Annunlos | |
Region: | Lone-lands |
Dungeon(s): | Inn of the Forsaken |
Landmark(s): | Eglain Camp |
Settlement(s): | The Forsaken Inn |
Connecting Area(s): |
Minas Eriol Nain Enidh The Weather Hills The Midgewater Marshes - Bree-land South Downs - Cardolan |
Levels: | Mainly 22 - 27 |
Resource tier: | Journeyman |
Annunlos is an area within the Lone-lands, in the western region.
This is a fairly barren territory, marked occasionally by small, broken ruins from the dead realm of Rhudaur. The area more or less enclose the ruins of Minas Eriol to the south, infested with goblins and other grim creatures. The slopes of the north eventually lead into the Weather Hills. The area is characterized by the thick brush and rocks that mark an otherwise unremarkable space. Boars and wolves make their home in the area, and forces of the Enemy such as goblins and crebain have descended from their camps in the adjacent areas preying on the unaware travellers.
The most notable landmark in this bleak land is the Forsaken Inn, which caters still to travellers journeying along the Great East Road, serving as a last stop for rest before Ost Guruth in the east. One can find a stable-master, milestone, and mailbox, as well as vendors and quest givers. Further to the east is a small Eglain Camp whose refugees are happily accepting a helping hand.
See "list of NPCs" within the area
See "starting quests" and the landmarks for quests
The following creatures are found within the area:
Ruins of the lost Rhudaur
Ruined Bridge along the Great East Road
Settlements, Areas and Landmarks of the Lone-lands
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Areas: | Agamaur • Annunlos • Garth Agarwen • Haragmar • Harloeg • Minas Eriol • Nain Enidh • Talath Gaun • The Weather Hills | |
Settlements: | The Forsaken Inn • Ost Guruth | |
Landmarks: | Amon Ros • Barad Iachiant • Bleakrift • Candaith's Encampment • The Circle of Blood • Dol Vaeg • Echad Sûl • Eglain Camp • Garth Agarwen Gate • Glumhallow • Gondrinn • Ivar's Crypt • The Last Bridge • The Lornspan • Mitheithel • Mithrenost • Naerost • Nan Dhelu • Nindor • Ost Cyrn • Ost Haer • Ost Laden • The Outer Gates • Skirmish Camp • Spring of the Red Maid • Thandobel • Tornstones • Weatherfoot • Weathertop | |
Interiors: | Barad Dhorn • The Forsaken Inn • The Lore-tower | |
Dungeons: | Iorvinas | |
Instances: | Garth Agarwen: Arboretum • Barrows • Fortress / Other: Stand at Amon Sûl • Inn of the Forsaken |