that I must have sustained a knock on the head and forgotten!
'This hit a little too close to home, to tell you the truth. After my water-logged journey through the caverns beneath the Misty Mountains, I am not altogether happy being reminded of such forgetfulness! I am quite sure I have never been to the Gloomglens!
'But... do you think there may be some other hobbits there? I do believe we should investigate and see for ourselves!'
Bingo has learned that there may be a village of hobbits somewhere in Enedwaith, and he wants to investigate.
Objective 1
Bingo has learned that there may be hobbits living in the Gloomglens in north-west Enedwaith, and he wants to investigate and learn if it is true.
- Bingo Boffin: 'Do you think there may be some other hobbits in the Gloomglens? I do believe we should investigate and see for ourselves!'
- You have found two hobbits of rustic appearance in the Gloomglens
Objective 2
- Talk to Bingo in the Gloomglens
You have found a settlement of hobbits in the Gloomglens.
- Iola Isbrun: 'Well, who are ye? Strangers?'
- Bingo Boffin: 'Well, what do you know? Hobbits do live here in the Gloomglens! How many miles have we travelled from the Shire? More than I can say without a fair bit of thought, and yet there is a settlement of hobbit-folk all the same!'
- Bingo laughs suddenly.
- 'What would old Milo Goodbody have to say about this discovery of ours, <name>? It seems there could be other hobbit villages out there somewhere, not just in the Shire or in Bree but all over!'
Objective 3
Rhus Cornchúthur and Iola Isbrun are keeping watch near the entrance to the hobbit village in the Gloomglens.
- Bingo Boffin: 'How lovely it is to meet hobbits from a new branch of the family tree, no matter how distant!'
- Rhus Cornchúthur: 'Ye look like a giant to me, but this other seems to be a friendly-enough sort! He says his name's Bingo, which does not sound like a name to me, but I suppose anything is possible.
- 'Are ye sure there's no giant in ye? Not even a bit? The Maer will want to speak to ye, at any rate.'
If you are a Hobbit, Rhus has a different speech:
- Rhus Cornchúthur: 'The two of ye seem friendly enough sorts, but ye've got a bit of a tough look about ye, no mistake! He says his name's Bingo, which does not sound like a name to me, but I suppose anything is possible. And <name>? Ye're joking!
- 'Cousins of ourn from the north? The Maer will want to speak to ye, at any rate.'
- Iola Isbrun: 'I hope ye will excuse our Rhus. He seems naught but a bumpkin, but still he is dear to us, despite himself! He is a good enough fellow, if a little afeared of outsiders. He may call ye Duvodiad, but I can see ye're more than that! The Maer will be able to tell for sure.'
Objective 4
Iolo Brochtû, the Maer of Maur Tulhau, can be found outside his house in the north of the hobbit village.
- Iola Isbrun: 'Ye should speak to the Maer in the back of the village!'
- Iolo Brochtû: 'I extend ye the greetings of Maur Tulhau, <name>. The folk of my village are most interested to hear what ye have to say of Bingo Boffin's journey. [non-Hobbit: 'He could be one of us if he changed out of his] [Hobbit: 'The two of you could be of our kind if ye changed out of your] strange garments and wore something more fit for the kinsfolk of Maur Tulhau!
- 'We have proper traditions for the greeting of family gone long away and freshly returned. I think it would be suitable to greet Bingo with the traditional Welcoming Feast of the Stoors. It is no small thing, and we do not have the ingredients ready. If ye can acquire what we will need, we can set out the feast much more quickly!
- 'Speak to many of the villagers for some of the supplies, and search for others in the woods outside the village. There is much to be found before we can begin, and many dangers that ye might handle so we may dine in peace!'
