Quest:Training for the Journey

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Training for the Journey
Level 9
Type Solo
Starts with Bingo Boffin
Starts at Boffin Manor
Start Region The Shire
Map Ref [33.0S, 75.1W]
Ends with Bingo Boffin
Ends at The Golden Perch
End Region The Shire
Map Ref [32.0S, 63.8W]
Quest Group The Ballad of Bingo Boffin
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'I can hardly wait to begin my journey, <name>, but I know there is much to be done before I depart. I need to train for the adventure if I am to have success on the road! I will need knowledge, and supplies, and physical strength, and... and...'

Bingo shudders.

'There is one more thing I will need, but let us not speak of that now. There is enough to do to get ready without beginning with that most perilous of tasks!

'But first: knowledge! You know, old Gaffer Gamgee up Hobbiton way was the gardener for Bilbo Baggins for many years, and it could be that he was privy to old Bilbo's secrets. He might have given the Gaffer some adventuring advice! Make your way to Bagshot Row in Hobbiton and see if the Gaffer has any sound advice for a hobbit starting out on a journey!'


Bingo is excited to begin his journey, but he knows that he'll need to train for the adventure before he departs.

Objective 1

Gaffer Gamgee lives at 3 Bagshot Row, part of the way up the Hill in Hobbiton, north-east of Bingo's hobbit hole.

Bingo has asked you to consult with Gaffer Gamgee and learn if the hobbit learned anything about adventuring from Bilbo Baggins.

Bingo Boffin: 'You know, old Gaffer Gamgee up Hobbiton way was the gardener for Bilbo Baggins for many years, and it could be that he was privy to old Bilbo's secrets. He might have given the Gaffer some adventuring advice! Make your way to Bagshot Row in Hobbiton and see if the Gaffer has any sound advice for a hobbit starting out on a journey!'
Gaffer Gamgee: 'What's that? You say Bingo Boffin wants to go on an adventure? Here I thought the Delving-field Boffins were respectable sorts!'
The Gaffer hems and haws for a moment.
'You tell young Bingo the only advice I have for hobbits thinking of leaving the Shire is this: 'Don't!' Naught but trouble ever came of a journey. Mr. Bilbo was as well-spoken a hobbit as you could hope to meet, but I'm afraid he mixed up with some downright odd folk abroad. Poor fellow.
'I have no further advice for Mr. Boffin, but I do know that he'll be wanting for foodstuffs on his journey. If you run up to the Appledores on the side of the Hill and pick up some of the fallen apples, I daresay his stomach will be satisfied, even if his head will not! Good day to you!'

Objective 2

  • Pick up fallen apples in the orchard at Appledores (0/6)

The orchard at Appledores is up the side of the Hill, north-west of Bagshot Row.

Gaffer Gamgee has recommended that you pick up some of the fallen apples in the orchard at Appledores to give Bingo a good start on supplies for his journey.

Gaffer Gamgee: 'I have no further advice for Mr. Boffin, but I do know that he'll be wanting for foodstuffs on his journey. If you run up to the Appledores on the side of the Hill and pick up some of the fallen apples, I daresay his stomach will be satisfied, even if his head will not! Good day to you!'
PILE OF APPLES "A bushel of apples from the Appledores. Some of the fruit is spoiled but there is a ripe apple in the midst of the green and spotty brown ones."
Picked up some fallen apples (6/6)

Objective 3

  • Return to Gaffer Gamgee at Bagshot Row

Gaffer Gamgee is waiting for you to return from the Appledores with apples for Bingo.

Gaffer Gamgee: 'This looks to be a fine batch of apples, and should give Mr. Boffin a good start for his journey.'
'I don't mind telling you that when the apples run out, I hope, he turns around and heads for home! The wild is no place for a hobbit.'
The Gaffer gives you a nice basket in which to hold the apples
SELECTION OF APPLES "The Gaffer has given you a selection of apples from the orchard for Bingo to bring on his journey."

Objective 4

Bingo is outside his hobbit-hole in Michel Delving, just north of the Town Hole.

You have a selection of fine apples from the Appledores in Hobbiton to give to Bingo.

Gaffer Gamgee: 'I don't mind telling you that when the apples run out, I hope he turns around and heads for home! The wild is no place for a hobbit.'
Bingo Boffin: 'What's that? The Gaffer gave you some supplies for my journey? That was very thoughtful of him. I must be certain to write a note of thanks. He is... truly... a gentle...'
Bingo trails off as he sees what you carry.
'Apples? Oh my, I cannot STAND apples! I am sure those are fine specimens, <name>, but I simply cannot abide the wormy things!
'I will not take even the smallest bite! Bring that basket into the Bird and Baby Inn and leave it by the counter, if you would, my friend. Someone will eat those apples, but that someone absolutely, positively, will not be me!'

