Quest:Battle of the Snowballs (Hard)

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Battle of the Snowballs (Hard)
Level ...
Type Solo
Repeatable Yes
Starts with Cecil Voller
Starts at The Snowball Field
Start Region Frostbluff
Map Ref [13.1N, 95.0W]
Quest Chain Frostbluff
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'Hello there, good patron! Would you like to know how the snowball-fight works? Here are some instructions....

'When the event begins, players who are gathered in the battle-field will be able to pick up snowballs from snow-piles on the ground.

'The snowball you gather will appear in your inventory. You may then target another player to throw it...and then you must gather another!

'In this particular quest, you only have the duration of this one event to complete the objectives. You have to be faster and more accurate, because the quest will fail if you don't secceed on the first try.'


You have been challenged to best foes in the great snowball-battle on the fields of Frostbluff.

Objective 1

  • Enter the snowball battle-field

The snowball battle-field is in the field below Winter-home.

You should begin by entering the battle-field.

WARNING: You can only participate in the snowball-fight inside the boundaries of the field.

Objective 2

  • Wait for the snow-battle event to begin
  • Do not leave the battle-field

You should wait for the fight to begin while waiting inside the battle-field's bounds.

Objective 3

  • Gather snowballs and attack your fellow players (0/15)
  • Do not leave the battle-field

Snowballs can be made from the piles of snow around the battle-field.

You should gather snowballs and attack your competitors.

Objective 4

Cecil Voller awaits you at the edge of the battle-field.

You should speak with Cecil Voller of your success in the snowball field.

Cecil Voller: 'Well done, <name>! You have quite a knack for this sport. I'll wager there are a lot of cold people around here now, thanks to you.'