Quest:Dances with Hobbits

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Dances with Hobbits
Level ...
Type Solo
Repeatable Yes
Starts with Oger Brockhouse
Starts at The Party Tree
Start Region The Shire
Map Ref [29.8S, 71.5W]
Quest Group Festival
[hide]Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'Welcome to the festival, friend. I see that you would like to participate in the dancing and rejoicing that happens when the festival comes to town. I too, would love to dance in joyous merriment.

'Every 20 minutes, I will lead a dance in celebration of the festival. I would love for you to come join me when the time has come!'


It is festival time! A time of dance and celebration. Come dance with the hobbits and learn their steps.

NOTE: This quest will be removed from your quest log when the current festival ends.

Objective 1

  • Wait for the hobbit dance-celebration to begin
  • Don't leave the dance area

The Dance Leader is under the Party Tree in the Shire.

Wait for the hobbit dance-celebration to begin and follow the instructions of the Dance Leader.

Oger Brockhouse: 'The dance will begin soon! Make sure you
Oger Brockhouse says, "The dance will begin now! Come, shall we dance?"
Oger Brockhouse says, "The dance will begin now. You must follow the steps I call out!"

Objective 2

  • Follow the Leader's dance steps before time runs out
  • Don't leave the dance area

Follow the dance steps called out by the Dance Leader.

Oger Brockhouse says, "Look at me and dance step one!"

Objective 3

  • Take a brief rest
  • Don't leave the dance area

Follow the dance steps called out by the Dance Leader.

Oger Brockhouse says, "Ok good, take a breather."

Objective 4

  • Follow the Leader's dance steps before time runs out
  • Don't leave the dance area

Follow the dance steps called out by the Dance Leader.

Oger Brockhouse says, "Now follow me in doing the second dance."

Objective 5

  • Follow the Leader's dance steps before time runs out
  • Don't leave the dance area

Follow the dance steps called out by the Dance Leader.

Oger Brockhouse says, "Dance three is the step here."

Objective 6

  • Take a brief rest
  • Don't leave the dance area

Follow the dance steps called out by the Dance Leader.

Oger Brockhouse says, "Ok good, take a breather."

Objective 7

  • Follow the Leader's dance steps before time runs out
  • Don't leave the dance area

Follow the dance steps called out by the Dance Leader.

Oger Brockhouse says, "Now follow me in doing the second dance."

Objective 8

  • Follow the Leader's dance steps before time runs out
  • Don't leave the dance area

Follow the dance steps called out by the Dance Leader.

Oger Brockhouse says, "Now follow me in doing the second dance."

Objective 9

  • Follow the Leader's dance steps before time runs out
  • Don't leave the dance area

Follow the dance steps called out by the Dance Leader.

Oger Brockhouse says, "Dance three is the step here."

Objective 10

  • Take a brief rest
  • Don't leave the dance area

Follow the dance steps called out by the Dance Leader.

Oger Brockhouse says, "Ok good, take a breather."

Objective 11

  • Follow the Leader's dance steps before time runs out
  • Don't leave the dance area

Follow the dance steps called out by the Dance Leader.

Oger Brockhouse says, "Dance three is the step here."

Objective 12

  • Follow the Leader's dance steps before time runs out
  • Don't leave the dance area

Follow the dance steps called out by the Dance Leader.

Oger Brockhouse says, "Look at me and dance step one!"

Objective 13

  • Follow the Leader's dance steps before time runs out
  • Don't leave the dance area

Follow the dance steps called out by the Dance Leader.

Oger Brockhouse says, "Dance three is the step here."

Objective 14

The Dance Leader is under the Party Tree in the Shire.

Having completed the dance-steps required, speak to the Dance Leader to learn the dance of the hobbits.

Oger Brockhouse says, "Great job! Wonderful! You have all been part of the festival-dance! We will dance again in 20 minutes."
Oger Brockhouse: 'Your feet move so fast! I cannot say that of many. You are very much worthy of knowing the dance of the hobbits. Please take my knowledge and show off those feets of yours! But first, we must eat....'