Quest:To Agamaur

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To Agamaur
Level 30
Type Solo
Starts with Frideric the Elder
Starts at Ost Guruth
Start Region Lone-lands
Map Ref [31.5S, 29.5W]
Ends with Eriac the Strong
Ends at Barad Dhorn
End Region Lone-lands
Map Ref [29.6S, 27.4W]
Quest Group Lone-lands
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'There is a place you should know of, a place full of great corruption and grave danger. It is called Agamaur, the Red Swamp. The water of this place is red as blood, blood which leaks from a wound called Garth Agarwen.

'Yet there are those who have dared the heart of Agamaur. Perhaps you will be able to aid them. Some of my kindred, the Eglain, have encamped in the midst of the darkness, and I would bid you go to their aid. Speak with Eriac the Strong, and I am sure you will find he can make use of your strength.

'Agamaur is east of here, and north. Find the Red Pass in the Haragmar swamp, and you shall find your way to Agamaur.'


Agamaur is a place full of foul corruption and grave danger, home to a terrible evil.

Objective 1

Agamaur is east and north of Ost Guruth. It lies beyond the Red Pass in the Haragmar swamp. Frideric has bid you journey to Agamaur to speak with Eriac the Strong.

Eriac the Strong: 'You come from Frideric? Then you are welcome. There are many threats here against which you will be able to test your strength.'