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Townsperson | |
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Location | In towns and villages throughout the Shire |
Race | Hobbit |
Type | Scenery |
Townspeople talking, scenery!
For locations, see what links here.
General Hobbits
- Have you heard? Mayor Whitefoot's worried about some upstart from Hobbiton who's been secretly gathering support.
- I've had an adventure. I've paddled all the way from Frogmorton!
- Some days, if you look west after the rain, you can see a rainbow rise over the hills.
- Oh I don't know what to eat first.
- Just last week I ran out of sugar! Took me half a day to find then my tea was cold.
- Oh, my belly's rumbling! What's there to eat?
- You're an odd sort of person to be running around the Shire
- Be the weather fair or foul, any day is good for a picnic.
- I don't see the need for all these bounders...making people nervous is all.
- There's nothing like a nice picnic to ease the day by...or night, for that matter.
- Hello?
- You look like a trveller...if you ever find yourself in Buckland, you remind my no-good cousin Hodric he owes me money!
- Oh those waggle-jaws at Town Hole think too much of themselves and their ideas. I could use a bitter but I must get back.
- I hear there's going to be another big gathering at the party tree soon. Nothing will top old Baggin's party though.
- Yes, yes, what can I do for you?
- The Bird and Baby's just the place to quench your thirst with a nice beer.
- The Mathom House is the pride of Michel Delving all manner of curio can be found there.
Townsperson | |
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Location | In towns and villages throughout Ered Luin and the Shire |
Race | Dwarf |
Type | Scenery |
- Some of the finest pipeweed and produce is grown in the fields south of Town.
- ...and he says to me "We should change the name of the Bird and Baby", can you believe that? madness!
- Have you heard that crazy girl on the commons? Ranting about pies or some such thing.
- I'll drink my fill before I head back to Town Hole. I need it with that lot.
- Mayor Whitfoot had best mind his step, or next election he'll find himself on his duff.
- Something needs to be done about the shrew around here. They've been digging up my garden again.
- Those hobbits in Little Delving think quite a bit of themselves. They look at us like we're from Waymeet.
- I'm looking at buying a tidy little hole up Little Delving way.
- Those fools in Waymeet and Needlehole want to curb the number of Dwarves allowed through the Shire. Don't they know where the metal for their ploughshares and pots come from?
- Some of the Bounders up Brockenborings way want more coin; say it's more dangerous these days. Ha! In my day being a bounder was an honour!
- Michel Delving is the greatest town in all the Four Farthings.
- I propose that we rename The Bird and Baby to something more bold like the Falcon's Nest.
- Have you heard about this pie problem everyone is talking about? I'll have to investigate further after lunch!
- It's not through threats but treats that you win the hearts of the people.
- The Shire is a beautiful and peaceful place. So it was in my father's day, and so it will be in the time of my children.
Conversation between 3 Hobbits in Michel Delving
- There has been a rash of rancid pies all across the Shire.
- Why has this happened, you ask? Because the privileged few have hoarded the best fillings for their own!
- What's she talking about?
- It's True! The Brandybucks, the Tooks...these so called patriarchs have been keeping the common hobbit under their heels!
- Hey, my cousins are Tooks!
- The Thain? The Master of Brandy Hall? These are hollow titles handed down from straw-man to straw-man!
- Straw-man? Is she saying the Thain's a scarecrow?
- I'm saying Mayor Whitfoot's the only one we can trust because we are the ones who empower him!
- Oh my, did we? He's a nice enough hobbit, but I'm not sure if I meant to, ummm, empower him.
Conversation between 2 Hobbits in Budgeford
Townsperson | |
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Location | In towns and villages throughout Ered Luin |
Race | Elf |
Type | Scenery |
- Oh, I love your dress!
- Thank you, I just got it on my trip to Tuckborough.
- Ah yes, how was your trip?
- Well some of the Tooks were quite rude. I overheard the shopkeeper call someone a "Mudfoot"!
- Why I never!
- I even over heard the tavern maid in the Floating Log call Odo the "Sausage King" of the Shire behind her hand.
- Well his sausages are second to none. Isn't that why he named that big boar "King"?
Thorin's Gate Dwarves
- When the sun comes up in the morning, and it hits the peaks just right, it looks like they're made of mithril.
- One of these days I'm going to catch me one of those aurochs and roast it over a fire.
- Not all that glimmers is gold and not all that is sullied is without worth.
- Have you been up to the old Elf ruins on the mountain? Some say that they're haunted.
- My father once made a hefty profit trading on Rath Teraig, but now the goblins block the path.
- Ah the glint off the glacial lakes is like fire in the heart of a diamond.
- I sell fine gems but not to the likes of you. Check the hall of trade for what you seek.
- I've been thinking of lacing my beard into five braids. What do you think?
- I heard one of the guards was killed in a cave-in recently.
- Where do all these Elves keep coming from? We're being invaded by outsiders!
- Next thing you know this place will be crawling with Men from the east!
Townsperson | |
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Location | In towns and villages throughout Bree-land |
Race | Man |
Type | Scenery |
Conversation between 3 men in the Prancing pony
- We're not interested in your excuses. We just want our money.
- I haven't got all of it....
- Look, you got a loan to buy seed for planting, now your harvest has come and gone with naught to show.
- Here, I'll give you what I have. That will have to be enough for now.
- We'll tell you what's enough. Either you turn over your lands as payment or the watch'll find you face down in a ditch.
- But that farm has been in my family....
- We've heard that story before.
Conversation between woman and prisoner at Bree-Town Jail
- You and your fellows burned down my farm!
- I haven't any idea who you are! I've never seen you before in my life.
- You've burned so many farms, I'm not surprised you don't remember them all!
- I swear to you, I don't recognize you.
- Well, you look exactly like the men who burned my farm, you and your friend here!
Conversation between 3 Hobbits in Bree-town at north gate
- What happened? I told you to steer towards the shrub wall....
- What do you mean steer? There's no horse...we just pushed it down the hill!
- I suppose that's true. What happened to Old Hob? Hob! -- Hob!
- Oh bless me, he's stuck in the wall!
- Hob, are you all right?
- Hang in there Hob. Once we get our feet, we'll find a ladder and get you down.