Monster Play Quests
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General Topics: Ranks, Raiding |
Creep Topics: Classes, Blessings, Skins, Quests, Titles, Troll Sessions |
Freep Topics: Armour Sets, Quests, Titles, Ranger Sessions |
Quests are a source for Creeps and Freeps to gain ranks in Monster Play. Most quests can be repeated on a daily basis and reward Commendations, the Monster Play currency, and Infamy or Renown, which is earned to increase your a rank.
The possession of keeps and outposts by Freeps and Creeps effect the ability to obtain and complete quests. As a result, not all quests can be obtained at any given time, nor can all bestowed quests be completed at any time. Also, NPCs offering quests can be attacked and defeated by the opposing side, thus barring their quests from being accepted and/or advanced.
Quests that count defeats, referenced as "Defence" quests can be replayed upon completion without cooldown. They can be turned in with their quest starter NPC as well as the faction leader of the side they are on (Captain-General Tordúr for Freeps, War-tyrant Akúlhun for Creeps).
An Additional quest item from your Item Trader will grant repeatable defeat quests that advance weekly quests granting greater rewards, visit Alwuld (Item Trader at Glân Vraig for Freeps) or Rulum (Special Items Trader at Gramsfoot for Creeps). This item will need to be bartered for again in the event it completes during defeats of your opposition.
Both defence quests and defeat quests count towards the weekly quest 'kill enemy' objective granted by Sergeant-at-Arms Ascwyn for Freeps.
Items required to complete most collection quests may be accumulated in your inventory until the quest can be bestowed and/or completed. It is highly recommended to purchase the following items, though not required, will ease the strain on your inventory and manage quest drops better:
Creeps, since there are more than 25 items to obtain:
Large War-spoils Carry-all
- Available in the LOTRO Store for 1,995
LOTRO Points.
- Available in the LOTRO Store for 1,995
Freeps, since there are just under 25 items to obtain:
Medium War-spoils Carry-all
- Available in the LOTRO Store for 1,495
LOTRO Points.
- Available in the LOTRO Store for 1,495
Creep Quests
Ettenmoors Quests
Introduction Quests (not repeatable)
- [150] Tutorial: Out of Angmar
- [150] Tutorial: Allegiance and Blessing
- [150] Tutorial: Choose Clan Blessing
- [150] Tutorial: Power of Corruption
- [150] Tutorial: Corruptions, Skills, and Vendors
- [150] Tutorial: The Keep at Dâr-Gazag
- [150] Tutorial: Killing in the name of...
- [150] Tutorial: Know your role!
First Discovery Quests (not repeatable)
- [150] Into the Grimwood
- [150] Report to Dâr-gazag, Maggot
- [150] Report to Lugazag
- [150] To Tirith Rhaw
- [150] To Tol Ascarnen
- [150] Gift from the War-tyrant
Battle Tasks
- [150] Set to Task (not repeatable)
- [150] Battle Task: Eliminate Free People (repeatable daily)
- [150] Battle Task: Further Slaughter (repeatable daily)
- [150] Battle Task: To the Slaughter (repeatable daily)
- [150] Battle Task: Ultimate Slaughter (repeatable daily)
- [150] Weekly: Battle Across the Ettenmoors (repeatable weekly)
- [150] Ongbúrz Blessings
- [150] Tarkríp Blessings
- [150] Blogmal Blessings
- [150] Krahjarn Blessings
- [150] White Hand Blessings
- [150] Scara-pack Blessings
- [150] Shelob's Brood Blessings
Gramsfoot Quests (always available, repeatable daily)
- [150] Poisoning the Hoardale
- [150] Unyielding Tide
- [150] Reclaiming the Fallen
- [150] Securing the Front
- [150] Status Report
- [150] Proven Dedication
- [150] Mash
- [150] Cleaning House
- [150] Capture an Outpost
- [150] Raid: Captain-General Bordagor
- [150] Raid: Captain-General Harvestgain
- [150] Raid: Captain-General Mákan of Tol Ascarnen
- [150] Raid: Captain-General Meldún of Isendeep
- [150] Raid: Captain-General Lainedhel of Ost Ringdyr
- [150] Raid: Captain-General Verdantine
- [150] Slaughter the Free People
- [150] Sticks and Stones
Dâr-gazag Quests (always available, repeatable daily)
- [150] Leader of the Rat-folk
- [150] Tasty Little Farmers And Gardeners
- [150] Tasty Little Legs
- [150] Captain-Generals' Symbols
- [150] First Marshals' Marks
- [150] Footmens' Badges
- [150] Lieutenants' Seals
- [150] Sergeant-at-Arms' Patches
- [150] A Dash of This and That
- [150] Mash
- [150] Not Just for Eating
- [150] Dwarf-beards
Grothum Quests (always available, repeatable daily)
- [150] Call the Beasts!
