The Combe Forester Event

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The Combe Forester Event is a special event which lasts for a week, and starts on the 15th of every month.

This inaugural event takes place in the sleepy town of Combe at the Lumberyard overseen by Mason Thorne and Old Bauman. The two elder forester’s children have an enterprising idea they wish to offer to the denizens of Bree. A contest of forestry!

Foresters from all over have the chance to test their skill against one another in feats of might – hewing wood and carrying cabers – feats of agility – skinning beasts and curing hides – and feats of determined will and a strong stomach – a game of carry the caber after imbibing a local brew!


Scheduled dates
2025: April 15 - April 22
2025: May 15 - May 22
2025: June 15 - June 22
2025: July 15 - July 22
2025: August 15 - August 22
2025: September 15 - September 22
2025: October 15 - October 22
2025: November 15 - November 22
2025: December 15 - December 22
Previous Dates
2025: March 15 - March 22
2025: February 15 - February 22
2025: January 15 - January 22
2024: December 15 - December 21
2024: November 15 - November 21
2024: October 15 - October 21
2024: September 15 - September 21
2024: July 15 - July 25 -- Third full run
2024: June 13 - June 23 -- Disabled
2024: May 13 - May 23 -- Disabled
2024: April 15 - April 25 -- Disabled
2024: March 13 - March 23 -- Disabled
2024: February 13 - February 23 -- Disabled
2024: January 13 - January 23 -- Second full run
2023: December 13 - December 23 -- First full run
2023: October 13 - October 17 - Disabled after 4 days, due bugs
2023: September 15 - September 25 -- Postponed after running for 1 day
  • The event is referred to as the 'Forester Crafting Event' in the Social Event Schedule.

Event Locations


[...] Combe: I'm a Lumberjack -- Daily


Event Items

From Old Bauman:


See this breakdown of upgrading the forester's axe.