Objective 5

The Bird and Baby Inn is to the south-west of Bingo's hobbit-hole, in Michel Delving.

Bingo cannot stand apples, and has asked you to bring them to the Bird and Baby Inn and leave them by the counter inside. Someone will eat them.

Bingo Boffin: 'Bring that basket into the Bird and Baby Inn and leave it by the counter, if you would, my friend. Someone will eat those apples, but that someone absolutely, positively, will not be me!'
PLACE FOR APPLES "This spot by the counter would be a good place to leave the basket of apples Bingo did not want."
Leaving apples ... Apples set down
Esmerelda Burrows stares at you suspiciously

Objective 6

Esmerelda Burrows has gotten your attention inside the Bird and Baby Inn, and wishes to speak with you about something.

Bingo Boffin: 'You didn't ignore Esmerelda inside the Bird and Baby Inn, did you? Oh, you shouldn't have done that. We'll never hear the end of it! You'd better go back and find out what she wanted.'
Esmerelda Burrows: 'You there! Who do you think you are, leaving those apples here? Are those for anyone to take? Where did they come from?'
You are forced to tell Esmerelda that they were a gift for Bingo, but he did not want them.
'Bingo Boffin? Whose birthday was it? And wouldn't his friends know he doesn't like the things? What's that? They were a gift from old Ham Gamgee? A going-away gift?'
Esmerelda's eyes have gained a conspiratorial shine, and you excuse yourself as politely as you can manage.

Objective 7

  • Talk to Bingo outside his hobbit-hole in Michel Delving

Bingo is at his home north-east of the Bird and Baby Inn.

You have left the basket of apples in the Bird and Baby Inn, but in the process Esmerelda Burrows managed to discover that Bingo is planning a journey.

Esmerelda Burrows: 'So Bingo Boffin is going on a journey? What has gotten into that hobbit?'
Bingo Boffin: 'You're back, and without the apples! Lovely. I am certain someone will enjoy them. Meanwhile, I bought some supplies from Petunia Greenhand, and should now have enough food to last for a good while. But why the long face, <name>?'
You tell Bingo that Esmerelda Burrows managed to learn of Bingo's upcoming departure, despite the fact that you barely said a word about it.
'Well, there's nothing to be done, I suppose. If Esmerelda knows, all of Michel Delving will know by the morrow, and the rest of the Shire will be buzzing by next week! It can't be helped.
'The next area in which I must train is physical strength, and I know just how to do it. I will climb the Stocktower! Meet me at the base of the tower, south of the town of Stock, and we can climb the Stocktower together!'

Objective 8

Bingo asked you to meet him at the Stocktower south of the town of Stock. He plans to climb the tower in order to build up the physical prowess he will need for his journey.

Bingo Boffin: 'The next area in which I must train is physical strength, and I know just how to do it. I will climb the Stocktower! Meet me at the base of the tower, south of the town of Stock, and we can climb the Stocktower together!'
Bingo Boffin says, "Huff..."
Bingo Boffin says, "Puff..."
Bingo Boffin says, "How tall... is this... tower...?"
Bingo Boffin says, "Huff..."
Bingo Boffin says, "Puff..."
Bingo Boffin says, "So... tired..."
Bingo Boffin says, "Huff..."
Bingo Boffin says, "Puff..."
Bingo Boffin says, "My arms hurt..."
Bingo Boffin says, "Huff..."
Bingo Boffin says, "Puff..."
Bingo Boffin says, "Hoo!"
Bingo Boffin: 'Huff! Puff! Oh, <name>, this was... a bad idea!'
Bingo's face is beet-red, and he is doubled over with exhaustion.
'I say... who knew... this tower was... huff... puff... so tall! I am not going to... go any higher... Hoo! I know a better... a better way...
'Meet me in... the Golden Perch... <name>. It's back in... in the town of Stock...'

Objective 9

Bingo tried to climb the Stocktower, and has given up. He says he will meet you in the Golden Perch Inn, in the town of Stock, to continue his training.

Bingo Boffin: 'Who knew... this tower was... huff... puff... so tall! I am not going to... go any higher... Hoo! I know a better... a better way...
'Meet me in... the Golden Perch... <name>. It's back in... in the town of Stock...'
Bingo Boffin: 'Ah, now this is the best way to build up these arm muscles, my friend: lifting a mug of hearty ale to my lips! I already feel much more prepared for my journey!
'So we have gotten a little advice about adventuring, I purchased some of the supplies I will need, and I have done a little exercise to get in shape for the journey. There is just one more area in which I need to train... but we'll get to that in a little while!'