Episodic Content

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Episodic Content is content that Lord of the Rings Online releases in periodic updates.

The Ballad of Bingo Boffin

The first of such Episodic Content was released in 2015 and is still available now to be played is 'The Ballad of Bingo Boffin'. It allows you to follow the trail of 'Bingo Boffin' as he traverses Middle-earth seeking fortune and adventure. He also reappears during a number of the festivals as part of other quests.

The Lay of Rust and Rime

The Lay of Rust and Rime is a series of episodic content taking place soon after the storyline of Eryn Lasgalen and the Dale-lands. The first episode was released on March 14, 2018. The second half began on June 6, 2018. You need to have completed as far as "The Darkness Remains" on the "A Darkness in Ruin" quest line to unlock the Lay of Rust & Rime. The pre-requisites for unlocking The Lay of Rust & Rime are completing The Trail of Rust and the first five quests in the "A Darkness in Ruin" quest line.

Tales of the Kindred

Beginning on May 22nd, 2024 and unlocking every week until July 10, 2024 new quests were released in the Tales of the Kindred series taking place in the city of Umbar Baharbêl and the passages of Umbar-môkh beneath the surface.

New quests became available from a member of the Kindred every Wednesday at 10:00 AM Eastern (-4 GMT), beginning with Kholetkh the Cunning on his dais in Dâr Laja, the Meeting-hall of Umbar in the Upper Ward. These quests are still available.

It is recommended, but not required, that you have played Chapters 1-9 of The Song of Waves and Wind before playing this new quest series to avoid spoilers.

Entitlement to the "Beneath the Surface" Quest Pack is required for access. This quest pack is included with your VIP subscription.