- [150] Defend Us
- [150] Dwarves in the Mine
- [150] Gobbled Goblins
- [150] Menace in the Mines
- [150] Tasty Little Toes
- [150] Raid: Grounding Golloval
- [150] Tools for the Mine
- [150] Slaughtering Eagles
- [150] Hold the Mine
Tirith Rhaw Quests (available when Tirith Rhaw is held by the Creeps, repeatable daily
- [150] Bedding of Bears
- [150] Flay the Free Peoples
- [150] I've Got a Theory
- [150] Stonewall Fandmau
- [150] These People Be Pests
- [150] Iron Belly of Tirith Rhaw
- [150] Oil Up
- [150] Feather for His Cap
- [150] Goldhead Must Die
Tol Ascarnen Quests (available when Tol Ascarnen is held by the Creeps, repeatable daily
- [150] Armour for the Lessers
- [150] Fly the Flags
- [150] Grumbling and Rumbling
- [150] Scour the Walls Clean
- [150] Tribute to the Tyrant
- [150] An Iron Belly
- [150] Cooking Sauce
- [150] Shatter Their Blades
- [150] Striking Shafts
- [150] Taste of Elf
Lugazag Quests (available when Lugazag is held by the Creeps, repeatable daily)
- [150] Guards of Tirith Rhaw
- [150] Set in Stone
- [150] Walls of Lugazag
- [150] Iron Belly of Lugazag
- [150] Oil Well
Grimwood Lumber Camp Quests (available when the Grimwood Lumber Camp is held by the Creeps, repeatable daily)
- [150] Carving Out Hearts
- [150] Grinding Bones in the Grimwood
- [150] Lashing the Walls
- [150] Weapons of War
- [150] Big Stuff
- [150] Easy Pickings
- [150] Spider Harvesters
Isendeep Mine Quests (always available, repeatable daily)
- [150] Matron of the Wintersebb
The Sundering of Osgiliath Quests
Court of Isildur
- [150] The Taking of Osgiliath -- introduction quest
- [150] Crushing the Palace
- [150] Enemy at the Armoury
- [150] Hunting for Heads
- [150] Make Them Hunger
- [150] The Belegiant Bridge Belongs to Mordor
Shrak Mauruk
- [150] Delicious Crawler Meat
- [150] Hen Hunter
- [150] Orders for the Eastern Wharf
- [150] Pesky Hendrevail
- [150] Tasty Slug Goo
- [150] Conquering the Ornendil
- [150] Leveling the Defences
- [150] Looking for Conflict
- [150] Scavenge for Weapons
- [150] The Ornendil Bridge Belongs to Mordor
Freep Quests
Ettenmoors Quests
Introduction Quests (not repeatable)
- [150] A Plea from Lainedhel -- Ettenmoors vector quest
- [150] A Hike Like No Other -- location discovery quest
- [150] Ruins of Ost Ringdyr -- Ost Ringdyr vector
- [150] Our Friends in Hoarhallow -- Hoarhallow vector
- [150] The Tasks Ahead
Tutorial Quests (not repeatable)
- [150] Tutorial: Battle in the Ettenmoors
- [150] Tutorial: Outfitted for Battle
- [150] Tutorial: First Steps in the Ettenmoors
Battle Tasks
- [150] The Tasks Ahead
- [150] Battle Task: Foe of Angmar (repeatable daily)
- [150] Battle Task: In Defence of the Frontier (repeatable daily)
- [150] Battle Task: Protect the Frontier (repeatable daily)
- [150] Battle Task: To the Front! (repeatable daily)
- [150] Battle Across the Ettenmoors - Tier 1 (repeatable weekly)
- [150] Battle Across the Ettenmoors - Tier 2 (repeatable weekly)
Glân Vraig Quests (always available, repeatable daily)
- [150] Capture an Outpost
- [150] Cleansing the Hoarwell
- [150] Raid: Tyrant Barashish
- [150] Raid: Tyrant Bûrzgoth
- [150] Raid: Tyrant Durgrat
- [150] Raid: Tyrant Gundzor
- [150] Raid: Tyrant Tharbîl
- [150] Raid: Tyrant Trintrû
- [150] Aid from the Rangers
- [150] Against the Stone-foe
