Quest:Tribute to the Tyrant

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Tribute to the Tyrant
Faction Creep
Level 150
Type Solo
Starts at Tol Ascarnen
Starts with Quartermaster Apsduf
[16.0S, 17.4W]
Ends at Tol Ascarnen
Ends with Quartermaster Apsduf
[16.0S, 17.4W]
Money Reward 20 Silver 14 Copper 
Rank change Increased Infamy (80)
Commendations 100 Commendations
Repeatable Daily
Quest Chain Tol Ascarnen Creep
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'Pay attention to everything I say, wretch, else I'll stretch your hide from the west bridge of this island to the east bridge. Our leader, Tyrant Trintrû, is deserving of our praise and our tribute. Time for you to pay your tribute, dog.

'The one thing, above all else, that Tyrant Trintrû desires is Man-flesh. So you will oblige him. You will go into the wild, find the Men at their holdings or wandering through the wood, ripe for picking, and you will cut their legs from their bodies.

'Bring their legs back to me, and I will see that the Tyrant knows you have paid him proper tribute! Go now, worm!'


Tyrant Trintrû at Tol Ascarnen is deserving of praise and tribute. The tribute which the tyrant desires most is the flesh of Men.

Objective 1

Men can be found throughout the Ettenmoors.

Quartermaster Apsduf ordered you to gather Man-flesh as tribute to the Tyrant at Tol Ascarnen.

Objective 2

Men can be found throughout the Ettenmoors.

Quartermaster Apsduf ordered you to gather Man-flesh as tribute to the Tyrant at Tol Ascarnen.

Quartermaster Apsduf: 'For the glory of Angmar, Mordirith, and the service of Lugburz! You serve your masters well, cur!'