Yule Festival

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Yule Festival 2018 Header
Yule Festival 2018 Header


The Yule Festival is a continuation in the tradition of previous Yuletide Festivals with the main activities being the festival celebrations in Frostbluff. There are additional activities to earn tokens or emotes in each of the other Festival Grounds.


Scheduled dates
2025: December 11, 2025 - January 5, 2026
Previous Dates
2024: December 12, 2024 - January 6, 2025
2024: June 6 - June 25
2023: December 7, 2023 - January 3, 2024
2022: December 8, 2022 - January 3, 2023
2021: December 9, 2021 - January 4, 2022
2020: December 10, 2020 - January 5, 2021
2019: December 12, 2019 - January 8, 2020
2018: December 13, 2018 - January 14, 2019
2017: December 14, 2017 - January 7, 2018
2016: December 19, 2016 - January 15, 2017. Repeated February 16 2017 to February 22, 2017.
2015: January 29, 2016 - February 10, 2016
2014: December 16, 2014 - January 13, 2015
2013: December 18, 2013 - January 14, 2014
2012: December 17, 2012 - January 3, 2013
2011: December 20, 2011 - January 31, 2012
2010: December 14, 2010 - January 11, 2011
2009: December 15, 2009 - ?
2008: December 11, 2008 - ?
2007: ? - ?

Festival Grounds


Winter-home Festival Square


Main article: Winter-home

You are cordially invited to join our Yule Festival celebration in Winter-home. This quaint and picturesque village is tucked away in the small valley of Frostbluff, and is the main location for Yuletide activities. We have many events to suit your taste, whether you like eating contests, snowball-fights, theater, or simply helping folks around town.

It is accessible via a special stable master that appears near regular Stable-masters in West Bree, Michel Delving, Frerin's Court, and Celondim. In addition, Far-ranging Stable-master in housing neighbourhoods and maps to Winter-home may also be used to travel there.

General Festival Events

Festival Dances

Main article: Dance of the Races

During all seasonal Festivals, Dance Leaders will teach characters up to eight special racial dances (two from each Race) by completing dance lessons. There is one Dance Leader located in each of the festival grounds of Thorin's Hall Inn and the Festival Garden in Ered Luin, The Party Tree in the Shire, and the Festival Grounds in Bree-land.

Dance lessons take place approximately every 20 minutes, and the quests are available for about 5 minutes before the dance begins. As of U20, the quest start times are random.

When the Dance Leader starts, target the leader and follow their instructions using the commands /dance1, /dance2, or /dance3 as they instruct you. The time to perform each step decreases with the quest's progression.

At the end of the lesson, the Dance Leader returns to their original position and you are able to select your reward: either the first or second dance emote from that race. Complete the lessons again to learn all the dances! You can do one (successful) dance per day for each race.

Festival Horse Races

The Bree Derby
Main article: Festival Horse Races

Each festival brings exciting horse races to the Shire Race-track and the Bree-land Festival Grounds. By completing a race in time, players can win festival tokens which can be exchanged for festival rewards.

Race locations:

A Bit of Drinking

Main articles: The Inn League and The Ale Association

The Inn League and The Ale Association are looking for a few good drinkers. Are you wishing to cause mischief at the smug inns of the realm or grant the wishes of those lonely drinkers who are simply in need of a good brew. Either way raise your mug and toast the festivities!


Note: Quests marked with grants Festival Items as rewards. Click to display.

Seasonal Instances


Festival Rewards

Barter Vendors


  • Currency for Dyes alternate each year between Yule Festival Tokens and Mithril Coins.
  • Newly introduced Mounts & Steed appearances are available for barter with Yule Festival Tokens for a limited time (usually two Yule Festivals). After that, they will cost Mithril Coins.

Barterer: Verbena Greenhand (Winter-home in Frostbluff)

Barterer: Alex Grey (Winter-home in Frostbluff)

Barterer: Jeffrey Bloomer (Winter-home in Frostbluff)

Barterer: Dawson Berwick (Winter-home in Frostbluff), Will Peartree (Hengstacer Farm in Bree-land)

Barterer: Mount Vendor (Winter-home in Frostbluff, Hengstacer Farm in Bree-land)

Hobbit Gifts

Aside from the usual presents from Hobbit Gifts, players also have a chance to claim and receive special Yule Gifts containing festive-themed items such as housing decorations, pets and mounts for the duration of the festival. See Yule Hobbit Gifts.

Token Exchange

Barterer: Becka Burdock (The Party Tree in The Shire)


Cosmetic Items

Decoration Items

Emote Items

Cosmetic Pets


Festival Token Mounts
Mithril Coin Mounts

