Quest:A Mitten-wearing Snowman

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A Mitten-wearing Snowman
Level ...
Type Solo
Repeatable Yes
Starts with Virgil's Mitten-wearing Snowman
Starts at Frostbluff
Start Region Frostbluff
Map Ref [12.6N, 95.2W]
Ends with Snowpile
Ends at Frostbluff
End Region Frostbluff
Map Ref [12.6N, 95.2W]
Quest Chain Frostbluff
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

This is one of Virgil's snowmen. It is craftily posed and wearing a pair of mittens.

This snowman features a carrot nose as well as sticks, acorns, and coal. Perhaps you can find what you need scattered around Frostbluff.


Virgil Greenfield wants you to help him fill the snowman-field outside of Winter-home.

Objective 1

  • Find a pair of mittens in Winter-home
  • Find a carrot near the chicken coops
  • Gather coal near the servants' oven
  • Gather acorns among the trees of Frostbluff (0/3)

The materials you need to replicate Virgil's snowman may be found around Frostbluff.

In order to replicate Virgil's snowman, you will need to gather the right materials.

Objective 2

  • Build the Mitten-wearing snowman at a snowpile

The snowman-filed is outside of Winter-home.

Now that you have gathered all of the supplies, use a snowpile to finish building the snowman.

Built a Mitten-wearing snowman at a snowpile