Objective 5
- Defeat wolves in the Gloomglens (0/4)
- Collect boar meat in the Gloomglens (0/4)
- Collect stag meat in the Gloomglens (0/2)
- Collect root vegetables south-east of Maur Tulhau (0/6)
- Obtain ingredients from Violed Isbrun
- Obtain ingredients from Iago Glennudh
- Obtain ingredients from Caradog Henbuch
Iolo Brochtû has suggested that you speak to the villagers of Maur Tulhau and collect ingredients for a welcoming feast from the forest outside the village.
- Iolo Brochtû: 'We have proper traditions for the greeting of family gone long away and freshly returned. I think it would be suitable to greet Bingo with the traditional Welcoming Feast of the Stoors. It is no small thing, and we do not have the ingredients ready. If ye can acquire what we will need, we can set out the feast much more quickly!
- 'Speak to many of the villagers for some of the supplies, and search for others in the woods outside the village. There is much to be found before we can begin, and many dangers that ye might handle so we may dine in peace!'
- Caradog Henbuch: 'I know why ye have come, <name>.'
- Caradog stares at you solemnly and produces a small tureen.
- 'The recipe for this gravy has been passed down in my family for generations, and no Welcoming Feast would be complete without it. It improves the flavour of whatever it touches: taters, meats, and crusty bread.
- 'Take it with my well-wishes, and know that from this point forward, Bingo will measure every meal against this one... thanks to this gravy!'
- Caradog gives you a tureen of brewed gravy for the feast
- BREWED GRAVY "This gravy is freshly-brewed, and it smells delicious."
- Violed Isbrun: 'There is to be a Welcoming Feast? What delightful news! We have had so few of them lately, and I tell ye that nothing brings the village together like a Welcoming Feast!
- 'Here, I will give ye some of my famous sprouted herbs for use in preparing the meal. They will add just the right kind of flavour as my folk enjoys, and I am sure Bingo will find it suitable as well!'
- Viola gives you a bundle of sprouted herbs for the feast
- SPROUTED HERBS "You were told these herbs would be the perfect addition to the meal."
- Iago Glennudh: 'A Welcoming Feast? I have just the thing to make it the finest such meal we have had in Maur Tulhau for some time: taters... giant ones!
- 'Take these fine specimens with ye, and they will be hearty enough to serve for many courses! A Welcoming Feast! I can hardly believe it!'
- Iago gives you several giant taters for the feast
- GIANT TATERS "These potatoes are enormous!"
- Defeated wolves in the Gloomglens (4/4)
- BOAR-MEAT "This meat should be very tasty once it has been properly prepared."
- Collected boar meat (4/4)
- STAG-MEAT "This meat should be very tasty once it has been properly prepared."
- Collected stag meat (2/2)
- ROOT VEGETABLE "These vegetables will provide some much-needed flavour for the meal."
- Collected root vegetables (6/6)
Objective 6
- Bring the ingredients for the Welcoming Feast to Cadel Balchtrod in Maur Tulhau
Cadel Balchtrod, the provisioner of Maur Tulhau, is in the central square of the village.
You have acquired numerous ingredients for the Welcoming Feast, and should bring them to the provisioner of Maur Tulhau.
- Cadel Balchtrod: 'No need to say anything more, <name>. I have already been told about the Welcoming Feast, and preparations are already under way! These ingredients will be used for some of the later courses.
- 'A Welcoming Feast is no small thing, I tell ye true! The table has already been set down by the water to the east, and ye should wander yonder for its beginning!'
Objective 7
- Talk to Bingo at the Welcoming Feast, in north-east Maur Tulhau
Bingo is ready for the Welcoming Feast, and is waiting for you by the water in the north-east corner of Maur Tulhau.
- Cadel Balchtrod: 'A Welcoming Feast is no small thing, I tell ye true! The table has already been set down by the water to the east, and ye should wander yonder for its beginning!'
- Bingo Boffin: 'I hope you don't mind, <name>, but we may have started without you! I think there should be plenty to go around, though. Our new friends have said that a proper Welcoming Feast has been known to last for a full week!'
- Next week: 'Homesick and Just Sick' (Recommended Level: 93)