- [150] Ranger in the Ettenmoors
- [150] Notice of the Second Marshal (this quest has no repeat cooldown)
- [150] Notice of the First Marshal (this quest has no repeat cooldown)
- [150] The Valorous (this quest has no repeat cooldown)
Ost Ringdyr Quests (always available, repeatable daily)
- [150] Hoarhallow's Dwindling Food
- [150] Gifts from Hoarhallow
- [150] A Scholar's Woe
- [150] A Scholar's Fears
- [150] Fiendish Foes
- [150] Leaders of the Goblins
- [150] Angmar's Scouts
- [150] Angmar's Soldiers
- [150] Angmar's Taskmasters
- [150] Angmar's Chieftains
- [150] Angmar's Tyrants
Hoarhallow Quests (always available, repeatable daily)
- [150] Wolves at Our Walls
- [150] Sundering the Snowreap
- [150] In a Spot of Trouble
- [150] Defence of Hoarhallow (this quest has no repeat cooldown)
Tirith Rhaw Quests (available when Tirith Rhaw is held by the Freeps, repeatable daily
- [150] Iron on the Walls of Tirith Rhaw
- [150] Oil for the Cauldron of Tirith Rhaw
- [150] Guards of Lugazag
- [150] Defence of Tirith Rhaw (this quest has no repeat cooldown)
- [150] Assistance from the Golden Bears (available when Tirith Rhaw is held by the creeps)
Tol Ascarnen Quests (available when Tol Ascarnen is held by the Freeps, repeatable daily)
- [150] Crawlers of the Crags
- [150] Liquid Courage
- [150] Thieving Orcs
- [150] Emergency Rations
- [150] Arrowheads from Broken Blades
- [150] Arrowshafts from Fallen Trees
- [150] Flags of the Free Peoples
- [150] A Cauldron of Iron
- [150] Oil for Boiling
- [150] Defence of Tol Ascarnen (this quest has no repeat cooldown)
- [150] Raid: Assault on Tol Ascarnen (available when Tol Ascarnen is held by the creeps)
Lugazag Quests (available when Lugazag is held by the Freeps, repeatable daily)
- [150] Iron for the Cauldron of Lugazag
- [150] Oil for the Cauldron of Lugazag
- [150] Fangs for Arrows
- [150] Patching the Holes
- [150] Defence of Lugazag (this quest has no repeat cooldown)
Grimwood Lumber Camp Quests (available when the Grimwood Lumber Camp is held by the Freeps, repeatable daily)
- [150] Little Folk Harvesters
- [150] Heft and Haft
- [150] Raid: Culling the Brood
- [150] Shafts for Arrows
- [150] End of the Wintersebb
- [150] Defence of the Lumber-camp (this quest has no repeat cooldown)
Isendeep Mine Quests (available when the Isendeep Mine is held by the Freeps, repeatable daily)
- [150] Mouth of Shadow
- [150] Reaping the Snow and Cold
- [150] Defence of the Isendeep (this quest has no repeat cooldown)
- [150] Matron of the Wintersebb (available when Isendeep Mine is held by drakes)
- [150] Golloval of the Golden Eagles (available when Isendeep Mine is held by the creeps)
The Sundering of Osgiliath Quests
Court of Anárion
- [150] The Battle for Osgiliath -- introduction quest
- [150] Cutting off the Orders
- [150] Defend the Belegiant Bridge
- [150] Destroying the Defences
- [150] Enemy at the Eastern Wharf
- [150] Storming Shrak Mauruk
Palace of Eldacar
- [150] An Issue With Spying Wings
- [150] Hens in a Dire Situation
- [150] Protective and Aggressive Shells
- [150] Scouting the Conflict
- [150] Urgent Supplies for the Armoury
- [150] Ambush the Inventory
- [150] Defend the Ornendil Bridge
- [150] Encroaching Spiders
- [150] Fodder for the Forge
- [150] Taking the Ornendil Bridge