Item:Silver Token of the Riddermark

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Silver Token of the Riddermark
  • Bind On Acquire
  • Item Level: 1
  • Barter Item
  • "A small silver token held to be of considerable value by the folk of Rohan."

Quest Information

This item is a quest reward for most quests and deeds in the East Rohan region.

For more information on individual quests, see Category:East Rohan Quests.

Repeatable Quests

Ongoing supplies of this token can be acquired from the following quests, repeatable on a daily basis:

The Wold
Entwash Vale

Barter Information

See the following NPCs for barter rewards:

Barterers: Frithnoth, Ethelbryt & Ascbert (Hytbold in Eastemnet)

Item(s) to Receive Item(s) to Trade

Silver Token of the Riddermark 3 Tokens of Effort